Chapter 171 Mengmeng doesn’t tell Guo Guo

Huo Chenzhao didn't even have time to salute and jumped in.

Sheng Minglin had already picked up Tuanzi, and Huo Chenzhao quickly touched Tuanzi's forehead and neck, then pinched his little wrist to feel his pulse.

The two and a half-year-old children acted swiftly and decisively, making it look more like two grown men who thought they had worked hard all night. Especially when Tuanzi's little face was red and groggy, the monarch and his minister felt more guilty than the other.

Huo Chenzhao said anxiously: "Give him some water first. Ask someone to prepare a warm handkerchief to wipe himself with."

Sheng Minglin quickly untied Zhuzhu's collar and touched it. Even Xiaotuanzi's hair was wet and he didn't even change his pajamas!
Wearing the full skirt of the day and holding the big quilt, I didn't know how uncomfortable I felt all night.

Sheng Minglin was extremely distressed and angry, but he did not dare to blame the emperor. He could only say: "Uncle Huang, can you ask Zhuzhu's maid to come in and help first?"

Emperor Mingxi quickly waved his hand, and after a while, Li Zhi and others were brought in. Although the conditions here were simple, Li Zhi and others were well-trained, and they always brought everything with them when they went out. They quickly brought water and Sheng Minglin fed the dumplings. Drinking.

Li Zhi twisted a warm towel, and Huo Chenzhao said: "Wipe your armpits, leg sockets, palms, soles of feet..."

As he spoke, he turned his back and saluted Emperor Mingxi: "Your Majesty, let the common people prepare medicine."

Emperor Mingxi maintained his emperor's airs and nodded.

General Xie was also anxious, panicked and distressed, but he still said: "Your Majesty, the time has come. It's time to go to the morning court."

So the two of them left first.

Huo Chenzhao didn't even ride a horse, he just went to the drug store to get medicine. The dumpling was so hot that he couldn't feed her. Huo Chenzhao quickly took out the golden needle and gave her acupuncture.

Everyone in the room was busy working, and when the sky was bright, the heat finally subsided a little.

Tuanzi opened her eyes in a daze, and Sheng Minglin hurriedly asked her: "Zhuzhu'er, is there anything else that makes you uncomfortable?"

Tuanzi's little breasts had a hoarse voice and murmured: "Why are Zhuzhu so swollen?"

Sheng Minglin said warmly: "Zhuzhu is feeling hot. Does your head hurt? Does your throat hurt..."

Before he finished speaking, Tuanzi suddenly realized it and tried to raise his voice: "Yes, yes, debts make fire!"

Make a fire?

Sheng Minglin pondered what she meant: "Is Zhuzhu angry?"

Tuanzi tried his best to nod, but his movements were still very small. Sheng Minglin said quickly: "Is Zhuzhu angry with uncle? Uncle didn't take good care of Zhuzhu and made Zhuzhu sick..."

Tuanzi shook his head: "If I'm angry with Guoguo, I'm also angry with my uncle!"

Sheng Minglin's eyes widened: "Are you angry with your brother? Did your brother do something wrong?"

Tuanzi's eyes were half-opened, his huge long eyelashes were wet, and he felt aggrieved: "Guoguo cheated Zhuzhu, uncle cheated Zhuzhu, everyone cheated Zhuzhu..."

The more Tuanzi thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, and tears fell down: "I only lie to children, but I don't care about adults. Zhuzhu, the debt is not easy to deal with Guo Guo, Mengmeng, and I won't tell Guo Guo, hum!"

His speech was really weak, and even his humming was soft and soft.

Sheng Minglin felt distressed and cute at the same time, and said quickly: "Brother is wrong. My brother is apologizing to Zhuzhu. It's all my fault. It's my brother's fault. Zhuzhu, don't ignore me!"

Tuanzi snorted again, closed his eyes slightly, and fell asleep again.

Sheng Minglin sighed, straightened up, looked at the sky outside, turned around and asked, "Shen Zhao, can we go back home? It's really inconvenient here."

Huo Chenzhao came over to check again and nodded: "Okay."

So a group of people carefully protected Zhuzhu back to the house.In fact, there were quite a lot of things going on this morning.

The fourth prince wrote a memorial for Huo Chenzhao's pills and medicinal materials on his behalf. Emperor Mingxi praised them, and then dug into the ground and rewarded him with a set of the Four Treasures of the Study.

Princess Duan also sold three shops and donated 200 million taels of silver. Emperor Mingxi rewarded her with a plaque saying "Good things are treasures" written by Yubi.

All in all, they are some inexpensive rewards. For others, being able to have a name in front of the emperor is a priceless treasure, but for Princess Duan, a true royal relative, it is really a good deed.

Princess Duan and the others, while taking care of Zhuzhu, also received two orders.

Although it was something that had been arranged long ago, she was already unhappy. She had to be busy setting up the incense table and changing clothes. She was so angry that Princess Duan cursed: "My eldest brother is really getting more and more unreliable. He doesn't even have a child at this age." It doesn’t look good! I also repeatedly told him to give him more water. Children don’t know they are thirsty when they play. If they don’t give him water at all times, they will get sick easily.”

Sheng Minglin sighed and didn't persuade him. He didn't understand. Is it so difficult to take care of a child?
He hasn't learned this seriously, but feeding her with water and food in a timely manner, taking care of her to make her comfortable, and not going to dangerous places...etc., isn't it something that everyone is born with? ?
Sheng Minglin was silently angry.

Princess Duan scolded her brother.

Huo Chenzhao guided the maids to take care of Zhuzhu.

The Seventh Prince walked back and forth in the room, and kept saying: "If I had known, I wouldn't go! Anyway, it's useless for the great monk to say that I went! If I had known, I would have gone to look at Zhuzhu. I didn't expect that Xie Da The general is so powerful that he can't even take care of a child... Oh! That's the omnipotent General Xie!"

The idol's halo was scattered, and the seventh prince sighed repeatedly.

Sheng Minglin glanced at him silently. Why did he think that even if the seventh prince went, it would not have any impact on the outcome?

After feeding him water several times in succession, Zhuzhu's fever subsided by noon, but he was still listless and listless. Princess Duan and Sheng Minglin tried their best but could not feed her any food. They were dying of anxiety.

General Xie came to see her at noon. When Princess Duan saw him, she started to roll up her sleeves without saying a word, and then rushed forward to punch and kick him.

General Xie was not surprised at all. He endured it silently for a while. When she had lost all her energy, he stepped in and asked in a low voice: "Zhu Zhu'er, are you okay?"

Sheng Minglin stepped aside and let him go in and take a look.

General Xie was like a sinner. He didn't dare to stretch his body or breathe loudly. He came in and took a closer look at the beads, and sighed repeatedly: "My fault, alas! I thought it was cold in the temple, so I should give her more cover." A little..."

Princess Duan said: "No quibbles!"

She began to go over old scores: "I should have known. When I was three or four years old, you dared to tie me to your back to play polo, causing me to fall and almost be trampled to death by a horse. I should have known that you were unreliable... "

General Xie couldn't help but argue: "Then you insist on going, what can I do?"

Princess Duan said: "I'm not even four years old. What do I know? You won't reject me?"

"I refused. After I refused, you started crying like something else. You were holding my legs so pitifully. Isn't there nothing I can do?"

Princess Duan said plausibly: "When you lead troops to fight, who cries and leads the other away? Don't you, the great general, know how to use a little cleverness? Can't you coax me not to cry first, and then persuade me to give up my thoughts? An elder brother is like a father. , teach me what I should do and what I shouldn’t do, isn’t this your responsibility?”

General Xie: "..."

Why couldn't he think of reasoning with a woman... He silently shut his mouth, with a humble posture, and said yes, yes, yes... he waited until his sister finished scolding him, and then left.

The Seventh Prince, who watched the whole process, let out a long sigh: "...Alas!!"

Sheng Minglin glanced at him, and the seventh prince said: "I didn't expect it! This is General Xie! Taking a three- or four-year-old child to play polo! How could he have imagined this!"

Sheng Minglin said: "What if Zhuzhu wants to go too?"

(End of this chapter)

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