Chapter 137 There Will Be Retribution
Qin Jiangbai said: "I looked for him. I heard that the Second Young Master sent people to look for him quietly two or three times, but then he stopped."

They, the Jin Yiwei, were keeping a close eye on him. They originally thought that if the fuss got too big, they would reveal some information to them, but in the end, it was of no use at all, and it was not enough.

Sheng Minglin frowned and blurted out: "That's wrong."

You know, no matter how unfavored Sheng Yulu is, she will still be the princess of the palace.

A prince's princess disappeared in the capital. This was not entirely the Qi Prince's own business.

To put it more seriously, if you dare to kidnap the princess, do you want to rebel?

To put it mildly, if a little girl was kidnapped and someone took advantage of her, even if the nine clans of those people were killed, the royal family would be in great disgrace.

Therefore, let alone not being favored, even if you hate her and hate her, the most you can do is ignore her. If you dare to cause harm... it's fine if outsiders don't know. Once investigated, it will be a big deal.

Therefore, as long as Prince Qi is not stupid, Prince Qi’s Mansion should never cover up this matter. Therefore, you can quietly inform the Emperor and then investigate quietly, or you can directly ask the Soldiers and Horses Division to help find someone like Zhuzhu disappeared before. Can.

However, seeing that neither the fourth prince nor Qin Jiangbai knew, it was obvious that he did not.

In particular, he had met Prince Qi before, and Cui Xiaolin once told him that Prince Qi was a person who did not take things too seriously. He would go around building bridges and stirring up trouble every day, looking for trouble. If he was really like this People, when something like this happens, you have to deal with it without mercy. It’s only reasonable to make a fuss. Let’s calm down like this... something is definitely going on here!

Is this because I don’t want to look for it, or because I don’t dare to look for it?

Thinking about it again, he provokes people everywhere every day, is he doing it on purpose?

Sheng Minglin looked at the fourth prince and said slowly: "I heard from others that Uncle Qi Wang has a lively temper."

The fourth prince had many things going on, so he didn't notice it at first. When he said this, he realized it instantly, pondered for a moment, and said, "I will tell my father."

Sheng Minglin whispered: "The Longevity Festival is only a few days away."

During the Longevity Festival, everyone from Prince Qi's palace had to go to the palace. If Sheng Yulu couldn't go, there would definitely be an explanation.

The most commonly used excuse is to report illness, but my daughter is afraid to report it because she is missing, so why should I report illness?How guilty do you feel?Why feel guilty?
The subtleties in this are worth checking out.

The fourth prince couldn't help but glance at Sheng Minglin and nodded.

Politics is a kind of cruel and mysterious wisdom, and it is usually an innate talent that can only be improved through learning, but cannot be obtained through learning.

Although Sheng Minglin had been trapped in the palace in his previous life, he was not self-taught in politics. Others, such as Huo Chenzhao, although very smart, but from what I heard along the way, it was obvious that they were not good at this. Another example is Qin Jiangbai, although he is already in the official career, Also, not astute in this regard.

Several people walked over while talking.

The meals prepared here mostly use herbs. They are not luxurious, but they are quite unique.

The fourth princes were not picky people, so they had a hasty lunch and were ready to go back, but Zhuzhu liked this medicine garden and didn't want to leave. She held her brother's hand, her eyes were blurred from sleep, and she was still mumbling: "Debt" Play for a while, play debt for a while.”

That's fine. Sheng Minglin had nothing to do anyway, so he planned to stay a little longer. The fourth prince and Qin Jiangbai went back first.

Zhuzhu went to take a nap with peace of mind. The seventh prince came over and glanced at Huo Chenzhao, obviously wanting to whisper to Sheng Minglin.

Huo Chenzhao originally came out to accompany the guests as the host. When he saw him like this, he stood up and pretended to go to see Zhuzhu.

The seventh prince immediately came over and whispered: "Minglin, I heard Sheng Yulu yelling, saying... that I was ugly, and that my mother hanged herself, and it was none of her business... She, she... What do you mean? What are you busy with these days?"

Sheng Minglin said warmly: "Brother Qi, I'm not hiding anything from you, but you are straightforward and simple-minded. I'm worried that you won't be able to hide things, so I don't dare to tell you in detail. However, your enemies not only harm She killed you and harmed many people, so she will definitely get retribution, and what we are doing now is related to this."

The seventh prince looked at him and hesitated to speak.Sheng Minglin weighed it in his mind and felt that it was not good for him to keep thinking about it, so he told him: "If you want to say that you remember the 'previous life', then you don't need to care, everyone knows it."

The Seventh Prince was shocked, stared at him for a long time, and said sarcastically: "Do you all know?"

"Well," Sheng Minglin comforted him: "So, you don't have to think too much, it's not a big deal. Let me tell you, you are living in Prince Duan's Mansion now, and someone may try to trick you. Remember, except for Fourth Brother, Others, if any brother or uncle comes to you and asks how you are doing in Prince Duan's Mansion, just do this...don't care what he asks, but whenever he asks, tell him who Master Wu is. How to praise you, what moves you learned, how powerful you are, don’t mention anything else, as long as he doesn’t leave, you keep telling him this.”

The seventh prince nodded solemnly: "I remember."

He pursed his lips, thought for a long time, and then said softly: "Actually, Sheng Yulu was the one who killed me and my mother, wasn't she? She also pretended to be Zhuzhu... She harmed Zhuzhu, right?"

Sheng Minglin nodded, "She also harmed me, Shen Zhao, Qin Jiangbai, Sheng Yulu... She has harmed countless people."

The Seventh Prince was stunned for a while and murmured: "That's it."

He burst into tears immediately, "I, I still bullied Zhuzhu, I'm really nothing..."

He couldn't speak any more, so he stood up suddenly, jumped three times and disappeared, and could only hear suppressed cries from a distance.

There were too many herbs. Sheng Minglin stood up and searched for a long time but couldn't find them. He had no choice but to come back and sit down.

So when Tuanzi woke up from his nap, he found that the seventh prince's eyes were red and swollen.

Tuanzi was surprised and pointed at him: "Qi Guo Guo, what's wrong with you?"

The Seventh Prince squeaked, and Sheng Minglin said, "What is his... name?"

He looked at Huo Chenzhao.

Huo Chenzhao had no choice but to say: "It's a wind disease. It may be due to some herbs or flowers that are not suitable for his body, and he will suffer from wind disease."

Tuanzi was dubious and tilted his head to look at him carefully. Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Otherwise, Seventh Brother is not a weak scholar like me. Seventh Brother is an iron-blooded man who bleeds but does not shed tears."

Tuanzi believed it on the spot, nodded, and stretched out his hand to touch the seventh prince's head: "Then you need to drink the medicine!"

The seventh prince immediately put his big head close to him, took advantage of Tuanzi's little hand, and obeyed him like a [-]-pound dog: "Okay, drink the medicine."

Tuanzi didn't go out to play anymore, and the little one sat there guarding him, waiting for him to drink the medicine.

Huo Chenzhao had no choice but to make a bowl of medicinal tea. The seventh prince raised his hand and drank it without asking what it was. Tuanzi touched his face beside him: "Qi Guo Guo Guo! Qi Guo Guo Bang Bang!"

The seventh prince's eyes were hot, and he opened his arms to hug her, gently but deeply, and held her like this for a long time.

The rough boy seemed to have grown up suddenly at this moment.

A group of people stayed until Shen went back. At the city gate, people from the palace were already waiting, saying that the emperor would let them all enter the palace.

So the group didn't even return to the palace. They only sent someone to report the news, and then went directly into the palace and went to the queen's palace.

Emperor Mingxi was already waiting there, as were the fourth prince and Qin Jiangbai.

As soon as he saw Zhuzhu, Emperor Mingxi bent down and opened his hands, saying: "Zhuzhu'er, come quickly! Uncle Huang misses you so much that he can't even eat for several days!"

Tuanzi's eyes widened in surprise, and his little face was filled with "So Uncle Huang misses me so much, but it's a pity that I didn't think about Uncle Huang"!
Naituanzi felt a little guilty, so she ran over and raised her little arms: "Zhuzhu, let me suck your belly."

(End of this chapter)

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