Chapter 138 The strange eldest prince

Emperor Mingxi smiled and took the little man in his arms.

The little doll's whole body was covered with bubble meat, which was fragrant and soft. Emperor Mingxi took a deep breath and felt very relieved. He also asked her: "Zhuzhu went to Yaoyuanzi today, was it fun?"

Tuanzi nodded, suddenly thought of something, hugged Uncle Huang's big head with both hands, and said eye to eye: "Uncle Huang, dad gave Zhuzhu a name, can Uncle Huang change it?"

"Huh? Of course!" Emperor Mingxi said immediately: "No matter who gave you the name, the emperor can change it! Come on, Zhu Zhu'er, tell the emperor why you need to change your name?"

Tuanzi said: "Because Zhuzhu wants to learn to fly..."

She explained in a sweet voice: "The beautiful Guoguo is called Crow, so he can fly; Mr. Qin is called Bird Brother, so he can fly. Zhuzhu also wanted to learn to fly, so she thought of a flying bird that could fly high and low. The name of the bird."

Huo Chenzhao/Qin Jiangbai: "..."

My name is not Crow/Bird Brother.

"Is this so?" Emperor Mingxi looked stunned: "None of their names sound nice! I'll give you the nicest one later! Nothing can fly the highest and farthest in the world than an eagle. You want something a little more mysterious?" And Dapeng, why don’t you just call it..."

Huang Jingkou Yuyan Emperor Zhao stopped as if unintentionally: "By the way, Zhuzhu, why do you want to learn to fly?"

Tuanzi didn't notice anything was wrong at all: "Because, Zhuzhu wants to mess with daddy! She wants to see daddy! If Zhuzhu can fly, she can fly to see daddy every morning. She can also eat and play with daddy, and then fly at night. Go home and sleep... You can also fly to see Si Guo Guo doing business, you can also see Emperor Auntie, and Master Qin, and Zhuzhu will play with whoever is free for a while!"

Emperor Mingxi frowned: "Why don't you come to see me?"

Tuanzi was stunned for a moment, blinked his big eyes, and said quickly: "Then, Zhuzhu also comes to see Uncle Huang."

Emperor Mingxi said: "How many days do you come to see me?"

Tuanzi looked at him, and then said weakly: "Ten days?"

"What?" The emperor's voice was extremely loud, "Ten days??"

Tuanzi trembled in fright, and twirled his fingers a few times, "How about eight or seven days?"

The emperor's voice became louder: "Seven days?!"

Tuanzi became even more frightened, and the whole group curled up, and her little hands subconsciously pushed his face: "How about, when Zhuzhu comes to see the emperor's mother every day, she can also visit the emperor's uncle by the way?"

The emperor's voice became louder: "By the way?!"

Tuanzi was so frightened that he stammered, and his mother-in-law said: "No, don't make a loud noise! ​​If you do, you will break the reward by crying!"

The emperor immediately said: "I am not afraid."

Tuanzi's eyes widened and he was stunned.

Huo Chenzhao, who saw this scene for the first time, was so stunned that he even forgot to hide his expression.

The emperor was so shameless, and the three-year-old Tuanzi was no match for him. Zhuzhu looked at him for a moment, with tears in his eyes and trembling: "Zhuzhu, if Zhuzhu wants to cry, Zhuzhu will cry very loudly..."

Emperor Mingxi knew that he was about to make Tuanzi anxious, so he was very sorry. He happened to see the eldest prince entering the door, and he asked: "Do you want Zhuzhu to hug him?"

Sheng Minglin twitched the corner of his mouth.

You say how bad this person is, even at this time, he still has to be someone that dumplings don't like to find.

But Tuanzi couldn't care less about choosing someone at this moment. He stood on his knees with his hands and feet, and couldn't wait to open his hands: "Fat Guoguo Hug! Hug! Hug Zhuzhu!"

The eldest prince had not even finished the ceremony. It was rare for Zhuzhu to be so enthusiastic. He stood up happily, hugged Zhuzhu over and kissed her little face.

Zhuzhu didn't even bother to say hello to him and pointed to the distance: "Fat Guoguo, go there, let's go there!"

The eldest prince followed her and walked a few steps in that direction. Zhuzhu glanced back and felt that she was still very close to the emperor's uncle and not safe enough, so she pushed his face: "More elbows, more elbows, and the distance is reduced." reduce."

The eldest prince had no choice but to walk another dozen steps until he reached the pillar. Then he asked someone to bring a stool and sat far away from the others while shouting from a distance: "Father, please ask your ministers to do this." what?"

Just looking at this attitude, you can tell that it is relatively casual for the family to get along in private.

Zhuzhu held the eldest prince's thick arms with both hands, blocking herself, only exposing one eye, and quietly looking here.Emperor Mingxi laughed twice and dismissed the seventh prince casually. Then he turned his head and said, "Shen Zhao, go and feel his pulse."

Huo Chenzhao thought that someone had already moved the table, chair and wrist pillow. The eldest prince was a little surprised, but he still stretched out his hand to feel Huo Chenzhao's pulse.

Sheng Minglin and the others were chatting over there, waiting for the results there.

Huo Chenzhao held it for a long time this time. The Queen stopped talking and looked at him from a distance.

The fourth prince stood up and said, "Shen Zhao?"

Huo Chenzhao turned around and saluted and said: "There is nothing unusual about the pulse. The common people asked for orders to treat the three departments and nine waiters."

The three parts and nine conditions are the diagnosis of the arteries throughout the body. The whole body is divided into three parts: head, hand and foot, and the parts are divided into three parts: heaven, earth and human beings, so it is called three parts and nine conditions.

Emperor Mingxi said: "Yes."

The fourth prince stepped forward and took Zhuzhu over. Someone took them down. Sheng Minglin quickly came over to take Zhuzhu, so the fourth prince followed.

The eldest prince took off his coat and asked Huo Chenzhao to examine each one one by one, while whispering: "What's going on? What's wrong with me?"

The fourth prince said: "Father is afraid that you will have something."

The eldest prince frowned and said nothing. Huo Chenzhao felt his pulse and said, "Your Highness practices martial arts every day, at least for half an hour, right?"

The eldest prince hummed, and Huo Chenzhao said, "You haven't used any medicine recently, have you?"

"Yes," the eldest prince said, "It seems that I haven't used medicine for a long time. I rarely even use soothing tea or hangover tea."

Huo Chenzhao said: "Your Highness doesn't have a big appetite, does he?"

The eldest prince said nothing: "It shouldn't be too big."

Huo Chenzhao asked some more small questions, and it took him half an hour to finish them.

The eldest prince stood up and dressed. Huo Chenzhao was washing his hands beside him. The eldest prince asked, "What's wrong with me?"

Huo Chenzhao was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't even hear it. The eldest prince was a kind-hearted man, so he didn't take it personally and straightened his sleeves.

Huo Chenzhao thought for a while, then suddenly came back to his senses, turned his head, and the fourth prince asked: "How?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "It's a little... strange."

"Strange?" the eldest prince asked, "What do you mean?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "Your Highness is in good health, but I always feel a little strange. Well, as is often said in medical practice, look, smell, and feel, look at the complexion, listen to the voice, ask about symptoms, and feel the pulse. In other words, the human body is a whole, and you can feel the pulse. It should be roughly consistent with what you can see by looking at your complexion.”

"However, His Highness has thick lips, a fat tongue, and a heavy breath. The way he looks at each other and listens to the sounds seems to be a person who is addicted to food and eats and drinks frequently. However, this is not the case when feeling the stomach and intestines. Moreover, the pulse is not slow and slippery, and the blood is not stagnant. Blockage, if I close my eyes and feel my pulse, with this pulse condition, it is unlikely that I am obese."

The eldest prince frowned and asked, " use medicine?"

"I don't know," Huo Chenzhao said, "Maybe it's medicine, maybe it's needles, maybe it's something else. The common people are incompetent and can't figure out how to treat it."

The eldest prince nodded thoughtfully.

Even through a partition, the other side could hear clearly. Emperor Mingxi asked: "Is there any more?"

"No," Huo Chenzhao said: "Others, the common people have never revealed it."

The eldest prince raised his eyebrows.

If this person hadn't been told by his father personally, he might have thought that he said something deliberately to deal with the errand, but everyone took it seriously. After thinking about it... he really felt like he was getting fat even if he drank water.

But if you are fatter, just be fatter. Apart from being called "Fat Brother" by Zhuzhu, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Emperor Mingxi said directly: "Where is your heir?"

(End of this chapter)

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