Chapter 152 The Vicious Old Woman

Zhuzhu looked at this and that, with an expression on her face that said, "Did you see something big happened here?" She frowned very seriously.

Huo Chenzhao didn't even know how to comfort her.

Princess Duan said: "Okay, Zhuzhu'er will eat first. When we get back, we will buy medicine for our beautiful brother."

The little breasted dumpling looked at her with a very vicissitude: "You don't understand."

"Ah?" Princess Duan couldn't stop laughing: "What do I understand?"

Tuanzi pointed at his little head and said seriously: "It hurts even after applying medicine! It hurts when sleeping, and when eating, but it hurts! You have to pretend that it is not a debtor, so that you can fall asleep."

Princess Duan choked suddenly, remembering that she had been injured before, and reached out to touch her little head.

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but took her chubby hand and kissed it a few times.

He just thought, it was obviously just an ordinary thing, but when she said it in such a coquettish voice and in a serious manner, it made people feel particularly distressed.

Then Princess Duan sighed: "What should I do? I'm already injured. Shen Zhao, you should be more careful next time. There is no need to do this kind of thing yourself. You have to ask for help."

Huo Chenzhao stood up.

Tuanzi quickly said: "Zhuzhu can also help."

Princess Duan picked up her bowl and was about to feed her. When she heard what she said, she smiled again: "How can Zhu Zhu'er help?"

Tuanzi also paused.

She opened her chubby little hands, looked at it, scratched her little head, and thought deeply for a long time. Then she raised her head and said sincerely: "Zhuzhu, can you help pretty Guoguo call for help? Zhuzhu call The sound is really annoying!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

After finishing the meal, everyone packed up and prepared to go back.

Princess Duan, who has always been ambitious, has recovered from last night's energy, and said regretfully: "I still want to take them to watch polo... Actually, it's okay. They probably don't dare to come out in broad daylight. Otherwise, we still have to go out." Go and see it, playing polo is much more fun than shooting willow. I have seen it many times, but you have never seen it. If you don’t watch it this year, you will have to wait another year."

Sheng Minglin whispered: "Mother, I have to go to the Northeast Palace."

Princess Duan paused, said oh, and said to herself: "How about we two go?"

General Xie said helplessly: "If you really want to go, then I..."

Before he finished his sentence, someone suddenly ran in from outside and said repeatedly: "General, General! Something happened!"

General Xie hurried over and listened to his report. He quickly gave a few instructions and turned around and said, "If something happens, don't go there. An Ning, please go back to the house quickly. I have to enter the palace."

He casually explained a few sentences.

He had a lot of soldiers at hand, and he brought a lot with him when he came in the morning. He didn't know who was coming, so before entering Zhuangzi, he dispersed 300 people to patrol around and inquire.

It turned out to be such a coincidence that his soldiers saw two carriages, which were tightly wrapped and even the doors and windows were sealed. They were extremely suspicious. They stepped forward to inquire, but after only asking a few questions, the carriage driver actually turned around and ran away. .

This looks like something is going on!The soldiers will naturally seize and ask questions.

When I asked, I was shocked. Someone actually brought two cars of people with the plague from Zhongzhou. Although I didn't know what they were doing, it was definitely not a good thing!

The soldiers came to report immediately.

General Xie ordered people to prepare two more similar-looking carriages and wait at the place they agreed to see who was behind the scenes. At the same time, he also had to quickly enter the palace to tell the emperor. Who knows if these two carriages are the only ones? ?What if there is more?
Even if just one of these plague-stricken people comes, it's a big deal. And considering it's the beginning of May, they want to take advantage of the gathering of people to cause trouble!
When Princess Duan heard this, she immediately ran out of ideas.

It's too dangerous outside. She just wants to take her daughter home as soon as possible.

So the group of people returned to the city and entered the city gate. The people who had been sent to find the fourth prince came back and said: "His Royal Highness read the letter and said, 'I understand, just let your prince decide what to do.'"

Sheng Minglin nodded and got off the carriage.

Princess Duan opened the curtain and said, "Minglin, why don't you go first and wait until your uncle finds out the matter. It's really scary." "It's okay," Sheng Minglin said warmly, "It's better to do this sooner rather than later. , Zhuzhu'er is auspicious, even if there is something in the city, we will be safe and sound, mother, don't worry."

The dumplings were squeezing and squeezing, and their little heads were squeezed out. Their big eyes were blinking: "Guo Guo, where are you going?"

Princess Duan pushed her little head back and said, "Guo Guo has to go do some business."

Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu also wants to be with Guoguo..."

"No," Princess Duan said, "You don't want to."

Tuanzi: "It can be tied..."

Princess Duan quickly closed the curtains, and only her voice could be heard, saying: "But it's tied or not, tied and east, what's to the east, Zhuzhu, what's to the east?"

Tuanzi was led astray on the spot, and his voice was confused: "To the east..."

Sheng Minglin found it funny when he heard this. He took a few steps back and watched their carriage enter the mansion.

Then General Xie left a hundred soldiers to protect them and hurried into the palace. Sheng Minglin and his party took another carriage and went to the Northeast Palace.

Just an hour ago, Shen Lingjue received a message from Sheng Minglin.

His expression changed at that time.

Did they know?
He regretted it a little.

He just wanted to kill Sheng Mingzhu, but he didn't want to expose himself at all. If he had known this would happen, he should have endured it a little longer.

However, there were not many such opportunities, especially when he saw Sheng Mingzhu, he could not contain his hatred.

past life,

It should be next year.

Grandfather's mind became increasingly unclear and he often couldn't recognize people. He kept asking him to join the army every day.

He was only thirteen at that time, when Tian was the boss and I was the second child. He didn't know how to be afraid, so he went to find an old friend of his father and brother and wanted to join the army.

He was really anxious and really scared. He was afraid that his grandfather would not be able to see the day when he would become a great man.

But he was too young to join the army, but his uncles were considerate of his feelings and often asked him to socialize, hoping to bring the Northeast Palace back into everyone's sight.

But he was actually not very good at socializing, especially those people who always mentioned his father and brother, and their pretentious concern. He was very annoyed, so he often avoided them.

Once while walking around at a banquet, I accidentally saw a little girl of four or five years old being punished.

It seemed that the little girl was talking to some fourth brother, and the maid named Lychee was serving tea, and the fourth brother glanced at her.

The little girl looked extremely mean. She tore off the maid's clothes and poked and scratched the servant with a hairpin. The maid shivered in pain, but she bit the handkerchief and didn't dare to say a word. What was in the little girl's mouth? He was a slut, a slut, a seducer, etc. He just cursed at random.

He was shocked that such a young child could curse like a shrew, which left a deep impression on him.

Unexpectedly, at the next palace banquet, he saw the little girl sitting obediently next to the Queen. Only then did he know that she was Sheng Mingzhu, the little princess of Duan Palace. When she saw him, she smiled and came down to hold his hand and called him Little brother, let him play with her.

But he recognized her at a glance and didn't want to play with her at all. He didn't know how to be tactful at that time and refused bluntly.

Sheng Mingzhu cried a lot and was very unhappy. When they met again, she told him: "If you don't give me face, I won't let you go."

At that time, he suddenly had a strange feeling.

He felt that the child's eyes did not look like a child at all, but looked like a vicious and mean old woman.

(End of this chapter)

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