Chapter 141 The little fat girl is so brave

The two stopped talking at the same time, propped up their bodies, and looked at Zhuzhu carefully in the darkness.

As a result, Zhuzhu only muttered this sentence and then fell silent. After a while, she pupated once, raised her two calves, and kicked away the quilt covering her body.

This was probably because Emperor Mingxi was frightened. The two of them lay back down silently. In a tacit understanding, one of them lifted the other and covered the quilt back.

Not long after covering her, Zhuzhu raised her legs again, kicked the quilt away, and slowly sat up. In the darkness, she could see her little head turning, and then turning.

The two of them couldn't tell whether they were awake or dreaming. They were afraid of scaring her, so they didn't dare to move for a while.

Then Zhuzhu rubbed her little head and thought for a while, supported the fourth prince, and quietly stood up.

The fourth prince was on the outside of the bed. Zhuzhu tried to step over him, but her legs were not long enough and her lift was not high enough. With one step, she sat down on him and whispered "Ouch".

The fourth prince put his arms around her: "Zhu Zhu'er? What's wrong? Do you want it convenient?"

Tuanzi said in a breathy voice: "Shh!"

She curled up her calves and crawled two or three steps on him. She slapped his face and whispered: "Don't wake up Guo Guo! Zhu Zhu is dreaming. Zhu Zhu wants to find Uncle Huang, and then, with the pendant The loud falling sound woke him up and made him cry!!"

Fourth Prince: "..."

Emperor Mingxi always bullied Zhuzhu, so to a certain extent, he reaped what he sowed.

Although he felt that it was probably just an ordinary dream and not a mysterious dream, the fourth prince still said: "It's very dark and scary outside. If Zhuzhu doesn't go away, fourth brother will ask someone else to call him."

He raised his voice: "Come here!"

Someone answered quickly outside, and then the fourth prince whispered: "Go and invite your father."

The palace people responded in unison. Someone quickly came in to light the candles and then left silently. Sheng Minglin also pretended to have just woken up and sat up.

After a while, Emperor Mingxi strode in with his clothes on. The Queen did not come over, so she must have really fallen asleep.

Emperor Mingxi obviously also thought that it might be just an ordinary dream, and said with a smile: "Zhuzhu'er, did you dream about uncle Huang? Do you miss uncle Huang?"

"It's not tied!" Tuanzi had a serious face and waved his hands, firmly denying: "Zhuzhu didn't think about it!"

Emperor Mingxi laughed.

If this was normal, I would definitely have to grab it and rub it for a while, but if it was late at night, I would have to listen to the dream, so forget it.

Emperor Mingxi was like a good and reliable adult, he was very amiable and said: "What dream did Zhuzhu have?"

Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu dreamed that Uncle Huang was angry."

Emperor Mingxi relaxed completely and yawned: "Huh? How do you get angry?"

Tuanzi said: "Uncle Huang is standing up there angry, with big eyes, very fierce! There are many, many adults down there, Si Guo Guo is also there, Fat Guo Guo is also there, San Guo Guo is also there, grandpa and uncle are also there... …”

Emperor Mingxi slowly sat up straight, and Tuanzi continued: "Uncle Huang said that I have more money, not because I miss Yandi. I don't need to tell you how important the house in Beidi is. Don't you understand..."

Emperor Mingxi raised his eyebrows, a little angry and a little funny.

Do I have much money?
I really don’t have much money, and the national treasury is very poor... But he said “I moved the capital”, right?

To be honest, Peiping is his base camp. As a prince who has returned from vassal status for many years and ascended the throne, he has more prestige, more control, and more peace of mind in his base camp... Of course there are reasons for him to move the capital. .

However, the most fundamental reason is that the grassland peoples have always been a serious problem for Da Sheng, and northern border defense has always been a top priority. The capital is located here, and the military center of gravity moves northward, which facilitates dispatch, consolidates border defense, and the emperor guards the country... Only then... is his purpose.

He knew that moving the capital would cost money, but even if it cost money, he still had to do it.

If Emperor Wu, who was well aware of the significance of this matter, did not take action, and Emperor Wen, who did not fight, came to power, it would probably have been shelved.

Therefore, as soon as he ascended the throne, he overcame all objections and built a palace in Peiping, and then moved the capital here.

This matter has been quarreling since he ascended the throne until now. Why is it brought up again?
Tuanzi tried hard to recall what he said, and chattered for a long time, complaining at the same time: "Uncle Huang, you talk too much, and you can't understand anything." The little fat girl is so brave!Do you dare to talk about him?

Emperor Mingxi did not take any evil measures for the time being. He only pinched her fat feet and said with a smile: "Who told you that it is hard to study? If you are good at studying, you will naturally understand."

Tuanzi was stunned for a moment, and then she looked away: "Anyway, I talked a lot anyway."

Sheng Minglin smiled and came to her rescue: "Zhu Zhu'er, what happened before Uncle Huang got angry?"

Tuanzi suddenly turned back: "It was a big fire, very big, and there was smoke, so high, so high... An adult said that Fengtian Hall, Gaidian Hall, and Jinshen Hall were all burned down."

Fengtian Hall, Huagai Hall, Jinshen Hall?Emperor Mingxi's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Tuanzi thought for a while and continued: "Many, many people were standing there watching. Many adults said that it was the Longevity Holy Day that the gods were resurrected, and they asked Uncle Huang to send me some tips..."

Guilty order?
Is this to force him to admit that moving the capital is wrong?Or even a king without virtue?That's why fire came down from heaven and burned down the palace?

It happened to be the day of his birthday. Hey, why had he ever done anything so outrageous that God actually wanted to bring down a natural disaster on his birthday?

Emperor Mingxi's face was dark.

The fourth prince whispered: "Zhuzhu, are there any more?"

Zhuzhu thought for a while and then said: "It's raining heavily."

The fourth prince was a little surprised: "It's raining heavily? How much?"

Zhuzhu pointed upward: "It's so big, it hits the ground so loudly, those adults are wiping their faces all the time."

Emperor Mingxi asked: "While it's raining heavily, there's still fire at the same time?"

Tuanzi nodded and gestured with his little hands: "It's red, it flies very high, and there's a lot of black smoke."

Emperor Mingxi pondered.

If it rains and lightning strikes and causes a fire, it is indeed like a divine punishment.

However, if a lightning strike causes a fire, for example, if it hits the roof of the Fengtian Hall, it is more than ten feet high. It is indeed difficult to put out the fire, and it is indeed easy to be burned down.

Moreover, there are verandahs outside the mountain next to the palace, and it is indeed easy to affect the surrounding palaces.

However, it is raining heavily!
After a lightning strike caused a fire, it stands to reason that it would be easily extinguished by heavy rain. The palace people did not put on a good show. With so many people, it was impossible to save the palace fire. It should be no problem to isolate the fire.

So it is reasonable to burn down one palace, but it is unreasonable to burn down three palaces!It’s impossible to strike the three palaces with lightning?

Even if lightning strikes the three halls, it will not be completely burned down even if it rains heavily.

Emperor Mingxi suddenly thought of something and turned to ask Sheng Minglin: "Lin'er doesn't remember this?"

Sheng Minglin had already recalled it, shook his head, and smiled bitterly: "I broke my leg and was recuperating, so I didn't know anything."

At that time, he had no status at home, and it was impossible for his servants to tell him the news from outside... Overhearing this kind of thing while chatting could only happen in dramas. Unless you have the intention, otherwise, in such a huge courtyard, where would it be? We can't talk, so we have to do it under the master's window?

Anyway, he really didn't know anything at that time.

Emperor Mingxi was not in a hurry, so he said: "After tomorrow's morning court, I will ask Qi Lang to come and ask."

The fourth prince responded, and Emperor Mingxi said: "Okay, go to sleep."

He stretched out his big hand and rubbed Tuanzi's little head, then stood up and left.

The three of them lay down again.

(End of this chapter)

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