Chapter 142 The Wise and Mighty Emperor Mingxi

After a lot of trouble this time, the fourth prince and Sheng Minglin, two worrying madmen, couldn't sleep at all, but Tuanzi fell asleep soundly as soon as he put it down. This toddler's sleeping skills are enviable to watch.

Early in the morning, the fourth prince got up to go to court. Sheng Minglin originally thought about squinting for a while before getting up. After all, he was in the palace... But Tuanzi was nestled in his arms, feeling warm and comfortable between his chest and abdomen. Be careful and fall asleep.

When he woke up, the sky was bright. Sheng Minglin hurriedly washed up and went over there, where he saw that Princess Duan had already arrived.

Sheng Minglin blushed and stepped forward to apologize. The Queen smiled and said, "It's okay. I told you not to disturb you. What's the big deal if you sleep a little longer here. Are you hungry?"

Sheng Minglin said: "It's okay."

The empress said: "Your uncle, the emperor, has said that after the morning court, come here for breakfast. If you are hungry, eat some snacks first, and you will eat together later."

Sheng Minglin agreed without any snacks. After waiting for a while, Emperor Mingxi, the fourth prince, and Qin Jiangbai came over. The seventh prince was also brought over, and they all had breakfast together.

After the cups and plates were removed, Emperor Mingxi looked at Princess Duan.

Princess Duan understood, and immediately stood up and saluted: "Brother Emperor, Sister-in-law Emperor, I want to see Zhuzhu."

Emperor Mingxi raised his hand, and Princess Duan withdrew.

Emperor Mingxi then asked the seventh prince, "Do you have memories of your previous life?"

The seventh prince was taken aback and looked at Sheng Minglin subconsciously. Then he said without hesitation: "Father, my son has been practicing the sword recently. Master Feng said that my son is extremely talented and has made rapid progress. If he practices in the future, he will immediately grow up." The sword must be invincible..."

Emperor Mingxi: "...???"

Sheng Minglin really couldn't bear to look at him, and hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down to apologize: "Uncle Huang, please forgive me, it is Minglin's fault. Minglin's own villainous heart told the seventh brother that except for the fourth brother, no one else would ask similar questions. He randomly interrupted the question, or what he did in Prince Duan's Mansion... Minglin didn't think in advance that the emperor's uncle asked him personally, and it's Minglin's fault."

Emperor Mingxi said again: "...???"

He was so angry that he said: "Ming Lin, get up. As for you, Sheng Haoliang," he stepped forward and kicked him: "Are you stupid!!"

Sheng Minglin gave him a hand, looking at him to tell him to speak quickly, and stepped aside.

He actually figured it out. People like the Seventh Prince would do things based on intuition most of the time, especially when they are nervous.

Calling him stupid is not stupid at all. He is somewhat wise and foolish. He intuitively felt that he was very good to him and was not being hypocritical, so he was willing to listen to him. However, his emperor father did not treat him much. Okay, so he put him on the...untrustworthy side.

And under the instructions of the person he trusted - Sheng Minglin, he even dared to muster up the courage to reject his emperor father. It was really, Sheng Minglin didn't know how to evaluate it.

I can only secretly decide to watch him more in the future.

The seventh prince had already begun to speak.

His life is simple, he was born in the palace and grew up in the palace. The only thing worth talking about is his relationship with the fake Zhuzhu.

After he finished speaking, Emperor Mingxi nodded and said, "Do you remember what major events will happen in the palace this year?"

This year... the Seventh Prince thought about it for a while, his eyes became complicated, and said: "It's quite troublesome. So, what did you say?"

Emperor Mingxi glared at him: "What's Moji! Say it quickly!"

The seventh prince lowered his head and whispered: "I heard that this year, a group of beautiful girls were selected. One of them, my father liked him very much. He made her a concubine as soon as she entered the palace. Then, she made her a concubine before she gave birth to a child. Later, she became a concubine. I have made you a royal concubine, listen, I heard,"

He secretly glanced at the Queen: "The Queen was mad at her, and later... I heard that she killed the Concubine Xian, and also caused the fifth brother to be seriously injured. From then on, he suffered from dizziness. Next year , and even killed the queen mother.”

Emperor Mingxi's eyes almost popped out: "What the hell?"

The seventh prince said anxiously: "These are all rumors in the palace. Mother... When Concubine Liu talked about it, I only heard a few words and I don't know whether it is true or not." Emperor Mingxi was so angry that he felt lucky, and Sheng Minglin was also shocked. Some were dumbfounded, so was the Queen’s death due to illness due to this?

Emperor Mingxi said: "Tell me in detail!"

The seventh prince said: "I don't know much about my son. I only know that she is very beautiful. My father violated the ancestral rules for her. From then on, he never went to other people's palaces, not even to his mother's harem. She asked to see her." not see……"

Emperor Mingxi said angrily: "Impossible."

He said coldly: "What is this woman's name?"

The seventh prince lowered his head: "I don't know what my son's name is. I only know that my surname is Yu. When I first entered the palace, I was granted the title of Concubine Li. Later, I was granted the title of Concubine Chen, which is...Chen of the Han Dynasty. I heard that my mother dissuaded her at that time. For a long time, the ministers also tried to persuade me, but my father insisted on sealing this, and finally sealed it."

"Concubine Chen!" Emperor Mingxi laughed angrily on the spot.

Chen, that’s the Emperor Star!
Except for Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty who granted Wu Zetian the title, who the hell would dare to grant the title of Concubine Chen!But even Wu Zetian couldn't seal this Concubine Chen!

Will he make someone a concubine?Unless you are dizzy! !

Not to mention anything else, it’s mainly unlucky! !Wu Zhou took away Li Tang's kingdom.

The fourth prince said: "Father, don't worry, it will happen in that life, but it may not happen in this life..." He lowered his voice: "You have forgotten the 'system'. If you love it for [-]%, you will not be able to control yourself."

Emperor Mingxi's eyes narrowed.

Indeed, there were still fake beads jumping around at that time. Maybe she did something. Anyway, he would never admit that his wise and powerful Emperor Mingxi would do such a ridiculous thing!

He sat down and said, "Is there anything else?"

The Seventh Prince breathed a sigh of relief: "Also, a few days before this year's Taizu Memorial Day, it seems to be on the tenth day of June? It rained, and the three main halls in Fengtian were struck by lightning and caught fire, and they were all burned down."

Taizu sacrifice?
Emperor Mingxi sneered and said, "Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

"No, at that time, the sons and ministers were not allowed to come near, but in the rain, you could see the fire jumping very high and the black smoke billowing... It was very scary. Later, I heard many people said that this was Emperor Taizu's dissatisfaction with his father. Use the sky fire as a warning or something..."

Although the seventh prince was not politically astute, he still felt that it was difficult to say such things. He looked at his father and continued in a low voice: "Anyway, it means that my father is wrong. Later, someone said that the smoke was black and seemed to be filled with smoke. Oil, but the adults didn’t believe it… Anyway, in the end, my father issued an edict to sin against oneself.”

Emperor Mingxi asked: "Did the three main halls catch fire at the same time?"

The Seventh Prince shook his head: "It seems that the Fengtian Palace caught fire first and spread to the other two palaces."

"Is it raining heavily that day?"

"Not big," the seventh prince remembered something, looked at his father, and whispered: "Actually, it was just a drizzle that day, and there was just that thunder, so everyone said... heavenly punishment or something."

That was the sound of thunder.

Zhuzhu dreamed about it on his birthday, but as far as the Seventh Prince knew, it was around the time of the Taizu Festival. This was definitely man-made.

Originally, it would be better to hold a memorial ceremony for Taizu. After all, there are still many veterans of Taizu's time in the court, so Taizu's name is more useful.

This is probably because of some things, such as the fish eyes, which the Fourth Prince and Jin Yiwei have been staring at for outsiders to see. Naturally, there will be many speculations, so the "Sky Fire" was brought forward.

Emperor Mingxi knew what was going on, and asked again: "Is there anything else?"

(End of this chapter)

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