Chapter 173 Mengmeng was starved to death
Huo Chenzhao sighed: "I'm just a country boy, you think too highly of me."

But he paused and then said: "But I think there is no need to worry too much. According to her, she only found out that she was in my court after she came here. That means that this should not be an option. I can only say, The elders helped her accumulate virtue and good luck."

Sheng Minglin said: "But it is my Dasheng's bad luck."

Huo Chenzhao nodded.

When Shen Lingjue relayed these words, he felt a little indescribable excitement. It wasn't until he finished speaking that he sat down and said, "Why hasn't Zhuzhu woke up yet?"

Sheng Minglin shook his head: "I haven't eaten yet! Alas!"

Shen Lingjue said: "Zhuzhu fell ill at this time, does it really have nothing to do with the witch?"

"Probably not," Huo Chenzhao replied: "The pulse pattern and symptoms can be matched, but I didn't take good care of it and lacked water."

A few people were talking, and the fourth princes outside also came over.

The fourth prince came back with Shen Lingjue and went to the palace first. Hearing that Zhuzhu was ill, he came over again.

Shen Ling Jue smiled and said to him: "Fourth brother, Minglin really knows why you value fish eyes. What you said is pretty much the same."

The fourth prince glanced at him and said, "Father said that he would let you enter the palace early tomorrow morning."

Shen Lingjue's expression immediately became serious: "Tomorrow morning? Okay."

The fourth prince said as he walked in and asked softly: "Is Zhuzhu feeling better?"

Sheng Minglin said: "The fever has almost subsided, and I'm still sleeping."

The fourth prince responded, walked in to take a look, and reached out to gently test the temperature of his forehead. This time, something was wrong. As soon as he put his hand up, Xiaoduanzi closed his eyes hard.

The fourth prince was still a little surprised. He took back his hand and looked down at her: "Zhuzhu?"

The little girl closed her eyes so hard that her eyelids were wrinkled, and she remained silent and motionless.

The fourth prince couldn't understand what the little guy was thinking, so he reached out and touched her little face again: "Zhu Zhu'er? Is Zhu Zhu'er awake? The fourth brother came to see Zhu Zhu, and Zhu Zhu got up to talk to the fourth brother. .”

Sheng Minglin stood behind, still wanting to say that she was not awake... but then he saw his sister closing her eyes hard, turning over, with her back to them, the fourth prince's hand was still on her body, and Tuanzi moved forward again. After a moment, his little butt twisted, and the fourth prince's hand slipped down.

Tuanzi may have felt that he had passed the performance, and his whole body relaxed obviously, and he even let out an exaggerated breathing sound!

Everyone watching this scene: "..."

What's going on here?Why pretend to be asleep?
Everyone looked at each other and asked each other, but there was no answer.

Then Sheng Minglin said: "I know Zhuzhu is awake. If you don't believe me, Fourth Brother, pick her up and take a look."

The little Tuanzi stiffened and blurted out: "I'm not awake!"

The fourth prince made a move to lift the quilt: "Did Zhuzhu wet the bed?"

Tuanzi became even more anxious and clenched the quilt tightly with his little hands: "No! Zhuzhu is already a grown-up! Zhuzhu never wets the bed!"

"Oh," the fourth prince said, "Then why did Zhuzhu ignore the fourth brother? Is it because the fourth brother didn't come to see you?"

Tuanzi struggled between pretending to be asleep or not. After a while, the chubby hand stretched back and waved.

She is soft and chubby, and looks like a little meat pot when she lies down. With her little chubby hands stretched out, it’s like the pot has grown hands, so cute.

Sheng Minglin said: "So what happened to Zhuzhu'er? Can you tell my brother?"

The little fat man waved his hand again.

Sheng Minglin said: "Brother knows, is there something that Zhuzhu can't tell to his brother, nor to his fourth brother? Then, can he tell his seventh brother? Or Xingxing Guoguo? Why don't Zhuzhu tell it to him? Pretty Guoguo, tell me?" He said slowly, watching Tuanzi's reaction, and nodded: "Then Zhuzhu, tell Pretty Brother, okay? Pretty Brother is a doctor and smart, maybe Pretty Brother will have Method?"

The chubby hand patted down.

Sheng Minglin said: "Then let's all go out. Zhuzhu can whisper to the beautiful brother."

As he spoke, he pulled the fourth prince out, slapped the door back and forth, and said loudly: "Zhuzhu! Brother is gone!" After saying that, he walked back slowly with light steps and put his ear to the partition. He didn't forget to make a eating gesture to Huo Chenzhao.


Huo Chenzhao walked over and said with a smile: "Princess Princess, they are all gone."

Xiaotuanzi turned over and looked outside with big black eyes. After seeing that no one was there, he sat up.

Xiaotuanzi's hair was wet and dry with sweat, and was messy, like a large hedgehog ball, with big grape eyes, very cute.

Huo Chenzhao caught her little arm, stretched out his hand to feel her pulse, and said, "Princess, what's wrong?"

Tuanzi drooped his little head and twisted his little hands together, with guilt written on his face: "Zhuzhu, I seem to have done something wrong."

Huo Chenzhao asked: "What is it?"

Tuanzi's voice was still a little hoarse, and he said very sadly: "Zhuzhu Zhuotian had a dream at night, but...but Zhuotian Guoguo deceived Zhuzhu. Zhuzhu wanted to be angry for a while, so he didn't follow Guo Guo said, Zhuzhu thought it would be okay after a while. But, why don’t Zhuzhu send a few messages, so she fell asleep, and then Zhuzhu woke up and wanted to talk to Guo Guo about her dream, so, just …”

Tuanzi burst into tears and was extremely sad: "Zhuzhu accidentally forgot Mengmeng! Wow...what can I do? Pretty Guoguo, can you cure Mengmeng back?" ! Zhuzhu drinks the medicine and moans."

The person listening outside the room: "..."

Tuanzi had been hungry all day, and he had no strength to speak. Fortunately, Huo Chenzhao still remembered Sheng Minglin's instructions and said quickly: "Princess, why don't you eat first, maybe... maybe Mengmeng is not hungry anymore, after eating Maybe you’ll remember it when you eat rice.”

Tuanzi was convinced: "Then, Zhuzhu wants to have a second meal!"

Huo Chenzhao hurriedly went to Lizhi and the others to pass the meal. Sheng Minglin gestured towards him. Huo Chenzhao said again: "Princess Princess, do you want to ask my brother and the others to come in?"

Tuanzi shook his head: "No."

"Why?" Huo Chenzhao said, "I think your brother and fourth brother will not be angry with you for this."

Tuanzi looked up at her little fleshy face and said cutely: "Zhuzhu, what are you doing? Guoguo and Siguoguo love Zhuzhu, I love Zhuzhu so much... But Guoguo and Siguoguo want Mengmeng Yeah! Zhuzhu also wants to give them dreams."

She thought for a moment and added: "I want them to be happy."

Huo Chenzhao felt his heart soften when he heard this.

He said softly: "Princess Princess, they also want to make you happy."

As a result, Tuanzi touched his little head and suddenly thought of something, and said: "Beautiful Guoguo, can you call me Zhuzhu Zhuzhu?"

Huo Chenzhao was stunned for a moment, and without explaining that the etiquette cannot be abolished, he said, "Why?"

Tuanzi said: "For the first time, only outsiders call you Princess. When you call Princess, Zhuzhu has to explain..." She raised her fat chin and put on a look that she thought was very impressive, and then lowered her head again: "But if you're a family member, you don't need it. It's just very tiring."

Huo Chenzhao was silent for a while, with a smile in his eyes: "Okay, then I will call you Zhuzhu Zhuzhu from now on."

Tuanzi smiled toothily at him, and Huo Chenzhao couldn't help but smile.

Sheng Minglin saw that this person was hopeless, so he stepped lightly and walked to the door. After touching the door, he walked in again, showed his head and said, "Has Zhu Zhu'er finished speaking?"

(End of this chapter)

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