Chapter 163 Uncle Huang is never wrong
As soon as Princess Duan finished her salute, she quickly knelt down and apologized.

The Empress smiled and waved her hands, and then said to the crowd: "Zhu Zhu'er has a good nose and likes to sneeze when she goes to crowded places. Fortunately, Lin'er is back." She pinched the tip of her little nose and said, "Zhu Zhu'er , let’s go play at my brother’s place!”

While talking, he called He Bao over and sent Zhuzhu over.

The banquet hadn't started yet, and Sheng Minglin was surrounded by people.

Sheng Minglin comes to the palace almost every day these days, and everyone sees it. Although everyone doesn't think that an eight or nine-year-old child can do any errands, maybe it is great to see the emperor every day, even if the emperor asks you to go to the palace to scold you. After a meal, being able to scold him every day is enviable.

Therefore, these children must have been told by their elders to make friends with him. A group of people gathered around him to talk. Sheng Minglin was young and short, so he couldn't be found at a glance.

The fourth prince was sitting in the waterside pavilion drinking tea. He saw He Bao coming with Zhuzhu from a distance, so he waved to him and said to him: "Minglin is busy, just give me Zhuzhu."

He Bao responded repeatedly and retreated.

The fourth prince held Zhuzhu and looked at the koi for a while. When the time was almost up, he carried Zhuzhu'er over.

At this time, the incident in the three halls has been spread, and the eldest prince is under restraint and has not been released today.

For such a serious and sensitive matter, the main reason is that the mastermind behind the scenes has not yet been found out. The atmosphere among the courtiers was obviously tense. After seeing the fourth prince saluting each other, they did not dare to talk to each other, for fear of being misunderstood that they were inquiring about this matter. .

The same was true for the third prince. He was originally responsible for investigating this matter. He was usually a well-rounded person, but he didn't dare to talk to anyone. He was sitting upright in front of the case. When he saw them coming over, he smiled and said, "Silang, Zhuzhu. "

The fourth prince called Third Brother and sat down with Zhuzhu in his arms.

Little Tuanzi didn't even bother to talk, his little head turned around to look at people.

As soon as the courtiers looked over, she felt they were looking at her. They cupped their hands, and she quickly imitated them. They cupped their little hands. They smiled, and she quickly smiled back, nodding, and waving... She was so busy. Incredible.

Fortunately, they arrived late and there were not many people left. No one came in at the door. Zhuzhu looked away and saw her brother. Zhuzhu stood on the fourth prince's lap and smiled at him. Sheng Minglin smiled silently. Open your hands, Zhuzhu also opens your hands...

Just as they were measuring, the ritual music started playing outside, Emperor Mingxi strode in, and the fourth prince also stood up and prepared to salute.

Xiao Tuanzi only felt his collar tighten, and Emperor Mingxi had already slipped past him.

Zhuzhu was startled, but she also knew that she shouldn't make a loud noise in this situation. She tried her best to reach up with her short hand, but couldn't reach it at all. She could only shake her in vain. Fortunately, Emperor Mingxi quickly turned her around and hugged her. In arms.

Before Tuanzi could get angry, he saw Uncle Huang's expression. He let out a sigh, hugged his bearded face with both hands, and whispered: "Uncle Huang, aren't you happy?"

Emperor Mingxi nodded.

Tuanzi's little mouth came over and kissed his face. Seeing that the effect was not great, he raised his little hand and said, "I'll suck your belly."

Emperor Mingxi shook his head: "It's unhappiness that can't be cured by kissing or sucking my belly."

Tuanzi was stunned, his eyes wide open, he couldn't think of any other way, so he murmured: "Well, how can that make you unhappy?"

Emperor Mingxi snorted coldly and glanced down.

As soon as he sat here, no one dared to say anything. When the old man and the young child started talking, everyone held their breath.

Emperor Mingxi said calmly: "Uncle Huang is very sad and heartbroken! Since I came to the throne, I have never treated any of my brothers poorly, and I have never treated any meritorious officials poorly. When I was a minister of King Yan, I was even more so. I regard him as an old friend and take care of him many times. I have never failed you, and I am extremely benevolent and righteous!"

"I have never thought that there are people who are crazy and want to use the name of God to destroy Taizu's foundation and destroy my great prosperity! If God had not shown mercy and let me know about this in advance... these people's plans would have succeeded. Well, wouldn’t I have become a sinner for all eternity? Who would have known that I have been wronged for all eternity?”

The ministers below were as silent as cicadas.The third prince stood up first and knelt down silently. The fourth prince and the courtiers also followed suit and knelt down. Because the prince was ostensibly talking to Zhuzhu, it was difficult for everyone to interrupt.

Tuanzi didn't know that he wasn't talking to her.

She remained motionless, staring at Uncle Huang's face. She used up all the brain capacity of a three-year-old baby, trying hard to listen and think... but she still didn't understand. She was so anxious.

Especially seeing the always fierce Uncle Huang with tears in his eyes, he was so anxious that he almost cried with him.

So, in the tense and solemn atmosphere, Xiao Nai Tuanzi sounded with a choked voice, full of guilt: "Yes, I'm sorry, Uncle Huang, Zhu Zhu doesn't understand, Zhu Zhu goes home and studies hard..."

Emperor Mingxi was choked with anger, and a smile appeared on his face: "It's okay, Zhuzhu... Then Zhuzhu'er, you said that the emperor moved the capital, was it wrong?"

Tuanzi said without hesitation: "No poke!"

"Oh?" Emperor Mingxi smiled and said, "Do you know what it means to move the capital?"

"Not a few!" Tuanzi replied crisply: "But! Uncle Huang did everything he could and never poked! Uncle Huang is awesome! Uncle Huang will never poke!"

Emperor Mingxi couldn't help laughing.

Everyone below slowly relaxed their shoulders, thinking that this trouble was finally over.

But Emperor Mingxi didn’t plan to have a happy birthday!
He asked with a smile: "Who taught Zhuzhu this?"

Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu has a certain number of words!" She waved her little hand: "Everyone has a certain number of words!"

Oh, you know everything?

It would be great if everyone really knew!
Emperor Mingxi glanced at him, did you hear it?

Even a three-year-old baby knows that I am never wrong!
Zhuzhu was still thinking very hard, and she didn't know where to pull out a sentence from the corner of her memory: "Taizong moved the capital, it was because of the great power... It's very sweet, fighting, and so on..."

Emperor Mingxi's eyes narrowed.

Taizong or something, this is the temple name!
Fortunately, Tuanzi's voice was very sweet, and he was thinking and talking at the same time, making it even more vague. People who were not familiar with it couldn't understand it, and people who were farther away couldn't hear it either.

Emperor Mingxi was afraid of being noticed, so he quickly found a conspicuous bag: "Zhu Zhu'er, you say that your fourth brother is very smart every day, why don't you ask your fourth brother to come out and say a few words?"

Tuanzi's thoughts were taken away and he nodded: "Si Guo Guo, it looks good! Chong Ming! Fourth brother said it!"

The fourth prince stood up in response.

This matter has been discussed countless times. Che Zulun talked back and forth, and his ears almost became calluses.

Especially on such an occasion, everyone thought that the fourth prince would just say a few casual remarks and forget about it, and quickly go over to have a good meal.

Unexpectedly, the fourth prince opened his mouth and said: "I am really unhappy about these recent incidents. The person behind the incident in the three halls is certainly crazy, but his biggest problem is short-sightedness! It is because of short-sightedness that he He would deliberately set up this situation...because he thought he had caught his father's biggest 'mistake', which was moving the capital! He thought that moving the capital could make a big fuss! Sadly, this government is as short-sighted as him There are so many people!”

Everyone was slightly startled.

The fourth prince was not a pushy person, and they did not expect that he would dare to say so today.

In the brief silence, the third prince was a little distracted and surprised... Taizong moved the capital?
Little kid, why would you suddenly say something like this?If there was no mention of moving the capital later, he might have thought it was another Taizong, but "Taizong moved the capital"?
(End of this chapter)

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