After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 162 The meat is very fragrant, hum hum, that little piggy

Chapter 162 The meat is very fragrant, hum hum, that little piggy

Shen Lingjue asked strangely: "Brother Xingxing? My name is Shen Lingjue."

"Zhuzhu, how many words do you have?" Tuanzi patted his chest: "Zhuzhu Chongming, he understands everything, he knows how to say everything."

"Ha ha!"

Although I already know that she is not her, I have hated her for so long that I still feel a little uncomfortable with her.

So Shen Lingjue laughed at his little friend without grace, "You are so smart, and you still call me Xingxing?"

Tuanzi said: "Because you are like a star, tall, bright and majestic!"

Shen Lingjue was stunned for a moment.

He is now a monster in the skin of a boy, full of hatred and anger, dark and disgusting. He wants to stab passersby when he sees him. He has nothing to do with the stars.

But what she said was extremely sincere, and his appearance was reflected in her clear and ignorant eyes, shining brightly, which made him feel at a loss for some reason.

Shen Lingjue raised his chin, put on an arrogant look, and said, "Then what's your name?"

Tuanzi replied stupidly: "Zhuzhu's name is Zhuzhu."

Shen Lingjue stretched out his finger and poked her round belly: "Is it the kind of fat pig you can eat?"

"It's not tied!" Tuanzi covered his belly and explained seriously: "It's tied with pearl beads! It's tied with bright beads!"

"I understand, you're really a pig!" He said in a very irritating manner: "You're really a little pig whose meat is very fragrant. He hums and hums every day, right?"

Tuanzi stopped, looked at him, blinked his big eyes, and was thinking seriously.

He thought she was going to lose her temper or cry.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, she nodded: "Yes, it's a real little pig with very fragrant meat."

Shen Lingjue was stunned: "...??"

He thought to himself, is this kid stupid?

Sheng Minglin chuckled: "Zhu Zhu'er, don't pay attention to him. He is a fool and there is something wrong with him."

Tuanzi glanced at Shen Lingjue, pulled him, pulled his brother to the door, and whispered in his ear: "Guo Guo, he may not have studied. He is stupid and stupid. He doesn't know how to tell the difference between the two. Don't say If he comes out, he will be sad!"

Sheng Minglin glanced at Shen Lingjue and said with a smile, "Isn't Zhuzhu angry?"

"Don't be angry," Tuanzi said matter-of-factly: "The name is not important, the happiness of Xingxing Guoguo is important!"

Shen Lingjue listened to every word: "..."

He unknowingly put away his irritating look, frowned, and felt a little confused.

This child...this child...who did this child learn from? His little mouth is like honey, so he is so good at coaxing people?
It's a pity that he used the wrong person, he is not that easy to coax!

He looked on coldly, waiting to see what tricks this little kid wanted to play!
Unexpectedly, his special treatment was only for a short time!
Zhu Zhuer quickly took off her wooden clogs and oil coat and rain hat under the service of the maid, then ignored him and ran to ask the seventh prince: "Qi Guo Guo, are you still in pain today? "

The seventh prince smiled and said: "It doesn't hurt anymore. It didn't hurt much yesterday. It's fine today."

Huo Chenzhao came over with a medicine jar and said with a smile, "Would you like to help my brother apply the medicine?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Yes."

Huo Chenzhao rolled up her sleeves and taught her to dip her fingers into the medicine. He also warned her, "Just apply it lightly. When there is medicine on your hands, don't touch your eyes or mouth. Do you remember?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Remember!"

Huo Chenzhao nodded and went to apply medicine to Shen Lingjue.

He moved neatly, applying it one by one, fanning slightly to let the medicine dry, and immediately applied it to one area. It didn't take half a quarter of an hour to finish applying the medicine to all the wounds on his body, but Shen Lingjue didn't feel any pain.

After applying the medicine, Huo Chenzhao took the medicine jar and left. Shen Lingjue glanced sideways.

Xiaotuanzi was obviously very nervous, his eyes were wide open, and his little chubby hands didn't dare to touch the seventh prince's skin, as if they were afraid of being burned. Finished.

The Seventh Prince looked on with a smile and encouraged her: "It's okay, it really doesn't hurt, just apply it boldly!"

He grabbed Tuanzi's little hand and pulled it up and down: "Do you feel your palms are cold? This medicine will cool you down and it won't hurt."

Tuanzi nodded, pulled his sleeve with one hand, dug out a little more medicine, and then applied it a little more vigorously. He asked Huo Chenzhao very seriously: "Beautiful Guoguo, the color has become lighter, do you still need to apply it?" "Yes," Huo Chenzhao said with a smile, "I need to apply it too."

Tuanzi nodded, his whole little face was about to be smeared, and he wiped the edges with his fingers extremely seriously. Litchi also held a handkerchief to help his master. As soon as she said "Yeah", she quickly wiped away the edges. .

Seeing the master and servant's posture as if facing a formidable enemy, Shen Lingjue felt inexplicably that he had been perfunctory.

He complained about the Seventh Prince: "It's just a little skin injury, as if he was injured."

The seventh prince said happily: "You don't need to nag, I know you are jealous of me."

"Am I jealous of you?" The young prince sneered with disdain on his face: "Why am I jealous of you?"

This was the only thing on the seventh prince's mind these past two days, so he showed his rare eloquence, "I'm jealous that Zhuzhu loves me!"

Prince Shen's voice was even higher: "Can I be so boring?"

"You are so boring!" The Seventh Prince snorted and said in an old-fashioned way: "Old Shen, listen to my advice, every wrong you owe has his owner, and you must find the right person for revenge! So don't bully Zhuzhu, I It’s the car in front of you. Don’t bully me and then regret it like me. I felt really uncomfortable for a while, let me tell you.”

Shen Lingjue was actually stunned by what he said, and whispered: "What kind of car in front, which gentleman can teach you..."

There was silence on one side.

During the exchange between the two, Zhuzhuer was concentrating on applying the medicine and didn't hear it at all.

On the other hand, the two mature brothers, although they were talking about serious things, they were both distracted and listened.

Seeing that Shen Lingjue had obviously listened, the fourth prince and Sheng Minglin exchanged a look. The fourth prince stood up, rolled up the national flag painting, and touched Zhuzhu's little head: "Zhuzhu'er, fourth brother is leaving first. See you at the palace banquet tonight."

Tuanzi hurriedly said: "See you at the four pots of debt."

The fourth prince kissed her forehead, Zhuzhu held a medicinal hand, sent her out, and came back to apply the medicine.

She didn't let her apply it on her body, so she applied it on her arms and legs. She applied it for half an hour, and all the brothers in the room looked at it with smiles.

Until Zhuzhu finally finished applying the medicine, his sleeves and clothes were stained with medicine. He completed a big task and was so tired that he breathed out. Then he was taken away to wash his hands and change clothes.

As soon as Zhu Zhuer stepped away, the seventh prince took off his clothes. Huo Chenzhao came over and applied the medicine on his body in a few strokes.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Shen Zhao, you really found a good job for Zhuzhuer. She will never forget it. She can work for several days."

Huo Chenzhao also laughed: "I really didn't expect her to apply it so carefully. I thought the child would just apply it twice randomly and then go play with other things."

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows and said, "But Zhuzhu loves her seventh brother."

"Yes," Brother Seven nodded proudly, "Zhuzhu loves me."

Shen Lingjue: "Bang!"

Several people laughed, and then Sheng Minglin said: "By the way, Ling Jue, are you going tonight?"

Shen Lingjue shook his head: "I won't go."

Sheng Minglin said: "Go, Uncle Huang may want to see you."

Shen Lingjue still shook his head: "Let's wait until the emperor summons us. The emperor may not be free today. Besides, I'm not old. In fact... there's really no need to show up in such a hurry."

Sheng Minglin suddenly remembered: "By the way, Shen Zhao, what did you say about Mr. Shen's illness that day??"

Shen Lingjue suddenly turned her head to look at him, her smile completely gone.

Huo Chenzhao said it, and Sheng Minglin said from the side: "Shen Zhao has excellent medical skills, much better than the imperial doctors."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Lingjue had already stood up and lowered his hands to the ground: "Please help Divine Doctor Huo."

Huo Chenzhao said: "Young prince, you don't have to be polite, I just let you go and have a look."

After a brief discussion between the two, Huo Chenzhao followed him back home with the medicine box in hand.

After Zhu Zhuwu woke up and waited for a while, Princess Duan took them into the palace.

Princess Duan took Zhuzhu to the Queen's side first.

There were fewer people today, but the fragrant breeze still hit my face as soon as I entered, and the room was filled with fragrant clothes and shadows on the temples. Zhuzhu sneezed twice in succession and raised her hand to rub her little nose.

(End of this chapter)

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