Chapter 155 Am I a bit redundant?
Sheng Minglin said no more, stood up and left.

When he came out, he told the worried-looking old servant: "There is no need to send him off. Don't disturb him. Let him be alone. When he comes out, tell him that if you are free, you can come to see me at Prince Duan's Mansion at any time."

The old servant quickly agreed.

As soon as the group of people left the palace and got on the carriage, the Seventh Prince wondered: "So, why did you ask me to come here? You don't need me to fight, and you don't need me to say anything?"

Sheng Minglin laughed out loud and said half-jokingly: "I was afraid that he would hit me, so I asked you to embolden me."

The seventh prince nodded suddenly.

Then he added: "That's it...what, the old monk said before that besides you and me, there is another person who specializes in protecting beads, stars and other things, is it him?"

Sheng Minglin said: "I guess so."

The Seventh Prince said: "I was thinking about it, if you are Wen and I am Wu... Then there comes another martial artist who seems quite smart. Then what else do you need me to do? Am I a little redundant?"

Sheng Minglin was amused by him: "Didn't Fourth Brother say that protection is not fighting? It doesn't matter even if they are both literary or martial arts. They may not be able to help Zhuzhu at any time. You don't have to think too much. .”

The seventh prince began to be in a trance.

Huo Chenzhao said: "Your Majesty, I just saw that old man. He seemed to have amnesia in old age. I also smelled the smell of medicine. He is now using Guipi Decoction. I don't think it is right for the disease. Although I didn't feel the pulse, I I think it would be better to use Yangxin Decoction and Dingxian Pills."

Sheng Minglin was stunned: "Then why don't you feel your pulse?"

He looked at him: "Isn't it easy to pretend to hold hands and take a pulse?"

Huo Chenzhao smiled: "I just want to follow your idea. I will treat you when you need me to treat it. This disease is not urgent, and it can be almost broken without feeling the pulse. You don't have to worry, it should be fine." It would be wrong.”


Sheng Minglin nodded: "I'll go find the fourth brother first. If possible, I might go into the palace. You and the seventh brother will go back to the palace first?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "I'm going to the drug store to have a look. I think the medicine should be ready."

Sheng Minglin asked: "What about seventh brother?"

The Seventh Prince composed himself: "Then I will accompany Shen Zhao."

So the two got off the carriage at the intersection, and Sheng Minglin went directly to the palace.

He guessed that the fourth prince might not be at the Yamen, so he went to the palace gate to ask, and sure enough, he was in the palace.

He went straight in to look for him. As soon as he arrived at Hou Jian's place, he found that the atmosphere was extremely tense and there were so many people. They were all gathered in piles and talking in low voices. Even the people who were serving looked serious.

Sheng Minglin paused.

When the fourth prince saw him, he came out directly and said, "Let's go out to eat first."

Sheng Minglin was too busy to pay attention to the time. After listening to what he said, he glanced at the sun subconsciously. The sky was a little cloudy and it was difficult to tell the time, but it should be almost dinner time.

The two of them found a nearby place to eat.

The fourth prince whispered to him: "Third brother and Mr. Wang were ordered to check the three main halls. Unexpectedly, the roofs of the three main halls were all tampered with. Father lost his temper and grounded the eldest brother. Later, General Xie went in Sorry, I lost my temper again..."

He talked to him in detail.

Fengtian Hall, Huagai Hall, and Jinshen Hall are all located on the central axis of the palace. Their positions are very important. Fengtian Hall, in particular, is where grand ceremonies are held.For example, during the Longevity Festival, under normal circumstances, the emperor would receive congratulations from civil and military officials in the Fengtian Hall.

Therefore, the third prince was very nervous after receiving this order suddenly. However, Wang Shuzhi was very stable and suggested to check the roof of the palace first.

First he asked the craftsman to go up and check, but nothing was found. Later, Wang Shuzhi directly asked the Jin Yiwei who could move up and down under him to have a look. The Jin Yiwei couldn't see anything, but he felt that when he knocked it, the sound seemed wrong and not solid. of.

The third prince didn't dare to take charge of this task. If nothing happened if it was smashed, it would be unlucky!
Wang Shuzhi, on the other hand, had been ordered by Emperor Mingxi, and he was [-]% sure, so he just made a decision and asked people to break it open and take a look.

You wouldn't know the result if you didn't smash it, but once you smashed it, a small hole was made, and gunpowder flowed down, and several people changed their colors on the spot.After checking all night, we found that there was a lot of gunpowder hidden under the spire in the center of the temple roof, and there were grooves hidden next to the temple roof, filled with oil.

Therefore, you only need to ignite the roof of the temple at the right time when it rains, and the explosion will be like thunder. With explosives and oil, no matter how heavy the rain is, it can't be extinguished.

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone was frightened after the investigation.

After all, time was urgent, and they checked overnight. At night, they used lanterns and candles. If they encountered gunpowder and oil, they would become arsonists if they were not careful.

Isn’t this scary?

But the malicious intent of the person who did it was also obvious.

Emperor Mingxi's move of the capital was originally a highly controversial matter. Not everyone had such a strategic vision. Not to mention the civil servants, even the military attachés felt that it was unnecessary to waste people and money.

Once this "Sky Fire" burns, it will definitely be a huge blow to his prestige.

However, those who built the capital at that time, whether they were officials or craftsmen, were all trusted by Emperor Mingxi. Even later, Emperor Mingxi even asked the then young eldest prince to supervise the matter out of some selfish motives.

In other words, the last three years of the palace's construction, the most critical three years, were all managed by the eldest prince, which was at least incompetent.

And this kind of thing can't be accomplished by just buying one or two craftsmen, it would require a large number of craftsmen... but you didn't notice it at all?
Emperor Mingxi got into a big rage, and the eldest prince was punished to kneel for more than an hour for the first time, and then he was driven home and grounded. He was not allowed to come out until the matter was found out.

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but ask: "Let the third brother check the eldest brother?"

"It doesn't matter," the fourth prince said, "Master Wang is here."

Sheng Minglin nodded and without asking any more questions, the fourth prince asked again: "How is Shen Lingjue's side?"

Sheng Minglin said: "It's almost solved."

He told him, and also told him what General Xie discovered.

The fourth prince stopped his chopsticks and thought for a while: "No wonder my father was very angry when the general came... But I guess there won't be many people. It's just these two cars of people. It's a blessing that you happened to meet them."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

Indeed, the more people there are, the greater the risk of exposure. The people behind the scenes must want to make it look like refugees escaping spontaneously, and then spread the illusion that there are many people, so he also thinks that there may be only two cars of people.

The fourth prince continued: "Things have happened one after another. Tomorrow is the Longevity Festival. I guess my father will not make a big deal about it."

Sheng Minglin whispered: "I look out the window and it's getting dark right now. It might really rain heavily tomorrow."

The two of them finished their meal quickly while talking, but as soon as they returned, they were called in. It is said that Emperor Ming Xi had not finished eating yet. As soon as he entered, he said: "You two brothers are quite leisurely! Don't be in a hurry to work or eat in a hurry!" "

This made me angry.

Sheng Minglin said quickly: "Uncle Huang, Minglin felt unsure after finishing the work and wanted to find a place to talk with the fourth brother, so he dragged the fourth brother out."

He paused for a moment and then said quickly: "When the fourth brother mentioned something about the palace, Ming Lin was really surprised and lucky. The person behind the scenes had spent so much effort planning for several years, but the emperor's uncle broke it in advance. At this time He still doesn’t know how upset and frightened he is.”

Emperor Mingxi: "Ha!"

But he was obviously happy, so he raised his hand, and Zheng Zhongshun quickly asked someone to pass on the food.

The fish were brought up one after another, and Emperor Mingxi waved his hand for everyone to go down. When Sheng Minglin saw that even Zheng Zhongshun was gone, he quickly washed his hands and came over to serve his uncle the emperor himself.

Emperor Mingxi said: "Say it."

Sheng Minglin started talking about it one by one from yesterday, including Zhuzhu's dream.

Emperor Mingxi ate while listening. After listening, he asked: "How old was Shen Lingjue when he died?"

(End of this chapter)

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