Chapter 160 That’s how things are
Sheng Minglin said in surprise: "Die like that??"

"Yes," Shen Lingjue said: "I discussed it with my fourth brother for a long time, and then my fourth brother put me into Prince Duan's Mansion as a guard... When I was teaching the shadow guards, I faked my death and escaped. The world should think that I was dead. A few years later, when I went there, I put on a human skin mask again. It had no resemblance to my original appearance, and it should have been flawless."

"It was fine at first, but when I escorted the evildoer for the first time, I didn't say a word during the trip. I didn't feel that I had exposed any clues. After I came back, I rested, and when I woke up, I went to the dungeon, where Sheng Mingzhu sat In front of me, he smiled and said to me, "Little Prince, long time no see."

Several people were surprised.

Especially Sheng Minglin.

He still had confidence in the fourth prince's ability. The route he arranged must be secretive, but he was discovered all of a sudden?
Shen Lingjue said: "Not only that, Sheng Mingzhu told me how she missed me, and explained to me what happened back then. In short, she pretended to be deeply in love with me. Naturally, I endured my nausea and cooperated, but she seemed to know that I was Hypocrisy... I have been hanging out with Shadow Guard for several years. Not only did I teach kung fu, but I also learned many other skills. I think I act very similar, but she just knows..."

Sheng Minglin suddenly gave a high-five: "I understand."

Shen Lingjue said: "What do you know?"

Sheng Minglin said: "You finish speaking first."

He said: "It's almost finished. She couldn't bear it anymore after a few days. She even threatened me, saying that life would not be so easy if I was in the hands of others. I was actually in poor health at the time. When I heard what she meant , it was so soft that I needed something hard. I didn’t want to be tortured anymore, so I gave her a try and gave her a break. She was injured and I died. I just died like this."

Sheng Minglin nodded and said regretfully: "You should have persisted a little longer and see who she handed you over to. If I guessed correctly, it should be the person who gave Sheng Mingzhu advice to clean things up."

Shen Lingjue snorted coldly.

Then he asked: "You just said, what do you know?"

Sheng Minglin said: "This monster has a magical object in her hand, called the system. She seems to be able to get something by sleeping with men... I think fourth brother is her main target, and you may also be one of her... little Goal? So getting your love may also be good for her, so she tried to pretend at the last moment. "

"Similarly, well, I'm just guessing... The reason why you were exposed may be because you were once her little target, so no matter how you disguise yourself, her fetish will tell her as soon as you show up. "

Shen Lingjue was stunned.

The fourth prince nodded: "It should be, it should be within a certain distance. If you are far away, you won't be able to feel it, so it was fine at first, but then something happened after you accompanied me."

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but sigh: "So, fourth brother... what we know, such as Qin Jiangbai, seventh brother, me, Huo Chenzhao, Shen Lingjue... we are all dead. Your investigation of the fish eyes has just begun. We What’s the use of having memories of past lives? Who knows what you’ll do later!”

The fourth prince said very calmly: "This is how things are in the world, how can it be as perfect as everyone wants. Now that fish eyes have never been mixed up, even if you don't remember anything, it is much better than in the previous life... You can remember some, even more... Fortunately, we take our time.”

Shen Lingjue was obviously familiar with the fourth prince in his previous life, and said directly: "Look, he is always like this! Don't be impatient, I'm so angry!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "I quite like Fourth Brother, I feel at ease."

The Seventh Prince couldn't help but said: "Me too."

The fourth prince glanced at him, his lips slightly curved.

Sheng Minglin glanced at Luo Ke and said, "Okay, it's too late. Let's do this for now. Tomorrow is the Longevity Festival. You can sleep as much as you can."

"Wait a minute," Shen Lingjue said, "I have told you everything about my past life. Where is the monster? Didn't you say that Jin Yiwei caught him? Where is he?"

Sheng Minglin said: "I will take you to see it on the sixth day of May. The things in between are too long. I will talk to you in detail tomorrow when I have time. Fourth brother..." He deliberately yawned: "Let's go to bed. Shen Zhao, go back to sleep too!"

Then he really left, and the fourth prince also got up and followed him out.

Shen Lingjue gritted his teeth in anger and looked at the two of them going out. He suddenly felt a little funny and turned over to lie down.They were in Sheng Minglin's Zeyuan. Sheng Minglin and the fourth prince went to Zhuzhu's Yueyuan to sleep. It was raining heavily outside, so Huo Chenzhao simply didn't go back. He closed the doors and windows and let all the servants go. To sleep, I took a bench and lay down on it.

It rained all night, and everyone thought they would not be able to sleep, but they all slept well.

The second day is the Longevity Festival.

Word came down from the palace early in the morning that all celebrations and ceremonies were cancelled, except for the palace banquet in the evening, which was also reduced in scope.

The fourth prince entered the palace in the rain early in the morning and reported what happened to Shen Lingjue. He then turned back and Zhuzhu hadn't gotten up yet.

The fourth prince whispered to Sheng Minglin: "Sheng Yulu has indeed reported illness."

"Unexpected!" Sheng Minglin said casually: "Uncle Qi Wang teases people everywhere every day, who would have thought of this? It seems that dogs that bite people may not necessarily stop barking, and they may even bark nonsense."

The fourth prince was amused by him: "You really have a long mouth."

Sheng Minglin laughed and said, "Who do you think the person who secretly helps Yuyan is?"

"I don't know," the fourth prince said, "I can't guess at this moment, but in a few days, I should be able to find out."

Sheng Minglin nodded, a little lost in thought.

The fourth prince asked: "Huh?"

Sheng Minglin sighed: "Fourth brother, I don't know if I'm overthinking it. I think that when Ling Jue was injured, Yuyan was only five or six years old. Even if there are some rumors, who in the normal world would think of it... Who? Do you believe it?"

The fourth prince's expression darkened: "What do you mean..."

Sheng Minglin nodded silently.

Yes, no normal person would believe that a five- or six-year-old child would drug him to make peace, kill people, and set fires. Even if there were rumors, they would think it was nonsense.

Unless that person already knows who she is!
Therefore, Sheng Minglin was thinking that it was impossible that that person had already appeared when Yuyan was still Chen, right?
Thinking like this is another trouble.

The two of them were sitting in the hall, watching the rain with the door open. While talking, they saw Huo Chenzhao coming over with an umbrella and said with a smile: "Your Highness, Prince, you forgot your painting over there yesterday."

He handed the national flag painting to them and said, "I saw it accidentally, and on a whim, I drew one and put it inside."

Neither of them cared much. Sheng Minglin took it casually and said, "How are the two of them?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "It was noisy before dawn. I really couldn't sleep, so I got up to draw."

Sheng Minglin was a little surprised: "What's the quarrel about? How could they quarrel?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "The young prince asked His Highness Seventh Prince what happened before. His Highness said he didn't know. The young prince said he was stupid and they had a quarrel... Then His Highness Seventh Prince said he knew and didn't tell him. He had to first I have asked you or the Fourth Highness whether you can tell me or not. The young prince said that he was not weaned and lived an extra life in vain. Your Highness said that he only lived in vain. When he woke up, he didn't know how to find the Fourth Highness. He came to kill people and bully children. Been arguing for a while..."

He sighed tiredly: "They don't have any taboos in what they say. I won't listen to my advice. Someone try to persuade them."

(End of this chapter)

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