Chapter 172 God Bless the Heavenly Group
The seventh prince looked at him, and Sheng Minglin continued: "I cried if I wasn't allowed to go. I hugged your legs and called you Qi Guo Guo. I cried so hard that I couldn't bear it."

The seventh prince pondered for a long time: "But I took him with him. How can I, a martial arts student, not be able to protect such a small child?"

"Oh," Sheng Minglin said: "General Xie thinks so too! General Xie is also a martial arts student. General Xie is famous all over the world. When you reach General Xie's age, you may not have the same achievements as him. So General Xie When the general was your age, he should be even more powerful than you are now!"

The seventh prince choked.

Sheng Minglin said: "Now let me ask you again, Zhuzhu'er begs you to take her to play polo. What should you do?"

The Seventh Prince was silent for a long time, and Princess Duan was looking at him quietly, feeling blessed on the spot: "I, I, I first coaxed Zhuzhu not to cry, and then persuaded her not to go... If Zhuzhu has to go, then I won't Let’s go, what’s important about playing polo, the most important thing is that Zhuzhu is happy!”

Sheng Minglin was amused by his sincerity and fear.

Princess Duan couldn't help but laugh out loud and said to him: "Don't imitate my brother, he raises children just like training soldiers!"

The seventh prince categorically said: "I won't learn!"

His expression was so determined that even Huo Chenzhao couldn't help but laugh.

While they were talking, someone outside reported that Young Prince Shen was back.

Immediately, Shen Lingjue strode in and said, "I heard that Zhuzhu is sick? Are you okay?"

"Well," Sheng Minglin said, "I drank the medicine and was sleeping. Don't go in and make trouble with her yet... How is the fish eye trial going?"

Shen Lingjue stopped her feet and waved her hands: "I have been crying and crying, and I am very annoyed. Eight out of ten sentences are about shirking responsibility. Anyway, it is her fault that made everything wrong. It really makes my fists itch."

"All I know now is that she 'travelled' from the later generations. It is said that she was born with a heart disease? Heart disease? In any case, she was born with a disease. Her parents were in a car accident? Anyway, they all died, and then...the people in their later generations seemed to She didn’t like to have children, so she was the only child left by her maternal grandfather and grandfather, who was still sick and didn’t live long, so both parties used her name to do good deeds and renamed her Chen Shan.”

"It is said that both sides are very rich, so they have done many good deeds and saved many people. The great monk said that this is merit. Then, she said, what level of technology is advanced in their place? What is the principle of wormholes studied? It is a wormhole. I didn't understand that wormhole, but it was said to be very powerful and could 'travel through time and space'. Then, before she died, her grandfather spent all his money to fix it for her, and she came here, maybe because of the same name. She became the Chen family, that is, the original Chen family died when she was born, and she passed through it. She called this 'normal time travel'."

"It is said that she discovered after she came that we are in a parallel time and space. The world she came to is a thousand years after our world. It is said that since Emperor Taizu, Dasheng has produced three generations of wise kings, and the country is powerful. After the fourth brother ascended the throne, The reign name is Divine Blessing, and the civil, political and martial arts reached their peak. Later generations will call these three generations of emperors the Hongyou Prosperity."

"After the country was destroyed in Mobei, my fourth brother imitated the 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion and drew pictures of the heroes of this dynasty. Because there was a brilliant painter, Shen Zhao, who is you, and later generations will be called the Painting Fairy..."

Huo Chenzhao raised his eyebrows slightly.

Shen Lingjue continued: "It's you who painted many portraits of courtiers. Because you became an official at a young age, and most of them met when they were young, so the paintings are all of the courtiers when they were young. Later generations discovered that God blessed the courtiers. , almost all of them are handsome men with different styles. The God Blessed Emperor himself is also very handsome. Later generations are on the Internet. I didn’t understand what it meant online. They call it the God Blessed Heavenly Group. She explained the Heavenly Group for a long time and I didn’t listen. I understand, it feels like she is an actress, but what she means is that she seems to have a very high status, so why is she so popular??"

He paused for a moment: "That's about it. I couldn't understand a lot of what she said, so I'll ask more questions later. At this point in the interrogation, she passed out again and didn't wake up even after being splashed with water, so I came back first. ." He remembered again: "Yes, yes, there is also a picture of the gods crying... It is said that when Prince Duan was providing disaster relief, someone neglected his duty and took human life. Prince Duan couldn't help crying and was painted. It is said to be very beautiful. , later generations dug up the grave and dug it up and it became popular on the Internet... The meaning of "popular" is that many people know it and call it the picture of a fairy crying. Therefore, when she traveled through time and became Chen Shanniang, she immediately thought of marrying It’s Prince Duan.”

Sheng Minglin asked: "What about the system?"

"I haven't asked yet," Shen Lingjue said: "The Jin Yiwei is still interrogating. If the demon girl doesn't resist the sentence, she should know a lot soon."

He thought for a while and then said: "She also mentioned that Shen Zhao and I, one civil and one military, will be Fourth Brother's confidants from now on! She said that many people in future generations will write storybooks based on the three of us! Hahaha Listening to this, we must be famous for Shen Zhao for generations to come!"

The seventh prince said weakly: "What about me?"

"I didn't ask," Shen Lingjue said, "Myself, I didn't ask specifically. Don't worry, there must be someone for you!"

Princess Duan couldn't help but interject: "She...according to what she said, although she is sick and her parents are dead, she lives a prosperous life and should be loved by the elderly on both sides. Why does she have such a temper?"

"Haha," Shen Lingjue said, "She yelled, she said, 'I just want a pure love, what's wrong with that!' Haha! What a shameless thing!"

Huo Chenzhao said: "Maybe it's because her parents are dead and destined to die young, so the old people in her family don't ask her to learn or do anything. They just want to make her happy and dote on her, so she develops this kind of... Don’t be grateful, just think about your own temper.”

Sheng Minglin sneered: "When she harmed others, she said that we were ancients and not her real relatives... But when she used power to bully others, she felt that we 'powerful' people should love her wholeheartedly. To put it bluntly, she just wanted to Don’t you want to pay for your enjoyment? It’s selfish, greedy, and disgusting.”

"Don't talk about it if it's disgusting," Shen Lingjue waved his hand: "Let me ask you, when we were interrogating this Chen Shan, the fourth brother was talking to Master Du'e. When he came out to listen to our report, he immediately told Jiang Bai Tell him where to re-examine him, do you know where it is?"

Sheng Minglin did not hesitate: "Wormhole."

Shen Lingjue was surprised: "You really know, then tell me, why does fourth brother need to re-examine here?"

"Why do you think it is?" Sheng Minglin helplessly raised his forehead: "What kind of wormhole is this? Can it send her here? Can it send others here? When will it come, what is its identity, etc., can it be controlled? After all, you said they The world she is in is a thousand years after our world, and it is said that it is a parallel time and space. It is also said that people in later generations yearn for Shenyouchao... Then, in her era, will there be people like her? Another parallel time and space. 'Woolen cloth?"

"These outsiders don't have deep feelings for Dasheng's land or the family members who occupy her body. Such people are too uncontrollable. If they had known about it, they could have dealt with it earlier... In comparison, others The little details are no longer important.”

Shen Lingjue clicked his tongue: "You are really smart. I didn't expect it at the time. It was also on the way back that my fourth brother explained it to me, and he meant the same thing as you..."

He paused and looked at Huo Chenzhao: "I didn't expect it, isn't it strange? After all, I am 'Wu', why didn't you expect it?"

(End of this chapter)

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