Chapter 157 Leave a little for Uncle Huang
Huo Chenzhao stood in front of Zhuzhu: "Little prince, please come in and sit down." He gestured with his hands.

Shen Lingjue walked over without saying a word.

Zhuzhu covered her eyes with her little paws, and the whole ball turned into a lump. She listened with ears perked as he walked over, then walked over, until he seemed to have gone far away, then he quietly raised his head and opened a little gap. Take a look.

As expected, he had already walked away, leaving only his back.

Tuanzi slowly took his little hands away and stared at his back.

She was obviously thin and good-looking, just like the young man who reined in his horse and looked back when he shot Willow, but for some reason, it made her feel staggering and miserable, as if every step she took was extremely difficult and painful.

Tuanzi was stunned for a long time, and shook his little head vigorously for a while to shake away the little things in his mind... He didn't dare to think about it anymore, he was getting less and less scared.

Princess Duan came out.

Although Shen Lingjue is young, he has a title and is already the de facto head of the family. He cannot entertain two guests.

However, she said a few words to him, but Shen Lingjue had no reaction.

Princess Duan took a closer look and felt that he was in a state that looked normal, but was actually very abnormal. It was as if he couldn't hear her at all, and he kept in that very cold and handsome state. , looking at Zhuzhu not far or near.

Zhuzhu's little hands and feet were curled up into a ball, hiding in the seventh prince's arms, not daring to raise her face and trembling.

Princess Duan whispered to people to see when Sheng Minglin would come back. She went over to her daughter and said, "Zhuzhu, let the seventh brother and the others talk to the young prince. Mother will take Zhuzhu to bed."

Zhuzhu's little face was buried in the seventh prince's body, and her voice was muffled: "No, Zhuzhu is afraid that he will make a fool of himself."

Shen Lingjue's eyelashes trembled.

He stood up.

Huo Chenzhao quickly stood up, still standing between him and Zhuzhu.

Shen Lingjue didn't force himself to move forward, and said, "If you don't let me hit him, then I'll hit you."

The dumpling shook violently.

The seventh prince turned his head and glared at him, while hurriedly patting her: "Zhu Zhu'er, don't be afraid, he can't hit you."

Compared with Sheng Minglin's large and gentle eyes, Shen Lingjue's eyes were slightly narrow and long, with sharp inner corners, making them look particularly cold when looking at people.

He said every word: "If you can't hit him, I will hit him."

The seventh prince was angry: "Are you sick?"

Tuanzi was scared and anxious. He showed a little eye on Brother Seven's shoulder and said in a trembling voice: "But Zhuzhu and beautiful Guoguo are right! Go find Bad Zhuzhu! Bad Zhuzhu can do it for one person and one person for each other. Dang! Don’t be afraid of bad Zhuzhu! Go find her! Please!”

Shen Lingjue was silent for a long time, then suddenly called Huo Chenzhao and leaned towards him.

Tuanzi was stunned.

It was so sudden that she forgot she could still shrink back.

Then he stared into her eyes for a while, and said in a gentle voice: "Sheng Mingzhu, let me take a bite, okay? Let me taste your blood. What does it taste like? I really want to know. , are you a human? Are you and her really not the same person? "

His whole state was too weird, and his eyes were too weird.

Princess Duan and Huo Chenzhao both frowned, feeling a wet and sticky discomfort all over their bodies.

But the Seventh Prince and Tuanzi, who were simple-minded, felt less afraid and felt that he... seemed sad.

Tuanzi was stunned for a long time, tears streaming down his face, and he stretched out his chubby hand tremblingly, "Well, then bite a little harder..."

She closed her eyes and didn't dare to look. She suppressed her fear and told him: "Uncle Huang, Zhui, Zhui likes to touch Zhuzhu with his hands. You, you have to give Uncle Huang some oil."

Shen Lingjue stretched out his hand to grab it.

Huo Chenzhao grabbed his wrist.

Shen Lingjue struggled twice but couldn't get away. He suddenly rushed forward, like a small animal, opened his mouth and bit Tuanzi's little hand.Tuanzi screamed.

The Seventh Prince got angry at that moment and punched him in the face.

Shen Lingjue fell to the ground, and the seventh prince hurriedly took Zhuzhu's hand over to take a look, and sure enough, there were shallow teeth marks on it.

The seventh prince became angry and suddenly thrust Zhuzhu into Princess Duan's arms.

As soon as Huo Chenzhao pulled Shen Lingjue up over there, the seventh prince rushed over and kicked him away, knocking over a bunch of tables and chairs.

The seventh prince yelled: "You are damn sick!! You are the only one who has died, right! Do you think I have never died? You don't understand people, don't you! I said it's not her, it's not her, you don't understand?" !? How dare you bite someone, are you a dog? Do you think I am dead!"

He was scolding and beating at the same time. Shen Lingjue broke away from Huo Chenzhao and fought back wildly.

The two of them fought together in an instant, fighting from inside to outside the house, breaking countless tables, chairs, and roofs. At first, they were going back and forth, but then they were as disorganized as fighting animals, with no care and no defense at all.

The seventh prince started crying while he was spanking, and Shen Lingjue cried even more than he did.

At first, the two of them were yelling at each other: "Do you know how miserable my death was?"

"Do you think my life won't be miserable?"

"My mother died like this!"

"My grandfather is also dead! He is my only relative!"

Then there was a whimpering sound, and it was impossible to hear what the two were cursing.

Huo Chenzhao was so anxious that he was spinning back and forth.

Although he felt that it was a good thing for the two of them to have a fight like this. It was better to let it out than to hold it in, but the prerequisite was not to get seriously injured!But now it’s almost killing people!
He asked the person next to him urgently: "Isn't the prince back yet?"

The servants were also very anxious: "I went to look for him twice, but I haven't come back yet!"

Huo Chenzhao ignored them and directly confessed his crime. He went to pull out a hairpin from the princess's head, rushed up, walked around them, and poked several acupuncture points one after another.

As a result, the two of them lost strength while fighting, but they became angry and continued to fight each other crazily.

This kind of fighting method that does not hurt the muscles and bones will be fine. Huo Chenzhao looked at it silently for a while, put away the hairpin, and went to look at Zhuzhu's hand.


Sheng Minglin and the fourth prince left the palace and got into the carriage.

We were only halfway there when someone came to report: "Your Majesty, Prince Shen has arrived at our house! The Princess wants you to go back quickly!"

Sheng Minglin was startled and quickly asked the coachman to speed up. After walking for a short distance, someone came to report again: "The prince is not well! Young Prince Shen and His Majesty the Seventh Prince are fighting. Mr. Huo asked us to call you!! "

The carriage accelerated wildly, and as soon as it entered the door of the mansion, several young men rushed over: "Master, you are back, and His Majesty the Seventh Prince and the others are still fighting! The house is about to collapse!"

The fourth prince and Sheng Minglin stopped talking and jumped out of the carriage with their robes in hand and ran over.

Before arriving, I had even thought about missing arms and legs. However, when I arrived, I found that Shen Lingjue and the Seventh Prince were dancing softly in front of each other, with fierce expressions and tears on their faces, but they were still punching and kicking. Pause for a moment.

The two stopped slowly: "...???"

Zhuzhu was bitten just now and before she started crying, a strong wind and rain started over there. Zhuzhu was so frightened that she forgot to cry at all. Huo Chenzhao came over to show her hands. , she didn't even notice, just watching the two fighting.

Then when he saw Sheng Minglin and the two of them, Tuanzi suddenly came back to his senses and burst out crying. He raised his hands towards them, feeling aggrieved and unable to speak.

The fourth prince and Sheng Minglin hurried over to comfort the baby.

In fact, the bite was not deep, after all, it was stopped in time, but the little hands of the dumpling were white and fleshy, just like the little buns, which made those teeth marks particularly scary.

Huo Chenzhao went back to the yard to get the medicine box, cleaned her, applied medicine and bandaged her. Tuanzi cried a lot and was exhausted from crying. The two of them were still gnashing their teeth and pecking at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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