Chapter 136 A divine object that can change the day

Sheng Minglin didn't expect this girl to know right from wrong. He lost his sense of etiquette and integrity and directly mocked: "Isn't Mr. Qin very handsome? Is it what you like? It's a pity that he doesn't like you! You think so highly of yourself that you think you are How good you are, but the person you like will never look down on you!! Prince Duan avoids you like a snake and a scorpion, and the fourth prince, even if you are hidden in Zhuzhu's body, the fourth prince will look down upon you..."

He deliberately called her by name, looked at her sideways, and spoke slowly and mockingly.

Sure enough, her eyes were red, and her eyes were crazy at that moment. She suddenly struggled away, and she didn't know where she got the strength, but she almost jumped out of Jin Yiwei's hand.

Jin Yiwei quickly held her down with two people, Yuyan struggled wildly, and yelled: "A bunch of blind scumbags! Bastards! I came to save you with good intentions, but you don't know how to appreciate me! You guys Ignorant natives, you don’t understand anything! I can obviously change the world, why can’t you love me! What’s so good about Xie Anning! Who does Sheng Mingzhu mean! I have big breasts and a slim waist. Is it a loss for me to sleep with a beauty? Obviously, as long as you love me a little bit, that's all. As long as you love me a little bit, I can do a lot of things..."

Her voice was high-pitched and thin, and she spoke very fast and somewhat incoherently.

Several people found that there was no need to be more agitated, so they listened quietly and summarized the key points.

Although it is possible to change souls on the sixth day of May, what if it happens?So if you can know more, just know more.

"Yuyan" yelled crazily for about a quarter of an hour, talking a lot in random directions, and then suddenly shook and became quiet. The real Sheng Yulu only raised his head and fainted.

Qin Jiangbai raised his hand gently, and the Jin Yiwei took her down.

Everyone turned around and walked slowly, thinking to themselves.

The fourth prince let go of his hand and glanced at Zhuzhu.

The "Yuyan" scream just now was too loud. The fourth prince stepped back a dozen steps and covered Tuanzi's ears with all his strength.

He covered it so hard that Tuanzi's little head was squeezed and hurt, and his ears hurt terribly. He raised his little hand to pull his ears in aggrieved manner and looked at the fourth prince.

The fourth prince was startled when he saw that her little ears were red, and whispered: "Is it hurting Zhuzhu?"

Tuanzi nodded, and the fourth prince apologized in a low voice: "I'm sorry, fourth brother didn't pay attention just now."

The dumpling was really a little painful, but she insisted on following it and was too embarrassed to cry, so she tilted her little head and said, "Four pots of pot, huh."

The fourth prince held her little head and breathed gently on her.

Tuanzi stopped, opened her little arms to hug him, and kissed him softly: "It doesn't hurt, Zhuzhu is not angry with Si Guo Guo!"

The corner of the fourth prince's mouth was slightly curved, and he was about to speak, when he caught something from the corner of his eye. When he looked up, he saw the seventh prince squatting in the medicine bush, looking a little panicked.

The fourth prince raised his eyebrows.

Prince Duan, the Fourth Prince and the Emperor have heard about Sheng Minglin's story of rebirth, but no one has ever asked the Seventh Prince about it. The main reason is that the Seventh Prince is a fool and he may not know much. Let him know this. Afterwards, the possibility of showing off one's true qualities is very high.But, he probably guessed something from what he just heard.

The fourth prince didn't care and called him: "Qi Lang, come here and look at Zhu Zhu."

The seventh prince hurried over and hugged Zhuzhu over. The fourth prince turned around and called the guards in golden clothes, asking them to go over and take care of her.

Then he slowed down and waited for Sheng Minglin and others to come over to discuss.

Sheng Minglin looked complicated: "Fourth brother, she said 'opening a harem', 'a heartthrob script' and so on. I was wondering, does she mean that one woman marries multiple husbands? For example, when she took over the Chen family, her original intention was , she regards my father as the first... Then, as long as my father loves her a little, she seems to have the ability to make him love her more deeply, and then she can get more benefits. After getting the benefits, then... ahem , proceed to the next one. This is also true in the second life, she took the fourth brother as the first one, and then..."

This idea was too shameful. The boy was stuttering when he spoke and his face turned red.

Qin Jiangbai was very calm and whispered: "That's what she seems to mean. It's not that a woman marries multiple husbands, but 'sleeps' with multiple husbands. She keeps saying 'sleep with me', as if there is a physical relationship? Dunlon Is that okay? But the two 'No.1's she chose twice in a row failed, so she couldn't take the next step, so she hates you very much in her heart."

Sheng Minglin coughed twice: "I'm thinking about something. This person is a nymphomaniac and an idiot. I think this is unquestionable and not pretending... but the 'system' is really under her control." Is this? This kind of, how should I put it, a magical creature that can change the day, is really willing to be controlled by a fool? If the 'system' is just using her, then what does this 'system' want? "

Huo Chenzhao usually doesn't talk much, but he is still a young man after all. Seeing such a strange thing with his own eyes, he couldn't help but interject: "Is it like the story of Zhiguai, is it a monster that comes to steal the country's fortune?"

"Thinking too much," the fourth prince said calmly: "In the two lives she could choose, she became Chen's because she wanted to give birth to auspiciousness. After her plan failed, she took the Shezhu bead because she wanted to take auspiciousness as her own. ’, in short, it’s all for auspiciousness.”

"Yes!" Sheng Minglin understood after he mentioned it: "But after she took the Shenzhen Pearl, she obviously lost her auspicious ability, and her plan also failed, and it should have caused some consequences, so Master Du'e said 'Pearls are covered in dust', so in the end, Master Due is not teaching her, but should be thinking of ways to make the real Zhuzhu wake up."

After saying this, the two of them suddenly fell silent together. They didn't dare to think deeply and changed the topic in unison: "Is it time to eat?"

Huo Chenzhao pondered and said, "Why doesn't she just..."

Sheng Minglin understood what he meant. He wanted to say that since she wanted auspiciousness, why not just seize her body to thank An Ning?Isn’t that the person who gives birth to auspiciousness?
Sheng Minglin said: "I guess she wasn't that powerful at first, so she couldn't be chosen. Later, because she succeeded in plotting against my father, she gave birth to me. Although it didn't go well after that, she should be a little stronger than at first. Therefore, in the second life, you can take the samadhi beads."

He sighed deeply at the fate he couldn't choose.

The fourth prince turned back, patted his shoulder, and said to Qin Jiangbai: "Jiang Bai, when the time comes, choose a stronger death row prisoner."

What he meant was not to let Yuyan die so easily. This disgusting thing must make her suffer more, so he moved her into a strong body and tortured her.

Qin Jiangbai agreed, and Sheng Minglin remembered and asked him: "Didn't Prince Qi find Sheng Yulu before?"

(End of this chapter)

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