Chapter 170 I am the Lord of the World

General Xie was wary and quickly turned around, and then found that His Majesty the Emperor was standing at the door with his hands behind his hands, looking at him with a complicated expression.

The general was also startled and quickly saluted silently.

Emperor Mingxi waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to be polite, and walked around to take a look. Tuanzi's eyes had been closed, but he was still twitching in a daze.

Emperor Mingxi did not dare to touch her, and whispered: "We are not worried, so come here and guard Zhuzhu."

The general didn't dare to say anything, didn't dare to ask anything, but was secretly horrified.

I thought to myself, what on earth can a three-and-a-half-year-old baby do? It would take the trouble of an emperor to come and watch over him in person in the middle of the night! !
The general didn't care about his image, and kept shaking like a convulsion for more than a quarter of an hour. Feeling that Tuanzi had finally fallen asleep, he carefully supported Tuanzi's little head, raised his entire shoulder, and let her lie on his big hand, carefully After looking at it, I fell asleep.

General Xie breathed a sigh of relief and put Zhuzhu on the bed with his hands.

After putting it down, he carefully covered himself with the quilt. When he turned around, he was startled and remembered that there was only one couch in this wing.

General Xie quickly whispered: "Your Majesty, I can just stay here. Isn't it too aggrieved for your Majesty to be so humble here?"

Emperor Mingxi waved his hand nonchalantly: "It's okay."

He took off his shoes, lay down on the couch, put his arms around Zhuzhu and said, "No matter where you are, we won't be delayed from sleeping."

General Xie: "..."

Okay, although it’s not like he’s never slept with the emperor before, the emperor clearly didn’t want to perform this play today, so he took a futon, sat cross-legged on the edge of the couch, and asked: “Your Majesty, can you just stay here? Don’t have to do anything?”

Emperor Mingxi said: "Who knows."

General Xie had no choice but to say: "Then your Majesty, please rest. I will keep watch overnight."

Of course Emperor Mingxi would not be polite: "Yes."

Xiaotuanzi fell asleep quietly beside the couch.

It was already very hot in May, but her dear uncle was afraid that she would be cold, so he covered her with a quilt from head to toe. The dear uncle Huang was also very kind, and pressed his big hands firmly on her body.

Tuanzi cried a lot and didn't drink water. His face was red from the heat, and the tip of his nose was sweating. He struggled with his little hands and feet to kick off the quilt, but he couldn't. He couldn't help but moan in discomfort.

As soon as she hummed, Emperor Mingxi raised his head to look at her, and General Xie also stretched his head to look at her.

In fact, General Xie didn't know what to look at at all, but the emperor was so nervous, so of course he became nervous as well.

But Emperor Mingxi didn't know too much. He thought about it and said, "You didn't say anything, so it means everything is fine, right?"

General Xie: "...???"

He can't say, I don't even know your secrets!If you don't tell me, how can I know what's okay and what's okay?
In the end, he could only say: "The emperor is right."

Like this, Tuanzi's breathing gradually became heavier, his face turned red, and he became quiet.

The two grown men, who had never personally taken care of a baby, did not notice anything wrong at all, and had no idea of ​​testing her forehead temperature. Instead, they were very relieved and felt that she had finally fallen asleep, so Emperor Mingxi also fell asleep quickly. On fire.

Tuanzi felt so uncomfortable and couldn't make a sound. In a daze, she seemed to sit up and saw Si Guo Guo wearing a dragon robe.

He was speaking slowly: "No matter how many merits this 'system' carries, it is still an outsider! Why would an outsider send a fool to my Dasheng to stir up troubles and bring trouble to the world? If the system is really powerful, You should help me bring order to the chaos!"

The screen turns.

In a large room, the floor and walls are painted with extremely complex patterns with gold lines, and small wooden signs and formation flags are also embedded. There is an incense table in the room, and there are some strange things on the incense table. In the middle In mid-air, a dragon-headed national flag was held high.

Master Due, whose beard was whiter, was covered with sweat on his forehead and looked very nervous. The fourth prince said in a calm voice: "Master, let's begin."

Master Due sighed: "The poor monk is only [-]% sure."

"I know," the fourth prince nodded lightly: "Try it."

As he spoke, he threw the paper full of writing in his hand into the brazier, and murmured a prayer in his mouth: "I am the Lord of the world, and I speak on behalf of the world. I will drive away this beast for me and give me a bright future." ...Taizu and father, if you have spirits in heaven, please protect your children and grandchildren and achieve this..."

The night wind picked up and the candlelight swayed. Master Due raised his hand to move the formation flag and activate the formation.

The golden thread was like a fire snake, winding and lighting up at an extremely fast speed until all the patterns in the room were lit up and slowly suspended in the air.

The golden light illuminated the unconscious man lying on the ground.

Zhuzhuer stared at him.Although she didn't understand the situation in front of her at all, and she didn't know the person in front of her, she seemed to know clearly in her heart that he was Bad Zhuzhu.

Suddenly I heard the copper bell ringing, and the golden pattern became smaller and smaller like a cage woven with light...

at this very moment,
Zhuzhu seemed to be lying on the ground with Bad Zhuzhu.

The light was dazzling, and Zhuzhu once again had the feeling that she couldn't distinguish between you and me, or whether it was a dream or reality.

However, this is obviously not her body?

Zhuzhu was confused.

There was a ball of light, swaying and struggling in my mind, like a fruit about to be swept away by the strong wind.

Bad Zhuzhu held her head, screamed and rolled with all her strength, and was in pain.

Zhuzhu doesn’t hurt.

But Zhuzhu, for some reason, felt like she was waking up from a big dream.

She understood nothing, knew nothing, but relied entirely on instinct to push out the ball of light.

at the same time,

Earth-shattering thunder rolled past, streaks of lightning split the night, and the room was filled with light, as bright as day.

Zhu Zhuer opened her eyes, but could not see anything clearly. She could only vaguely feel that there seemed to be huge gears turning in reverse in her mind, and the writing on it was also turning.

God's blessing lasted nine years, God's blessing lasted eight years, God's blessing lasted seven years... Mingxi's 20th year... Mingxi's fifth year.

The huge gear suffocated for some unknown reason and slowly stopped, causing Zhuzhu's whole body to shake.

She was separated from Bad Zhuzhu again.

She saw the golden pattern shaking crazily, white light scattering in all directions, a ball of light melting into the national flag, and more light dispersing unknown to where.

Bad Zhuzhu sat on the ground, yelled something crazily, and slowly disappeared.

The fourth brother, the great monk, the golden patterns and the houses all slowly disappeared like reflections in the water.

In a daze, a voice sounded, "Congratulations! It's a little princess! Mother and daughter are safe!"


Xiaotuanzi woke up suddenly, and was in a daze, unable to regain consciousness for a while.

This dream was chaotic, as if there was a dream within the dream. One moment she was her, and the other moment she seemed to be Bad Zhuzhu again...

There were many things that Zhu Zhuer didn't understand, and she didn't even know what to say, but she felt it was very important and needed to tell her brother quickly.

Xiaotuanzi turned his little head hard and looked both ways.

There was still a big hand pressing on her body. On the left, Uncle Huang was snoring slightly and sleeping deeply.

On the right, the uncle was sitting cross-legged with his eyes downcast, playing with a dagger.

Zhu Zhuer wanted to call her uncle, but her throat hurt, her head felt dizzy, and her eyelids were as heavy as gold. Zhu Zhuer opened her mouth twice, but no sound came out. Before she knew it, she fell asleep again. passed.

After a long night, Sheng Minglin and others rushed to Huguo Temple before the morning meeting.

Emperor Mingxi came out yawning and said to him: "Zhu Zhu'er is still sleeping soundly! Nothing happened all night! Go and hold her."

He walked down the steps as he said, holding his waist, feeling proud that "taking care of children is not difficult": "This couch makes my back hurt from sleeping on it."

Sheng Minglin bowed and went in. Just as he was about to call his uncle, he caught a glimpse of Zhuzhu's face turning red.

Sheng Minglin was startled, and rushed over, stretched out his hand to try, and panicked at that moment, shouting: "Shen Zhao! Shen Zhao! Come on! Zhuzhu is getting hot!"

Emperor Mingxi, who prided himself on being an expert at babysitting, and General Xie, who felt he was extremely reliable... were both stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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