Chapter 159 Being a bad guy requires great wisdom
Shen Lingjue has an extremely upright appearance. He is born with superior bones and sharp features. His depressed and crazy eyes make him even more stunningly handsome, making people subconsciously ignore his current age.

His voice was also low and sweet. As he spoke, he turned to look at the fourth prince.

The fourth prince looked calm.

Shen Lingjue smiled suddenly: "Fourth brother, you were like this at that time, sitting there, calm and quiet, as if there was nothing big in the world. In fact, I hate you being like this, but... seeing you like this Son, I have indeed calmed down."

"Then I ask you, why do you want to help me? To atone for the sins of your mistress?"

Sheng Minglin twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking to himself, do you call this calming down?

Shen Lingjue looked at his expression and laughed: "You think such words are very annoying? But the fourth brother doesn't care at all. He didn't pave the way at all, he just told me like this..."

Shen Lingjue imitated the fourth prince's cold demeanor: "It was a servant of Prince Duan who set the fire back then."


Shen Lingjue sneered, yes!A servant of Prince Duan's Mansion, ordered by your concubine!So you want justice for me?

The fourth prince ignored his madness and continued: He was also a servant of your palace. His name is Li An, and he is the younger brother of Li Ping, the soldier your father killed by mistake.

Shen Lingjue stopped suddenly. He had heard that his father killed a soldier by mistake, and his name was indeed Li Ping.

The fourth prince said: Even if the palace is not heavily guarded, it still has many doors. How could he enter your courtyard alone and carry oil? How could he escape after the fire?There are many loyal servants among your servants. Why has no one come to put out the fire or save you?It's all because he has been planning this for more than ten years. He has found out the situation in your palace and taken medicine in advance to make it happen smoothly... And the servant who finally rescued you was because he was sick the day before and couldn't go to the hospital. That's why I didn't get knocked down by the medicine, so I rushed over desperately to save you.

In other words, this matter has nothing to do with Sheng Mingzhu? ? ?

Of course he didn't believe it and argued with the fourth prince.

The fourth prince thought to himself and said: Zhuzhu jumped from the tower because she had an argument with others and was pushed down.Before he was pushed down, he saw me underneath, so he called Brother Four for help. It was definitely not a deliberate design.

Again, was this just an accident? ? ?
The fourth prince said again: I also investigated what you said about Madam Liu, and found out that it was the second lady of the Liu Mansion, her sister-in-law. The person she was looking for was not you, but Sun Erlang was with you, but Sun Erlang happened to be called away. The second lady had already set up a trap, so in desperation, he took you with you who was alone.

So, this has nothing to do with Sheng Mingzhu? ? ?

The fourth prince said: "I know you don't believe it, but I found out that it is indeed the case. Now that things have happened, I don't need to lie to you."

Shen Lingjue said: "Then, the fourth brother left directly."


No, not right.

Sheng Minglin frowned as he listened to him.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about arson... In Zhuzhu’s dream, arson was obviously a shallow plan. She stole money, bribed the people, and set the fire... Zhuzhu dreamed about the whole process.

However, the fourth prince was right. If it was a last-minute idea, how could a servant enter the palace and do this?
But if it wasn't an impromptu idea, why would there be... a complete line of events in Zhuzhu's dream?
Unless, after Yuyan did it, someone secretly helped her erase her traces, and even created some evidence that was enough to win the fourth prince's trust!
The fish eyes he knew were definitely not that smart.

So, could it be that someone discovered the special features of fish eyes earlier than everyone else, observed in secret, helped, and then took advantage of it?

If so, that seems more reasonable.

After all, being a bad guy who can subvert the society also requires great wisdom.

So, why didn’t Zhuzhu dream about this person?

When Zhuzhu dreams, she dreams only when she comes into contact with him. Do you have to wait until you come into contact with this person or something related to him before you can dream?

But at this moment, they have no clue.

.........Sheng Minglin was thinking, while Shen Lingjue was still telling.

Of course he didn't believe it.

But after inheriting such a great affection from the fourth prince, his original "I will definitely kill Sheng Mingzhu to take revenge as long as I still have breath" turned into "I have to prove that the enemy is indeed Sheng Mingzhu before I can kill her to take revenge, and then the big deal Commit suicide to return the favor of the fourth prince."

He spent a lot of time questioning everyone who dealt with it, and found that what the fourth prince said was actually true.

Master Lin followed him for a long time, and then stopped following him until he calmed down.

After that, he had more contact with the fourth prince, and his relationship gradually improved. The fourth prince also took him to meet Emperor Mingxi.

Emperor Mingxi asked him to teach the shadow guards. He was actually only eighteen at that time, but because his whole body was burned and his voice was hoarse, he looked very old, so the people under his command quite believed in him.

A few more years passed like this, and the sequelae of his burns gradually appeared. Even though his internal strength was high, his body was no longer good, so he retreated and met the fourth prince again.

At that time, Sheng Mingzhu had already reached her hair age.

When Shen Lingjue said this, he pointed at Sheng Minglin: "You had just died at that time."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

This sentence was so true that he didn't know how to answer it.

In fact, he was very confused.

In his understanding, Yuyan liked the fourth prince since childhood, but the fourth prince never noticed it.

But it turns out that the fourth prince had doubted Yuyan as early as when she was five or six years old?

But it's not surprising. Even if the fourth prince doesn't understand the charm, he is the son of a dragon and a phoenix after all. He should not be so slow to be liked.

So, when the fish eyes had not reached the hairpin level, the fourth prince "aware" of her feelings, and cut off the love thread with a smart sword. Is there a story behind this?Acting? ?
That's what he thought, and that's what he asked.

"It should be." Shen Lingjue said: "When I came back, the fourth brother had already broken up with her. The fourth brother told me that he found Sheng Mingzhu extremely weird, not like a little girl, not even like a person in this world... …He said that she didn’t know why, but she must get his love, and she used both soft and hard tactics to achieve this, and used all kinds of tricks.”

You know, the fourth prince and Sheng Mingzhu have the same surname and are direct cousins. Putting aside the royal family, they are one family!They are almost like siblings!
A close relationship can be an aunt's cousin or an aunt's cousin, but how can two biological uncles and children of the same grandfather get married?

But Sheng Mingzhu didn't care, and even told him that she didn't want her status and just wanted to have him... For a noblewoman from a royal palace to say such things, it was simply despicable.

And, the key is, Sheng Mingzhu doesn't like him at all.

Maybe I liked him when I was a child, but when I grew up, after he repeatedly rejected me, I completely disliked him. I scolded him in private, but every time I saw him, I still pretended to admire him and drugged him. There is skin-to-skin contact.

It even worked twice.

He didn't take much precautions the first time, but he still got caught the second time despite all the precautions. This was really scary.

However, it seems that physical intimacy is not enough, it seems that he also needs to truly love her... So Sheng Mingzhu still pestered him, and the fourth prince simply broke off diplomatic relations with her openly.

Speaking of this, Shen Lingjue coughed and turned his eyes in the room: "Although the fourth brother refused to elaborate, what I heard from the fourth brother seemed to be... the feeling when doing that was too wonderful, wonderful It was so untrue. In addition, he was already suspicious, but he was even more wary. He wanted to find out who she was, but she seemed to have the ability to confuse people. The servants were all devoted to her. The reason why they came to me , because I have a grudge against her and am not easily influenced by her."

"No wonder," Sheng Minglin was extremely surprised: "No wonder the fourth brother refused to even have a little contact with her after he broke off the relationship with her. Others said he was cruel..."

He sighed for a long time before asking: "Then what?"

Shen Lingjue smiled bitterly: "Then I died."

(End of this chapter)

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