Chapter 144 Uncle Huang loves Zhuzhu so much
The seventh prince suddenly said: "I understand, then I will go back and tell my mother."

He ran away in a flash, returned to Xianfu Palace to talk to Concubine Liu, and ran back before lunch time.

He ran so fast that he almost ran into the third prince at the gate of Longfu Gate. The seventh prince stopped quickly and called out to third brother.

The third prince looked at him and said in surprise: "Old Qi, is your face really cured?"

The Seventh Prince almost forgot about it. As soon as he said it, he chuckled and touched his face: "Well, it's good. It may need to be repaired again."

The third prince smiled and said: "Congratulations, my seventh brother was born well. Now that he is better, he looks even more beautiful."

The seventh prince didn't know how to greet him, he just smiled and nodded, and was about to walk forward. The third prince took two steps to meet him. The seventh prince subconsciously stopped, and the third prince said again: "Today is not Xiu Mu. Why did you come back to the palace?"

The seventh prince said casually: "Come back and play with Zhuzhu."

"Oh, yes!" The third prince knocked on his forehead, "I almost forgot, you are living in Prince Duan's Mansion now. How about you and Ming Lin Zhuzhu, maybe you can play together?"

The seventh prince had a meal.

The third prince tapped him on the shoulder affectionately and said with a smile, "Old Seventh? What are you thinking about?"

The seventh prince said: "Third brother, my younger brother has been practicing the sword recently. Master Feng said that I am very talented and I am making rapid progress. If I want to practice the long sword on horseback in the future, I will be invincible. When the time comes, I will go to the battlefield and charge into battle. I should have the style of my father." …”

The more he spoke, the more fluent he became, and the more he spoke, the more enthusiastic he became, and he compared his words with his hands.

The third prince interrupted him twice and he kept talking. Finally, the young eunuch from the Queen's Palace ran over and said, "Your Majesty, the Seventh Prince, Crown Prince Duan asked you to go back quickly for dinner."

The seventh prince still didn't finish his thoughts, so he responded and said to the third prince: "Third brother, let's talk and compare notes next time! I'm leaving!"

The third prince smiled and nodded: "Okay."

He ran away excitedly. The third prince's smile did not change, he turned and walked forward.

The Seventh Prince returned to the palace and had lunch with everyone. Because Emperor Mingxi said that he would let Zhuzhu meet someone in the afternoon, he was not in a hurry to leave the palace. Zhuzhu went to take a nap, and the Queen Mother had to worry about two games in the evening. , didn't sleep well either, so he and Princess Duan both went to sleep for a while.

The seventh prince sat in the palace and talked to Sheng Minglin, who only nodded.

In fact, the third prince was the one he was most wary of.

In the eyes of others, the third prince had an uncle who had killed his father and was already dead. But he was the only one who had met the illustrious third prince and knew that he was a scheming person and was the most wary of him.

Moreover, he originally thought that the third prince would choose a time like the Longevity Festival even if he was cliche. Unexpectedly, he couldn't wait any longer and came to meet him by chance.

So it was obvious that the third prince had not given up on that idea. He saw that the fourth prince was obviously busy with very important matters and kept secret reports every day, but he didn't know any news at all. He was anxious and couldn't sit still.

You have to be more careful in the future.

Here, Sheng Minglin and others were leisurely watching their children sleep and chatting, while over there, Emperor Mingxi was very busy.

He called Wang Shuzhi, the commander of the Jinyi Guards, over.

The leaders of the Jin Yiwei were all his confidants. Wang Shuzhi was already over [-] years old and had been following him since Prince Yan's Mansion.

Emperor Mingxi originally wanted to leave the affairs of the three palaces to him, but when he heard about the "accidental encounter" between the third prince and the seventh prince, Emperor Mingxi sneered and directly sent someone to call the third prince and asked him to meet him. Wang Shuzhi is responsible for investigating the matter.

It’s not that I doubt him, after all, it’s God’s punishment. If he, the father, is punished by God, how good can he be as a son?
So the most likely ones to do this kind of thing are his brothers.

However, since the third prince is interested, wouldn't it be good to ask him to investigate and confront those people?No need to jump around with nothing to do.

Of course, even if he really did this, that would be even better.

Anyway, as the emperor, he had already "received the information" in advance and arranged for him to go and investigate. If nothing could be found out by then, the three main halls were really burned down. The crime was also his incompetence in doing things. It had nothing to do with him as the emperor, and it had nothing to do with him. God's punishment or anything like that doesn't matter.

After Emperor Mingxi finished making arrangements, he asked again: "Is Zhu Zhu'er awake?"

Zheng Zhongshun also asked just now and quickly replied: "I said I just woke up."

"Well," Emperor Mingxi said, "ask Silang to carry him over...forget it, just ask Minglin to carry him over directly." Zheng Zhongshun followed the instructions and left.

So when Sheng Minglin came over with Zhuzhu in his arms, there were more than a dozen adults in the palace, both young and old. As soon as Emperor Mingxi saw Zhuzhu, he stretched out his hand: "Come here, uncle Huang, hold her."

Zhuzhu had just woken up, her eyes were still awake, and her voice was soft and sticky: "No, don't be fierce."

"No," Emperor Mingxi chuckled, "Uncle Huang loves Zhuzhu so much, how could he let go of Zhuzhu."

Dai Tuanzi was easily coaxed, and she opened her hands obediently. Emperor Mingxi took her into his arms, rubbed her twice, then sat her on his lap, facing downwards, and said, "Let's see you."

The adults below: "...???"

Although they couldn't figure out why, they still came forward to greet each other.

Tuanzi looked at them one by one with his eyes wide open, shaking his little head, and whispered to Emperor Mingxi: "No, Zhuzhu didn't tell you, I am a good-looking adult! None of these adults are good-looking. !”

"Huh?" Emperor Mingxi said, "Don't you look good? I've already chosen the good-looking ones!"

The adults below said again: "...???"

Didn’t you say you need to be able to draw?

Why choose something good-looking?
When did the emperor add to the Liu family's royal family's problem of having both men and women?
Although it is not impossible to consider it, but... it is best...

no, no,

Let the little princess choose, it is definitely not that, is it to choose the wife for the little princess?Specialize in painting?

A group of adults felt very strange and did not dare to say anything more. They all bowed their heads respectfully.

Then Emperor Mingxi returned the beads to Sheng Minglin: "Okay, let's talk about it then!"

Sheng Minglin hugged his sister and left.

They didn't stay in the palace for long and left the palace directly. The seventh prince also followed them.

He was very strong and held Zhuzhu all the way. Unlike the frizzy hair in the past, he moved cautiously, just like holding a porcelain doll.

After leaving the palace gate, the group was about to get on the carriage when Zhuzhu suddenly let out a sigh, then stood upright and looked not far away.

Sheng Minglin followed her eyes and saw several officials walking this way talking. Sheng Minglin asked, "Zhuzhu?"

Tuanzi pointed over there: "Flag!"

The official who painted the flag?Sheng Minglin asked: "Which one?"

Tuanzi said: "The one who is good-looking, thin, and has no beard!"

Sheng Minglin asked: "The second one from this side?"

Tuanzi nodded.

When the two of them were talking, the officials also saw it and came over to see the ceremony. Sheng Minglin exchanged names with them. The man's name was Ji Ci. Judging by his official uniform, he should be a Hanlin official.

As soon as the two sides separated, Sheng Minglin asked people to go back into the palace, found the people around the fourth prince, and spoke to him.

In the evening, the fourth prince returned to Prince Duan's Mansion. As soon as he entered the door, he took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and said, "Look at this."

Sheng Minglin was a little surprised: "Did you draw it so quickly?"

"No, it's not the national flag," the fourth prince said, "I haven't written the memorial for my national flag yet, I'll write it now."

(End of this chapter)

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