Chapter 150: Clear the misunderstanding immediately
Zhuzhu tried her best to open her eyelids, her eyes so sleepy that they were full of tears: "I dreamed about that pot pot during the day."

Sheng Minglin was not surprised: "Little prince?"

"Yes," Tuanzi murmured: "I dreamed that Bad Zhuzhu fell from a very high place. That Guoguo... the little prince Guoguo flew over and caught her, and then two The arm is broken..."

Tuanzi's little face wrinkled up, and he measured it with his little hands: "That's right, his arm turned that way, and the inside was also bent. It hurts so much..."

Tuanzi felt the same way, holding his little arms and shivering.

Is the arm broken into several pieces?
You must know that Shen Lingjue is the queen of the family and depends on his grandfather. The old prince is already old and it is up to him to revitalize the family.

But with his arm broken like this, no matter how he treated it, he would never be the same as an ordinary person. This would almost end his career as a military commander. If the doctor who treated him wasn't good enough, it wouldn't be surprising that his arms would be disabled for life.

This is too miserable.

Princess Duan got goosebumps all over her body and quickly rubbed her little arms for Tuanzi.

Tuanzi trembled and said: "Little Prince Guoguo, he immediately lay on the ground, and Bad Zhuzhu fell on him. After a while, he asked why he was unhappy, stood up, and secretly kicked his arm. He was in so much pain. He moved on the ground but didn't wake up."

"Then, father and mother took Bad Zhuzhu to him. Bad Zhuzhu said thank you, and then said that he wanted to whisper to him... Little Prince Guo Guo said no, but Bad Zhuzhu insisted, and then father and mother If you want to kiss him, go out and provoke him first. Bad Zhuzhu lies next to his ear and says..."

Tuanzi imitated Yuyan's voice: "You're so greedy, don't think that because you saved me, I will have no respect for you! I don't need your rescue at all, who wants you to meddle in my system! If you ruin my system, He also caused me to be scolded by the emperor’s uncle..."

At this point, Xiaotuanzi suddenly collapsed, tears fell down in big drops, and she covered her ears with her little hands: "Zhuzhu doesn't want to talk about it, little prince Guoguo, don't listen! Don't listen! Zhuzhu... Zhuzhu feeling terrible!"

She didn't quite understand the meaning of these words, but she felt the strong cruelty and malice in them.

Princess Duan hugged her anxiously to comfort her: "My dear, don't cry anymore. It's okay. We won't listen anymore. The little prince is okay too. This is all a dream and it won't happen again. Zhu Zhu'er doesn't cry... "

Sheng Minglin also rubbed his little hands for her: "If you don't listen, none of us will listen. Brother, go kill Bad Zhuzhu. She will never be allowed to bully others again."

The two comforted each other repeatedly, and Tuanzi calmed down for a while before continuing: "Then, Bad Zhuzhu stole a banknote from her mother, secretly went to find someone, and told him, please help me handle the matter to express my love. The money belongs to you... Then, when it got dark, the man went to the little prince Guoguo's house with a bucket and poured it, and then it caught fire..."

Tuanzi's voice trembled, and several people also shuddered.

After a long while, Sheng Minglin said, "Who are you looking for?"

Zhuzhu said, "It's just Xie, he's a servant in the family, but Xie Zhuzhu doesn't know him."

Sheng Minglin said: "Then, brother, the young prince, have you escaped?"

Tuanzi shook his head: "No, just a few words, Zhuzhu was afraid and didn't dare to look..."

Princess Duan was extremely distressed: "Don't ask, don't ask, Zhuzhu doesn't think about it anymore, dear baby, we don't think about it anymore, mother hugs me, mother's darling, I don't think about these things anymore..."

Sheng Minglin felt distressed too, so he stopped asking.

This kind of thing is different from other things. This kind of thing doesn't need to be known in too much detail.

He made up his mind to go find Shen Lingjue immediately when he returns to the city tomorrow. No matter what happened before, he already knows what happened and why. He must clear up the misunderstanding as soon as possible. He cannot hurt Zhuzhu, and he cannot let Zhuzhu. Pearl was wronged.

Zhuzhu cried for a long time, Princess Duan kept coaxing her, and Sheng Minglin also sat down, holding her little hand and coaxing her.

After a while, Zhuzhu slowly fell asleep, sobbing from time to time in her dream.

Sheng Minglin came out quietly and didn't fall asleep. He wanted to ask the seventh prince... It was such a commotion outside, but the seventh prince didn't wake up. When he went to the door of his wing, he could still hear his little snoring.

Sheng Minglin was speechless. He retreated and couldn't sleep, so he lay on the couch and thought.

In fact, he originally thought that Qin Jiangbai might be the third person.Qin Jiangbai was also killed by Yuyan, but Qin Jiangbai did not save her.

Similarly, Huo Chenzhao was indirectly killed by Yuyan, but in his last life, Huo Chenzhao had almost no interaction with Yuyan, and he never saved her.

Therefore, what he has in common with the Seventh Prince and Shen Lingjue is that

They all once saved Yuyan, but Yuyan repaid kindness and killed them.

In Buddhist terms, this is cause and effect, several levels of cause and effect.

So, do they have memories of past lives?

Sheng Minglin didn't know when he fell asleep. He didn't wake up until he heard the sound outside.

Outside, the seventh prince was talking to Huo Chenzhao in shock: "Really!? I didn't even hear it!!"

Sheng Minglin didn't sleep well and was still a little sleepy. He rubbed his forehead, slowly put on his shoes and clothes, opened the door, and looked outside with squinted eyes.

He glanced at the eaves, and suddenly a string of icebergs in winter flashed through his mind. His heart skipped a beat and he blurted out: "It's ice!"

Huo Chenzhao turned his head and asked, "What?"

"It's ice," Sheng Minglin said: "Shen... cough, that person should be using ice, that's why I didn't see the hidden weapon, and it turned out to be a drop of water."

Huo Chenzhao thought for a while and couldn't help but nodded: "Yes, it should be so."

Sheng Minglin looked at his face and was surprised: "What are you doing?"

On Huo Chenzhao's right cheek, there was an obvious black bruise, with the middle purple and broken skin. He was good-looking, so this injury was particularly conspicuous.

Huo Chenzhao said embarrassedly: "I was in a hurry yesterday. I didn't take any weapons or avoid them. I was hit by his copper coins."

Sheng Minglin said: "Did you apply medicine? Is it hurt elsewhere?"

"No need," Huo Chenzhao said, "It's a minor injury and will be healed in a few days. No medicine is needed."

Sheng Minglin patted him without any further persuasion, and turned to ask the seventh prince: "Have you heard about the young prince in the capital?" He whispered: "Previous life?"

The Seventh Prince was taken aback.

Then he began to think: "Little prince? Shen Lingjue? I seem to have heard someone say that he is so young, what's wrong with him..."

He turned around in a circle and suddenly remembered: "I remembered it. I heard the palace ladies talking about him, saying that he was young and his whole life was ruined. It seemed that he was burned by fire. I heard that he was burned very badly. , his face was ruined, his body was not good, and he almost died. They all said it was a pity that he was so good-looking. They said that when the old prince heard about this, he jumped over and could not be saved. , just died."

Sheng Minglin nodded slowly and asked, "When did it happen?"

The seventh prince said: "I don't remember clearly. It seems that it was in the past two years, either this year or next year. It seems that he wanted to go to the army, but he couldn't go for the time being. His father even summoned him to comfort him."

Sheng Minglin was slightly surprised.

Shen Lingjue is only twelve or thirteen years old at this moment?
Zhuzhu was only three years old at the moment. She was so young and so light. Where did she have to fall to break her arm?
But he's not that big either, maybe his muscles and bones haven't grown yet.

Sheng Minglin asked in a low voice: "Was he burned to death like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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