Chapter 158 Be good to Zhuzhu all your life
It was dark now.

Because of the cloudy sky, it looked even darker. Several people were too lazy to look at them, mainly because they couldn't see clearly.

Princess Duan was so frightened that she was about to coax Tuanzi to sleep first, but Tuanzi's eyes widened and he pointed outside: "Qi Guo Guo Guo is still fighting! Why can Zhu Zhu go to sleep if he is swollen!"

"So?" Princess Duan said helplessly: "How can you help if you don't sleep?"

Tuanzi argued: "Although Zhuzhu is useless, Zhuzhu can accompany Qiguoguo and coax him not to cry... When Zhuzhu cries, Siguoguo and Guoguo will coax him a little. Be happy. Qi Guo Guo must also be tied."

Princess Duan was speechless.

The fourth prince came over, took Zhuzhu into his arms, and kissed her fleshy little cheek.

Sheng Minglin walked to the door and took a look. The two of them were so tired that they sat on the ground. They were still saying that you hit me and I hit you.

The wind got stronger and stronger, causing the earth, rocks and leaves to fly. Suddenly, there was a rumble above the head, thunder rolled over, and then, big raindrops fell densely, making the roof crackle.

Sheng Minglin raised his head and glanced at the sky, then turned back to look at them.

I don't know who it was, but one end rolled onto the other person, and then the two rolled together. After beating each other a few times, they stretched out their bodies and lay on the ground.

The cool raindrops quickly hit his face. The seventh prince closed his eyes and suddenly laughed.

I just feel that after this fight, the anger and resentment accumulated in my chest since my rebirth have been swept away!

At this moment, I really felt the joy of being reborn! !
Shen Lingjue was made to smile by him, and he also laughed loudly. The rainwater filled his mouth, and he coughed while laughing, as if he was crazy.

Tuanzi's eyes widened, he pointed outside to the fourth prince, then turned back to look at him, does that mean you don't care?
The fourth prince said gently: "Don't worry about it."

Rather than saying that they are fighting, it is better to say that they are venting. They share a common secret and a common destiny. Being able to have such a hearty fight is undoubtedly the best "heart medicine".

He waited for a while, until they had laughed enough, and then asked someone to carry them in.

The two of them really exhausted their last bit of strength and lay on the ground, unable to move even the tips of their fingers.

Sheng Minglin first asked Huo Chenzhao to check them and found that there was no serious problem. Then he called someone to give them a bath and change clothes, and carried them to the couch. Then he asked Huo Chenzhao to check them carefully.

Both of them had bruises on their noses, faces, and bruises on their bodies. Shen Lingjue had two broken ribs, but they were not seriously injured. The Seventh Prince's muscles and bones were strong, but no bones were injured.

Huo Chenzhao gave them the Huo family's special wound medicine and applied it with ice to cool them down, which greatly reduced the pain.

At this time, it was long past the time for Zhuzhu to go to bed, but Zhuzhu was not sleepy at all, waiting with her big eyes open.

After the bandage was finished, the fourth prince carried her over and placed her next to the seventh prince's bed.

Tuanzi held his two little hands in his arms, not daring to touch Brother Qi's body, and said to him: "Qiguoguo, Zhuzhu, help you huff?"

The seventh prince smiled and stretched out his hand, "Zhuzhu'er, good baby, let seventh brother hug you."

Tuanzi nodded obediently and arched his little head forward, resting on his arm.

The seventh prince hugged the limp little one and said, "Zhuzhu, although the seventh brother is in a little pain, he is very happy. He is really, very happy. Don't worry."

He took a long breath, rubbed her little head, turned his head and kissed her little face, and continued in a low voice: "Zhuzhu'er, seventh brother is a fool. He treated you badly before. Don't be angry. In the future, seventh brother will I will treat you well every day and I will treat you well all my life. I swear!"

Tuanzi Sheng'er was confused: "Ketie, Ketie Qi Guo Guo Dui Zhu Zhu, it's always been good!"

The Seventh Prince was silent for a moment and laughed: "Silly Zhuzhu... Oh! Silly Zhuzhu! Seventh Brother loves you to death!"

He kissed her little head wildly, causing her beads to tilt from his kisses.

The fourth prince frowned.

Suddenly, Shen Lingjue next to him called out: "Your Highness." The fourth prince turned to look at him, and Shen Lingjue also looked at him intently, and called out in a low voice: "Fourth brother."

Call him fourth brother?The fourth prince raised his eyebrows.

Shen Lingjue asked him softly: "Are you dead too? You were killed by her too, weren't you?"

The fourth prince said: "I have no memory of my previous life. What happened to you in your previous life? Tell me about it?"

Shen Lingjue was stunned, surprised but not surprised.

He opened his mouth, closed it again, and looked at the roof in trance.

It was still stormy outside, but the room seemed as silent as a deep valley.

Sheng Minglin walked over and hugged Zhuzhu, and said softly: "Zhuzhu, go to bed, okay? I'll see my seventh brother again tomorrow, and then my brother will transform Zhuzhu into a less fierce little prince, okay?"

Tuanzi glanced back at Shen Lingjue and nodded obediently.

Sheng Minglin hugged her sideways and patted her gently. Zhuzhu closed her eyes obediently and for a while, she slowly fell asleep.

Sheng Minglin carried Zhuzhu to Princess Duan, then held an umbrella and personally took them back to Yueyuan.

Princess Duan said, "I'll sleep with Zhu Zhu'er here, so you don't have to worry."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

He walked back through the night and asked the boy: "Brother Qi and the others haven't had dinner yet?"

The boy quickly answered yes, and Sheng Minglin said, "Let the kitchen prepare some as you like."

The boy responded and brought it up after a while.

Not to mention, the seventh prince was really hungry after a fight. As soon as it was served, he sat up immediately. Even though Shen Lingjue had a broken rib, he sat up and ate like a normal person.

Sheng Minglin also felt a little hungry and brought a bowl of wontons as a midnight snack.

For a moment, the five of them were all engrossed in eating, and no one spoke. Amidst the sound of rain and the smell of rice, there was an inexplicable atmosphere like fighting side by side.

It wasn't until he finished eating and put away that Shen Lingjue said slowly: "I actually knew for a long time that Sheng Mingzhu was not a child, but I didn't expect that it turned out that she was not Zhuzhu, but that there was a real Zhuzhu."

The young man told them about his past life very calmly.

He kept talking until he was almost burned to death.

He continued in a low voice: "I lay in bed for a year, unable to move. Later, a famous doctor came to my door to treat me... At that time, I didn't know that it was my fourth brother who was looking for me, but I also I don’t care, I was so disheartened and thought about dying that I would die, it didn’t matter who sent me.”

"Then I was treated for more than a year. I gradually got better. I could stand up and walk again. Doctor Zhou said it was a miracle. Then he said he had done everything he could, so he said goodbye and left. Two more days passed. Yue, there is a martial arts master who came over to teach me inner skills and mental methods."

"What I'm practicing now is the internal skills and mental methods from that time. I didn't work very hard when I was a child, and my martial arts skills were mediocre... I woke up in February, and I started practicing as soon as I woke up. I'm now as good as a third-class martial artist." To be able to practice to this level in just a few shows how powerful this skill is."

"But at that time, my whole body was stiff, and it took me more than two years of training before I was almost as good as I am now. And, maybe because of my burns, I unintentionally discovered a new way of internal strength. , Master Lin said, if it weren’t for my physical limitations, I would definitely be stronger than him..."

"I have always wanted to know who sent Master Lin and who was helping me, but Master Lin refused to tell me anyway. Later, I followed him quietly and was discovered by him. He may have told the fourth brother afterwards, So one night, my fourth brother came over to see me."

"I was extremely unkind to Fourth Brother because of Sheng Mingzhu, no, not Sheng Mingzhu, because of that evildoer. At that time, she jumped from the tower and she probably wanted to ask Fourth Brother to pick her up. I don't know why she wanted to I did this, but I felt that I had suffered for my fourth brother, so I was very angry. When I saw him, I wanted to beat him and asked him what he was doing... Then Master Lin stopped me and said that I didn't want to know who called him. Are you here? It’s Fourth Brother.”

"I was confused all of a sudden."

(End of this chapter)

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