Chapter 140

Tuanzi came back to his senses, "Oh, I dreamed about you... I dreamed about the old man wearing a beautiful four-pot pot and wearing the clothes of the emperor..."

Several people in the room: "..."

Wearing a dragon robe?Although they already knew it, several people still didn't dare to answer the question.

Tuanzi didn't know that he couldn't say this, so he continued: "There was a lot of paper in his hand, and there were a lot of things on the paper. Siguoguo was looking at it. Then, Siguoguo said... Although this woman has a big mouth, she is hot and so on. , but as she said, it doesn’t mean it has no merit at all. For example, the national anthem and the flag are excellent.”

A heinous crime?Trouble the world?
National anthem, flag?
Everyone listened quietly, and Zhuzhu continued: "Siguoguo pressed the paper with his hand and said, if you love someone to the first level, you will go crazy. Isn't it wrong for such a magical thing to be used on one person? Too wasteful? First make the Dasheng flag, and then it will spread all over the world, and it will be tied to what...and then what system..."

Because she didn't understand, Zhuzhu had a hard time recalling it and her words were vague, but everyone understood.

In particular, Emperor Mingxi was a military general. When he was granted the title of King of Yan, when he was marching and fighting, he would carry a flag with the word "Yan" in front of him. As soon as the flag arrived, everyone knew that King Yan had arrived.

The same is true for the national flag. The Yanzi flag is the symbol of King Yan, and the national flag is the symbol of the country. First spread the word to the world, and then use more methods to deepen everyone's memory. Within a year, everyone will remember it. Live and get used to it, and by then, as soon as you see this kind of flag, you will know that it is Dasheng.

And that system, as long as my love for "her/him" reaches [-]%, it will skyrocket after that?

In short, it has a similar meaning. The fourth prince does have an idea. He can actually think of using this kind of power on the national flag. Doesn't that mean it is used on the country?

Well, whether you are a commoner or a minister, as long as you have a little love for the country or Dasheng, you will be unable to control yourself and love more and more, until you are so in love that you can't extricate yourself... Then, the king is still worried about not having loyal ministers?

Even if the power is not that strong after being divided, it is still pretty good if it has some.

Indeed, it is too wasteful to use such a divine thing on one person, so it should be used like this! !

Zhuzhu was still stuttering and trying to remember. The people in front of her had already been thinking about it for several times.

Tuanzi finally said: "Si Guo Guo talked about strings one after another. Zhu Zhu really can't remember it! Si Guo Guo, next time you talk less about it, okay?"

Fourth Prince: "Okay."

Sheng Minglin said warmly: "Zhuzhu, do you still remember what the national flag looks like?"

Tuanzi compared her hands: "Tie a dragon head with horns and open its mouth." She pointed her little finger to her mouth: "The teeth are so long!"

Dragon head?Several people pondered individually.

If you want a national flag, you will definitely ask your courtiers to make some first. But at the time of the fourth prince, it was at least ten or twenty years later. The courtiers who painted the national flag at that time may not be in the court now. This kind of thing, if the painting is different, I don’t know if it will still be useful?
After all, Yuyan didn't seem to know about this, because she believed that the system was with the fourth prince.

Emperor Mingxi's previous joy dropped back a little, and he frowned in thought.

Over there, the Queen didn't say much. Seeing that Tuanzi had finished speaking, she said, "Then Zhuzhuer, let's sleep."

Sheng Minglin hugged Zhuzhu horizontally, and Zhuzhu grabbed his brother's lapel and said: "The master who painted the dragon head is also very good-looking."

Everyone was in high spirits at that time. Even Emperor Mingxi, who was hiding behind him, couldn't help but stick out his head. Sheng Minglin said, "Is he an adult that Zhuzhu knows?"

Zhuzhu shook her head.

Sheng Minglin asked again: "What kind of adult is he? Are you old?"

Zhuzhu said: "Just like Mr. Xu, thin, with dark eyes, a beard, a slight loss of age, but quite good-looking." Sheng Minglin asked patiently: "How old are you? Like Xu Are you that old, sir?”

Zhuzhu said: "Older than Mr. Xu, just like..." She thought for a long time: "Just like grandpa, who is as old as me and has a pretty face."

Well, assuming that happened 20 years later, then he is now in his 40s or [-]s, and is probably already in the court. Emperor Mingxi made up his mind to go to the court tomorrow to ask who is good at painting, and pick out the people before calling them dumplings. I went to recognize him and glanced at the fourth prince.

The fourth prince guessed that he might have meant for him to submit a memorial, so he nodded.

Emperor Mingxi walked away lightly.

Zhuzhu didn't notice, and slowly closed her eyes. The queen kept watching, waiting for her to fall asleep, and then she got up and left.

The fourth prince turned off the lamp and lay down on the couch. Sheng Minglin whispered: "It's just the national flag, what's the meaning of the national anthem?"

After all, the matter of Qu Le is not solemn after all. How can it be connected with Jiangshan Sheji?
The fourth prince whispered: "Have you forgotten King Qin's Formation Breaking Music?"

Sheng Minglin suddenly became speechless.

The music of King Qin breaking the formation is a symbol of the prosperous Tang Dynasty and also a symbol of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty.

King of Qin was Li Shimin's title before he ascended the throne. The music of King Qin's Breaking the Formation was originally a military song in the early Tang Dynasty. Later, after Li Shimin ascended the throne, he adapted it. The song is powerful and very appealing, especially at that time when the Tang Dynasty was powerful and powerful. People from all over the world came to Korea, and with Li Shimin's fame, this song even became famous abroad.

The most legendary thing is that during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang army was defeated and surrendered to Huang Chao's army. The surrender letter was signed. However, when the music of King Qin breaking the formation was played at the banquet, the soldiers burst into tears. Later, this matter spread to the people. Everyone who heard this cried, and the people and soldiers decided to fight to the bitter end, so they executed the envoy and tore up the letter of surrender. After that, they fought without hesitation and finally won a great victory.

This battle was a battle that turned the world around and brought the Tang Dynasty back from the brink of life and death. The key to changing this was actually a military song, the song of King Qin breaking the formation, and Li Shimin's Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, he is narrow-minded. This legend is enough to prove that the national anthem can exist, is extremely useful, and can also become a symbol of a country.

Sheng Minglin was slightly lost in thought.

Tuanzi turned over and spread his hands and feet. The little man just occupied the boss's place, and his feet were pressed against the fourth prince.

The fourth prince was obviously not asleep either. He moved away, gently squeezed Tuanzi's small fleshy feet, and whispered: "I was thinking about what Yuyan said today, foot binding..."

Sheng Minglin said: "My parents would never let Zhuzhu have her feet bound, and they didn't have them bound in the last life either."

He paused for a moment: "It's not that Yuyan refuses to be wrapped, it's just that my parents didn't mean it, so I think Zhuzhu in the first life didn't wrap it either."

Emperor Taizu ordered people to bind their feet because it was necessary to rule during the founding period of the country. First, it was simple and crude, and he ordered women to bind their feet, restricting their movements, and making it easier to control women.

But it gradually became an aesthetic. When a girl with small feet got married, she was particularly popular with literati and officials. However, as Zhuzhu was a princess of the royal family, it was not her turn to be chosen by others. Therefore, not only Zhuzhu, but also most princesses did not bind their feet. Even a noble lady like Princess Duan doesn’t have her feet bound!

Yuyan's scolding of "Three Obediences and Four Virtues but still bound feet" should be an attempt to inflict a crime, which corresponds to the "feudal society" mentioned above.

What the fourth prince means by saying this is that in future generations, following the three obediences and four virtues and binding feet are extremely wrong things?Otherwise, why could this obviously not very smart Yuyan blurt out these words?

Sheng Minglin said: "It should be. I heard that 'a pair of small feet brings a bucket of tears', so I guess the feet must be bound..."

Before she finished her sentence, she heard Zhuzhu mutter: "Uncle Huang..."

(End of this chapter)

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