Chapter 151 The heartless dumpling
The Seventh Prince said: "It seems not. I heard he is still alive. Anyway, I didn't hear about his death before what I said."

Sheng Minglin nodded slowly.

The three of them gathered together and talked in low voices. Princess Duan and her daughter did not wake up.

The guard came over to ask for instructions. Sheng Minglin thought for a while and said: "Go to the general's mansion and report a message. Don't make a fuss. Just report it to the master privately and ask them to arrange someone to pick us up."

Although Shen Lingjue probably wouldn't do anything during the day, but what if?
What if he thinks he is good at martial arts?What if he wants to arrange a fake thing to confuse the public?

Any situation is possible, and he is worried.

It is estimated that Princess Duan will also arrange this.

The guard felt that he had neglected his duty and did not dare to say anything. He bowed and left.

Sheng Minglin thought of something again and said, "Wait a minute."

He quickly went back and wrote a cryptic letter to the fourth prince to inform him of the matter. He also asked someone to get a letter from Prince Duan's residence and wrote a few sentences.

The general idea is that you are outstanding in the willow shooting competition, and I want to make friends with you. I wonder when you will be free and I will pay you a visit.

This is mainly to stabilize him.

He had other arrangements, so he felt so frightened that he didn't dare to move.

If there are no other arrangements, he will be suspicious after seeing the post, and it will be easier to convince him when he actually meets.

He gave the post to the guard and said: "One of you should go to see the fourth prince. It is best to let him read the letter on the spot. If he is really busy, it should be handed over to someone close to him, such as Zhou Zhiwen. Then , for this post, you go to the General’s Mansion first, and when the General’s Mansion arranges for someone to follow you out of the city, you can then send this post to the Northeastern Prince’s Mansion.”

The guard responded.

Sheng Minglin said to the two of them: "I will return to the city later. Brother Qi, Shen Zhao, you two will accompany me to the Northeast Palace."

Both agreed.

The three of them also went to look at the window that was scratched yesterday and found a missing copper coin.

The copper coins were just ordinary copper coins without any markings. The Seventh Prince asked Huo Chenzhao: "Which one of you is better?"

Huo Chenzhao coughed lightly and said, "I think I might be a little better...but that's not necessarily the case. He might not have tried his best."

In fact, when he said this, it was almost confirmed. After all, Shen Lingjue had a family behind him. He absolutely did not want to reveal his identity. If someone found out, he would have to try his best to escape.

Sheng Minglin was also a little relieved.

A few people finished their meal hastily, and Princess Duan also got up. She held the jade bracelet with a handkerchief and showed it to them: "Shen Zhao, look at it, is there any medicine?"

Huo Chenzhao sniffed: "It's okay, it's gone."

Sheng Minglin took it over and looked at the sun carefully, and saw a small crack: "Did it break yesterday?"

Princess Duan nodded.

Huo Chenzhao raised his hand, looked at it, and nodded: "You're right, it's ice."

The crack is very small. If it were a needle, it would not be so small. But if it is ice, it can break the jade bracelet, and the force is definitely enough to pierce the skin.

Just as he was talking, he heard the sound of footsteps. General Xie came quickly with his guards and asked from a distance: "An Ning, are you okay? Are you scared? Where is Zhuzhu?"

Princess Duan took the jade bracelet over again, showed it to General Xie, and then spoke vividly.

General Xie frowned. Sheng Minglin came closer and whispered: "General, this person is probably the young prince Shen Lingjue. There are some things involved in this. Uncle Huang also knows that there is no need to investigate too much for the time being."

General Xie glanced at him.

He had a high position and was well-informed. He knew that the Fourth Prince was leading them to do some secret things, so he nodded without asking any questions.

Princess Duan said: "Lin'er can just follow Zhuzhu and call him uncle. There is no need to be born like this."

Sheng Minglin paused for a moment, looked at General Xie nodded, and then called: "Uncle." Princess Duan complained to General Xie again: "You should give me a few useful people! It's not like I don't have money! I'll ask Can't you afford it? Look at these people, they can't even guard against a night walker when they are brought out! If I punish them, it's a bit hard to force them; if I don't punish them, I feel aggrieved! I can't sleep well even if I go out to play!"

General Xie said quickly: "I'll find them for you. I'll find a few for you when I get back. You're making trouble now, and I can't sleep well. When I go home at night, I have to be beaten by my father again. Anyway, what's going on? it's all my fault."

Sheng Minglin couldn't help laughing when he saw it, and then stepped back to guard Zhuzhu.

Zhuzhu slept until nearly noon before waking up.

The only good thing is that Zhuzhu forgets it very quickly when she has such a dream, much faster than normal dreams.

Therefore, after listening to such a story, the adults are still immersed in the aftertaste. When Tuanzi wakes up, he is a heartless good dumpling again. His eyes are clear and ignorant, and his little breasts and throat are very painful. : "Guo Guo!"

Sheng Minglin responded with a smile: "Yes, my dear."

He lowered his head and bumped his forehead with Tuanzi: "Has Zhuzhu'er had enough sleep? Do you want to get up?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Zhuzhu is hungry! She's starving!"

Sheng Minglin stepped aside and let the maid dress her while standing by the bed talking to Tuanzi.

After getting dressed, I washed my face hastily, took her out without combing my hair, and asked for food first.

Zhuzhu had been sleeping until now and was bathed in the middle of the night. She was indeed hungry, so she put her on the chair and started eating.

Sheng Minglin was behind, and he tied up two little pigtails for her with great interest. General Xie and Princess Duan went in. Tuanzi was surprised and smiled at him: "Uncle!"

General Xie quickly came over and touched her head: "Zhu Zhu'er, be good, eat first, and hug her later."

Tuanzi nodded fiercely and ate so deliciously that he suddenly stopped while eating, and all the cakes he bit into his mouth fell out.

Everyone turned around and found Huo Chenzhao coming in.

Tuanzi pointed at him with his little finger and his eyes widened: "Beautiful Guoguo, are you hurt?"

Huo Chenzhao didn't expect that she would see it at a glance. It was too late to leave now, so he had to come over and sit down, and said repeatedly: "It's okay, it's a small injury, it won't hurt at all."

He didn't even eat the dumplings and rice. He threw the cakes away and came to touch his wounds.

Huo Chenzhao hurried over and let her touch it.

Tuanzi didn't actually touch it, he only made a virtual comparison and murmured: "Does it hurt?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "It doesn't hurt, it really doesn't hurt."

"It must hurt!" Tuanzi burst into tears: "Why would the villain want to beat you?"

Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Maybe he is also a beautiful pot!?"

Tuanzi's eyes widened and he was so anxious that he didn't know what to say: "Just...even if she is a beautiful Guoguo, she is not a beautiful Guoguo from Zhuzhu's family! The Guoguo outside is so beautiful that she cannot be bullied. Beautiful Guoguo’s! Zhuzhu and Beautiful Guoguo are the best in the world!”

Sheng Minglin was used to her talking around and deliberately glanced at her: "The best in the world?"

A meal of dumplings.

She picked her little hands, secretly counting them.

Zhu·Incompetent with numbers·Zhu, after counting with his fingers for a long time, he still couldn't figure out Huo Chenzhao's inner ranking, so he had to pretend to have forgotten, grabbed Huo Chenzhao's sleeve, and avoided his brother's eyes with a faceless face: " That's right, anyway... no one can bully the beautiful Guoguo."

Huo Chenzhao was pulled by her, and his sleeve almost fell into the soup. He quickly pushed it back, only to reveal a black ball on his arm.

When Zhuzhu saw it, she was even more shocked. She pointed with her little finger: "There are still others in Jieli? Two of them are injured!"


Adding an update for the little angels, there is no reason, I just want to make you happy.

(End of this chapter)

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