Chapter 154 My sister is the one who fell.
Mr. Shen paused and squinted at him: "Who are you?"

Sheng Minglin pretended not to see Shen Lingjue's alert and anxious eyes, and said with a smile: "Old man, my name is Sheng Minglin, and Prince Duan is my father! Just call me Minglin."

"Oh!" The old man let out a long oh, and he felt a little sober. He said politely: "You kid, you look a lot like your father...are you here to play with Jue'er?"

Shen Lingjue's back straightened: "Grandpa, they are..."

Sheng Minglin said with a smile as if nothing had happened: "Yes, old man! Ling Jue went to shoot Liu yesterday, took the leader, and immediately galloped. He was so handsome that even General Xie praised him for his father-like style. We all admire him very much. , so Seventh Brother and I and my friends shamelessly came over to make friends.”

The old man's face suddenly brightened, and he said humbly: "Jue'er, this kid, is just a little bit more diligent, and he doesn't deserve anything."

"How could it be possible?" Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Ling Jue can achieve such a level at such a young age, even adults are far behind. Among them, talent and hard work are indispensable. If the Northeast Palace really has a successor, if I When dad sees it, he will definitely be jealous."

Sheng Minglin deliberately avoided calling him "little prince", which would easily make people think too much. He was very gentle and considerate, and every word he said went into the heart of the old man, making him smile from ear to ear.

After chatting for a long time, the old man drank the medicine and went to rest. He did not forget to remind: "Jue'er, you are so kind to entertain Ming Lin!"

Shen Lingjue responded quickly.

The old man took Sheng Minglin's hand again: "You stay for dinner."

Sheng Minglin agreed with a smile, and together with Shen Lingjue, sent the old man back to his room.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Shen Lingjue's expression changed immediately. He glanced at him and directly raised his hand to lead him to the side hall.

Sheng Minglin said simply and neatly: "Please, the young prince, please step aside."

Shen Lingjue waved silently and the servants retreated. Sheng Minglin said without hesitation at all, "Do you have any memories of your past life?"

Shen Lingjue was stunned and looked at him.

Sheng Minglin looked at his expression for a moment, and the last trace of doubt in his heart disappeared, and he said firmly: "You and I are the same."

Shen Lingjue was even more shocked and stared at him for a moment.

Sheng Minglin waited for him to react for a while, and then said slowly: "I don't know if you have heard about my biological mother. There was a monster who first took away my biological mother, Mrs. Chen, and then took away the beads. This woman is shameless and shameless. He is stupid and shallow, but he thinks highly of himself and is extremely lustful... Everything he does makes people sick and shudders."

He paused and said word by word, "She has harmed many people, not just you, not just me." He gestured to his side: "Seventh Prince, he saved her and was killed by her again. Have you heard that Have you ever heard of Huo Chenzhao, the youngest Tanhualang, being killed by her? Qin Jiangbai? Have you ever heard of it? "

Shen Lingjue's eyes widened and he was stunned by the huge amount of information.

Sheng Minglin was not in a hurry and waited quietly for him to finish digesting.

After a while, Shen Lingjue suddenly stood up, his whole body trembling uncontrollably, his voice hoarse: "Impossible! Impossible!!"

It is indeed difficult for people to accept that an enemy whom they hated wholeheartedly disappeared all of a sudden, and they hated the wrong person.

Sheng Minglin was not surprised and said seriously: "Nothing is impossible! Don't you think there is anything wrong with you getting along with that monster? How could a little kid do such a vicious thing?"

His knowledge of the past was incomplete, but this statement could be said to anyone, but he did not expect that this sentence would be a sure kill for Shen Lingjue.

Shen Lingjue's beautiful eyes nearly popped out of her sockets as she murmured: "Impossible! This is impossible!"

He turned to him suddenly: "She is still so lustful, staring at me and smiling at me. She is who she is, don't even think about lying to me!!"

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows.

Shit!Fish eyes are called lustful, his baby sister just likes beautiful brothers and sisters!

What kid doesn't?All kids love good-looking people!
How can it be called lustful?That's called discernment!That's called yearning for beauty!

Moreover, Zhuzhu is very well-behaved and never does anything that is disgraceful!
She would please him and the Seventh Prince because they were family members and brothers. She had never tried to please outsiders!

Zhuzhu, this silly kid, has she done nothing else besides just putting on a cute smile?

It's your business to be cute, and it has nothing to do with Zhuzhu if you take the initiative to play with her!
If you are not cute enough, if you don't go to play with her, she will be sad for a while and forget about it, and she won't pester you... What is this called?
This is called measure!
The more I think about it, the more I realize that my sister is the one who falls!It's perfect without any shortcomings!
Brother Sheng Shuangbiao Minglin said coldly: "Then tell me, apart from smiling at you, what else has Zhuzhu done?"

He also stood up and said in a louder voice, "I don't care if you believe it or not, my sister is not that monster! She is not!! It seems that not only are you blind, but you are also deaf! Use your brain to think about it. She has a grudge, but I don’t have any grudge against her!? If Zhuzhu were her, would I be so close to her!? In this matter, Zhuzhu was also a victim! The evildoer did all the bad things under her skin and hurt her. She lost the relatives and friends she cared about. Zhu Zhu'er is so kind, she is more sad than anyone else! How wronged she is to be treated as an enemy by you! "

Huo Chenzhao watched helplessly as his sister-in-law brother was poked to his anger point. His anger was rising steadily, so he had no choice but to poke him next to him.

Sheng Minglin took a breath.

In fact, he wasn't angry at all.

He has always been a very tolerant person who is good at controlling his emotions.

However, Shen Lingjue was obviously in an extremely uncool state.

He actually believed it in his heart, but was just refuting instinctively. Therefore, if he was too peaceful and not aggressive, it would make Shen Lingjue trapped in his own world and unable to get out. Therefore, he would have to yell more fiercely than him. Go back and knock on his door forcefully so that he can listen.

Sure enough, Shen Lingjue opened his mouth, closed it again, and fell back on the chair, his face full of shock.

Sheng Minglin waited for a while, seeing that he had gradually calmed down, and then slowly said: "That monster has been caught by us now..."

Shen Lingjue suddenly turned his head and looked over.

Huo Chenzhao couldn't help but take a breath.

He has no memory of his previous life, he is a real young man.

He carries a family feud and is cautious about his words and deeds. He has always felt that he is very good, but from Sheng Minglin, he seems to learn something from time to time.

Sheng Minglin was only 20 years old when he died in his previous life, but, among other things, his control of the rhythm of conversation was really exquisite.

A hateful enemy, if you tell him that you are wrong, it will be difficult for him to accept but he has to accept it.

But now you tell him that your enemy is still there, she is there, and you still have a chance to take revenge... In this way, the feelings of "two" people suddenly come out, and "Zhuzhu is not Zhuzhu" becomes logical. , it was easy to accept.

Shen Lingjue's throat was dry and she murmured: "She, where is she?"

Sheng Minglin comforted him gently: "Don't worry, she is in the hands of Jinyiwei and she can't escape. I want to ask Uncle Huang for instructions first. If possible, I will take you to find her."

He leaned forward and patted his arm gently: "Ling Jue, when I just came back, I was full of anger and resentment, but now I feel that it is really hard to do it again to make up for all the regrets in my previous life. It's a blessing... You still have your grandfather, a huge royal palace, and the glory of your family. You can start a good life again. Ling Jue, relax your mind and take your time."

Shen Lingjue was speechless for a long time.


The content is small, but the story is full of memories. I’m afraid the little cuties won’t be happy with it, so I added a chapter.

By the way, this is a healing daily article, so the timeline is so slow. It started in February and it is only May now. Hahaha, it is indeed very slow.This is also a micro-group portrait, so brothers and bamboo horses will all have their own roles. Of course, the protagonist is our lovely Zhuzhuer. I will throw myself into your arms and take a sip (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
(End of this chapter)

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