Chapter 143 Uncle Huang cannot be cruel to Zhuzhu

The seventh prince lowered his head and moved his head, as if he wanted to look somewhere but couldn't. He said vaguely: "No more."

In the eyes of Emperor Mingxi, this kind of small gesture was as if it was written on his face. He said directly: "What's the matter, is your fourth brother causing trouble?"

The Seventh Prince was startled and looked up at him, his eyes wide open with "How do you know?"

Hehe, Sheng Minglin didn’t enter the palace, who else could he be if he wasn’t the fourth prince?He doesn't know how to defend a brother he doesn't know well!

Emperor Mingxi kept an unpredictable expression, picked up the tea cup and took a sip without looking at him or explaining.

Hanhan was really shocked by him. He glanced at the fourth prince apologetically and whispered: "That's right, fourth brother and a palace maid..."

Fourth Prince: "...???"

Emperor Mingxi also twitched his lips.

All the women in the palace belong to the emperor. If the princes dare to touch them, it is of course a big mistake.

But he knew what his sons were like. Except for the third son who was extremely lustful, the other sons were not very keen on women. Especially the fourth son, with his cold temperament, he originally thought he might go there. As a monk, such a person would be frivolous towards a palace maid?

He said unusually calmly: "Tell me in detail."

The Seventh Prince said: "Just this year, on August [-]th, my father said that the whole family was having a great time, so the eldest brother, the third brother and the fourth brother all came into the palace and held a banquet in the imperial garden, making a fuss for a while. The fourth brother was not a good drinker. After a few drinks, he said he wanted to go out and sober up. Then, not long after, he heard a woman yelling. His father asked what was going on... Someone grabbed a palace maid and came over. She was still yelling at first. I didn’t say anything, but later I said that the fourth brother rushed to hug her and even tore her clothes off."

He paused, and still wanted to help the fourth prince explain: "But the fourth brother was not too drunk, walked very smoothly, and was not drunk. At that time, the fifth brother was pouring wine on me. When the fourth brother stood up, he saw it and said that I I was still young and asked the fifth brother not to drink me... But that's what the palace maid said. She cried while talking. The fourth brother said, "It's absolutely not the case." He said that he was standing by the lake and asked someone to bring tea. There were footsteps, and he thought it was a servant bringing tea, so he didn't look back. However, the palace maid suddenly hugged him, started yelling, and pulled open her collar. His father ordered someone to drag the palace maid down. Later, I heard that he committed suicide before the trial was completed, I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

The fourth prince asked: "Which palace is the maid?"

The Seventh Prince paused, hesitated for a moment and then said: "It's from Concubine Liu's Palace, but we really don't know!"

Emperor Mingxi and the fourth prince couldn't help but raise their eyebrows.

Liu Bin has such a soft temper that she can't even control her servants. Even now that the Seventh Prince has become somewhat promising, she is still a soft persimmon in the palace. No matter who does something, the blame will be placed on Liu Bin. , all normal.

The main thing is, let alone the fourth prince who is not lecherous, even the third prince, who is as lecherous as he is, would not dare to touch the maid in the palace!
This was purely to ruin the reputation of the fourth prince. After all, no matter how you explain this kind of thing, some people will always believe it.

The queen asked: "What is the name of this palace maid? Is she in your palace at this time?"

"Here, my name is Hong Yan," the Seventh Prince said, "Originally, she was serving tea. I saw her accidentally that day. Thinking of it, I asked Concubine Liu to transfer her to serve flowers and trees."

The empress nodded.

Emperor Mingxi said calmly: "Is there any more?"

The seventh prince was an invisible prince in his previous life and was not close to his brothers. Most of what he knew was about the affairs in the palace, and he talked about some bits and pieces, most of which were related to the Concubine Chen who had not yet appeared.

Having said that, Emperor Mingxi began to ponder.

Then he stood up and said: "You guys can chat for a while, Shiro Jiang Bai, let's go."

He stood up and left. The fourth prince and Qin Jiangbai stood up, bowed silently to the Queen and followed.

Emperor Mingxi was striding forward with a serious expression, but as soon as he went out, he suddenly caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye.

As soon as he turned around, he saw that the window of the side hall was open, and two hair buns were exposed at the bottom of the window, and they were shaking.

Emperor Mingxi stopped and stood there waiting.Tuanzi hid for a while, probably thinking that they should go far away, so he quietly came up. When his little face appeared, he was startled: "Four, four pots, Mr. Qin."

After waiting for a while, he quickly said: "Uncle Huang."

Emperor Mingxi said with a straight face: "Why don't you call me Uncle Huang first?"

"One for, one for..." Tuanzi looked at his face and squeaked: "One for Uncle Huang, stand in the middle of the debt!"

Emperor Mingxi said: "What's wrong with standing in the middle?"

Tuanzi pointed at his little fleshy face and said plausibly: "You look like Zhuzhu! Zhuzhujie looks at the four pots on the side, looks at Mr. Qin on the other side, the emperor's uncle is in the middle, and the beady nose is just like that." It’s not Zhuzhu’s fault that he has eyes.”

Emperor Mingxi had no time to play with children at the moment. He clicked his tongue regretfully and said nothing more, "Uncle Huang sent someone to pick up the beads in the afternoon and identify the person who painted the national flag."

Tuanzi made the conditions: "The emperor is not rich enough to be evil."

Emperor Mingxi was about to leave, so he couldn't help but stopped and said with a smile: "Why am I so cruel?"

Tuanzi pointed at him: "If you look like this, you won't be fierce. If you look like this..." She widened her eyes and put on a very fierce expression: "If you look like this, you will be fierce!"

Her cute little face put on such an expression was really funny. The fourth prince and Qin Jiangbai both had smiles on their lips. Emperor Mingxi couldn't help laughing, and walked away without saying yes or no. .

Zhuzhu shouted loudly at his back: "Uncle Huang, Zhuzhu, even if Zhuzhu is in debt, he won't mess with you Mengmeng!"

Emperor Mingxi smiled and raised his hand as he walked, and several people walked away quickly.

in the temple,

When Sheng Minglin saw them leaving, he also stood up and saluted the Queen: "Empress, Minglin also went to see Zhuzhu."

The Queen smiled and nodded.

When Sheng Minglin passed by the Seventh Prince, he whispered in a moderate voice: "Seventh Brother, Empress Cihe, if you have anything to say, there is no need to be shy."

The seventh prince always listened to his words and nodded.

The queen also heard it and couldn't help but smile.

Most of what the Seventh Prince knew was not a big deal, and Emperor Mingxi didn't care much about it, but it was something she took care of every day. After listening to it, she knew something about it.

Sheng Minglin withdrew and sat here for a while.

In fact, the Queen didn't delay long and called for people to come over.

Princess Duan went over to talk to the Queen, while Sheng Minglin and the Seventh Prince took Zhuzhu to play outside.

The Empress, in front of the Seventh Prince, had just pointed out that Aunt Qiu next to her should go to the Liu Concubine Palace to be the steward, but now she had gone.

The seventh prince was a little worried, so Sheng Minglin broke it into pieces and explained to him: "Xianfu Palace is such a big palace, there must be someone in charge. I heard that Empress Liu Bin has a weak temperament. From what they said, she seems to have become weak." When the slave bullies the master, even if he is the master of the first palace, his life will not be very good, but if there is a queen, it will be different."

"Aunt Qiu will control the servants, and they will serve Liu Concubine. In this way, Liu Concubine will not only have good food and clothing, but also won't be a little idle. Aunt Qiu can also get along with others or do other things. Give her a few words of advice. You don’t have to worry about Grandma Qiu being bad. You have to understand that everyone knows that she was given to her by the Queen. If she is not good, it is the Queen who loses face. So she will never be bad. She doesn't dare to do anything wrong herself. Concubine Liu can just let go and let her make arrangements. You are close to your fourth brother, and the Queen is caring for you two. You should be very grateful to the Queen."

(End of this chapter)

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