Chapter 169 God will shatter the halo to pieces

Everyone stared at him without blinking.

The big man on death row covered his neck and looked around in panic. When he saw the fourth prince, he shouted, "Fourth brother!"

The sound is like a bell, extremely rough and bold, and paired with her habitually drawn-out ending, it has a sour taste.

It is no exaggeration to say that everyone immediately got goosebumps.

But very happy.

Is this done?Is it really done?

Master Due looked calm, as if it was no big deal at all: "Well, it's done."

Yuyan shouted in panic: "What, what's going on! What did you do! What did I, how did I..."

She raised her arms and looked, and screamed, "No!! I don't want it! I don't want it! I don't want to be a man! You can't do this to me! How dare you do this to me!"

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Shen Lingjue's eyes brightened, and he stood up first, waving to Qin Jiangbai: "Master Qin!"

Qin Jiangbai raised his hand, and Jin Yiwei threw a whip over.

Shen Lingjue grabbed the big man with one hand, dragged him out of the formation, threw him to the ground, collapsed the whip with both hands, and did not forget to turn around and confirm again: "Master, if I hit her now, I won't hit her back, right?" ?”

Master Due answered various questions so many times that the entire monk became confused and said expressionlessly: "No."

The seventh prince hugged his shoulders and complained to him: "When I saw Zhu Zhu'er, I was so decisive when I did something evil. But when I saw it, I was really annoyed. You can't let me do it!"

Before he finished speaking, Shen Lingjue whipped him, and his skin and flesh were torn.

Yuyan screamed, rolling on the ground in pain, and said loudly: "You, you can't do this to me!! I'm here to save you, I have the ability to change my life, I...ah! Ah! Four Brother, help me! I can help you! How can you bear to do this to me!"

The fierce bull roared, the sound shook the house, and the ground shook as it rolled. The scene was really... too eye-catching.

Sheng Minglin and others silently said goodbye, and even a person of the Fourth Prince's temper couldn't help but say: "Don't call me!"

Fish Eyes was still crying.

Shen Lingjue smiled and swung the whip into a whip net. Every time the whip was struck, a stream of blood mist spurted out.

This kind of whip is a whip specially used by Jin Yiwei to hit people. It is thin and tough and does not hurt the bones, but it is extremely painful.

Yuyan yelled at first that you will regret it, I will not let you go... and soon he began to beg for mercy: "Let me go, I won't dare to do it anymore! Give me the system back, and I will leave right away. …”

Qin Jiangbai exchanged glances with the fourth prince.

It’s good that he’s not someone who can withstand punishment. It will definitely save time and effort during the trial.

Shen Lingjue drained the person into a gourd of blood and then slowly stopped. His beautiful little face was splashed with blood drops, but his eyes were particularly bright and his smile became more and more joyful.

Jin Yiwei stepped forward, took over the hand skillfully, and sprinkled her with medicine. It couldn't relieve the pain, but it could indeed heal the injury. After all, she couldn't die.

Shen Lingjue turned around and walked back. He slowly raised his hand and gently wiped away a drop of blood hanging on his long eyelashes. The corners of his mouth were still curved, and his smile was weird and beautiful.

Sheng Minglin and others were considerate and did not disturb him. Only the Seventh Prince said disgustedly: "Can you please stop smiling like a lunatic? People must learn to look forward. Revenge has been avenged. You are still crazy. What will happen in the future?" !”

Several people:"……"

Qihanhan has always been a clumsy talker, but when he faced his brother Shen Lingjue who had the same problem, his mouth felt like it was sharpened.Shen Lingjue glanced at him, burst into laughter, and patted his shoulder with a loud smile: "You're right! You're so right!"

Over there, Qin Jiangbai released a pigeon and reported it to his superiors. He glanced at them and said, "I don't know if the princess' side is okay."

Sheng Minglin was also thinking about this and said, "If everything goes well here, Zhuzhu's place will be fine. It's just a dream at most."

At this time, Huguo Temple.

In fact, Tuanzi was quite happy in the afternoon when he was taken out to play by his uncle whom he had not seen for a long time.

Although Tuanzi was a little afraid of those strange colorful clay statues and didn't like the empty and uninteresting places outside, based on his love for his uncle, Tuanzi didn't dislike it and walked around with his uncle for a long time. My legs are so tired.

As a result, he was not allowed to go back home until dinner time.

Tuanzi was a little unhappy, but he still followed his uncle to finish dinner.

Unexpectedly, after dinner, I said I wanted to sleep here.

Tuanzi immediately became unhappy and argued with a raised face: "Uncle didn't say that I wanted to sleep outside!"

General Xie squatted down quickly: "It's uncle's fault. Can uncle say it now? We have to spend the night here tonight."

"No, no, no," Tuanzi's little head shook like a rattle: "Zhuzhu wants to go home. Uncle can send a few debts and sleep here."

General Xie explained patiently: "But Zhuzhu must be here. Zhuzhu will be in danger tonight and is not safe at home. There are masters and Buddhas here who can protect Zhuzhu. Otherwise, why would uncle bring you here? Yes no?"

Tuanzi understood and was stunned for a moment: "Well, Zhuzhu wants mother to cuddle up and sleep."

General Xie said: "Zhu Zhu'er, this is a royal temple. Female guests are not allowed to stay overnight. Mother can't come."

Tuanzi was so aggrieved that tears began to well up in his eyes: "Well, then Guo Guo is also fine."

General Xie said: "My brother can't do it either, because he is not at home. Tonight, your brother, fourth brother, seventh brother, everyone has something to do. Only uncle is here tonight, and uncle holds Zhuzhu to sleep."

Tuanzi was surprised: "Kexi, but none of them told Zhuzhu!"

She was shocked by the news, her eyes widened, and she murmured to herself: "Guo Guo went out to play with Zhu Zhu on his back, and didn't tell Zhu Zhu! Zhu Zhu went out today and told Guo Guo that she would be back soon. , Guo Guo also agreed, Guo Guo deceived Zhuzhu..." She saw General Xie: "Wow, uncle also deceived Zhuzhu, all of them deceived Zhuzhu, only children, not adults! Zhuzhu won't follow You guys are so annoying! Woo hoo hoo..."

Tuanzi's tears fell down.

General Xie racked his brains to coax the baby.

Because Huguo Temple is exclusive to the emperor, men, let alone women, cannot come without the emperor's approval. Therefore, the servants brought in by General Xie are very few. Aunt Li Zhining and others are not allowed to enter. The young man from Tuanzi I only brought peanuts and walnuts, and I usually don't have someone to wait on me personally, so I have to coax him by myself.

The dumpling went from crying to crying, and cried hard for a long time. When he found out that he was really not allowed to go back home, he stopped aggrievedly. The whole dumpling was hung on his uncle's shoulders, with his two small arms hanging down, still It was twitching and twitching.

There were faint voices outside, but General Xie didn't pay attention.

The little niece was probably about to fall asleep. Victory was in sight. The general did not dare to relax at all. He was so tall that he walked around the room, twisting left and right, bumping up and down, and humming from time to time. He sang ballads that were [-] miles out of tune, because he was afraid that his little niece would lie too far back and make her uncomfortable, so he had to bend his waist, like an old woman who stole someone else's child.

If this was seen by the admirers of General Xie all over the world, the halo of the god general would be shattered to pieces on the spot.

General Xie turned around a few more times, and out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed a figure at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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