Chapter 174 Terribly Powerful

Tuanzi hesitated.

Sheng Minglin had already walked in and sighed: "Zhuzhu, aren't you the best with Guoguo? Why did you whisper to others for so long? Brother is so sad! Brother is going to cry!"

Tuanzi said quickly: "Fine with Guo Guo Zhui Zhui! Guo Guo won't cry!"

She was very weak and was still trying to coax her brother loudly. The fourth prince couldn't listen anymore and said, "Zhu Zhu'er eats first, and then she can speak when she has the strength."

Li Zhi and others came over and roughly combed Zhu Zhu's hair and put on a small hat. Then they washed her hands and face and took her out to eat.

In fact, the fourth prince and Shen Lingjue didn't have time to eat either. Zhou Zhiwen had already quietly gone out to give orders, and now a large table was served. This was just right. After all, at home, Princess Duan and Sheng Minglin only had a quick meal. .

So the whole family sat down to eat.

Princess Duan held Zhuzhu in her arms and fed her, and Sheng Minglin was also there to help feed her.

Zhuzhu was so hungry that her stomach was growling. She had just burned it all night and lost her appetite, but she still tried to eat. As she ate, she saw the fourth prince and suddenly said: "Zhuzhu remembered it! The four pots are burning paper." Paper! There’s something made on the paper!”

Everyone knew it was a dream, but they didn't rush to ask. The fourth prince said: "Fourth brother knows, Zhuzhu should eat well first."

Zhuzhu nodded obediently and ate a few more mouthfuls. Then she remembered something, pushed away the spoon handed over by her brother, and said: "Being bad Zhuzhu turned into provoking a man! Zhuzhu became bad Zhuzhu in one moment, and then became bad Zhuzhu in the other." "Yes, later on, there was a lamp that was shaking in Zhuzhu's head. Siguoguo wanted the lamp, so Zhuzhu pushed hard and pushed the lamp out," she said and compared. : "Super bright, like, like daytime, like a bright spot!"

Although what she said was fragmentary, everyone who already knew a lot about it could easily guess what was going on.

Sheng Minglin was slightly frightened, but still smiled and said, "Has Zhuzhu finished talking? Take another big bite."

Zhuzhu obediently opened her mouth wide, Awu took a bite, and then pushed his hand. Sheng Minglin was distracted and didn't pay attention for a moment, and said: "What does Zhuzhu want to eat? Brother, help you pick it up."

Zhuzhu had food in her mouth and couldn't speak. She could only point at his mouth and wink at him with her big eyes.

Sheng Minglin said: "Yes, my brother will eat it too."

Princess Duan looked down at her daughter, smiled, and said, "Zhuzhu thinks that after talking about Mengmeng before, my brother would always say a lot of strings of words. Why don't you say it today?"

Tuanzi nodded sharply and waited with bright eyes.

Sheng Minglin was also happy. They were really two mothers, with the same brain circuits.

He coughed, deliberately put on a serious look, and said: "Yuyan is a man, so this must be what happened after Yuyan changed his soul. Did you notice that when Ling Jue made a move yesterday, Yuyan... She looked like she couldn't believe it, but it stands to reason that Yuyan also has the memory of her previous life. She should be no stranger to Xingqiu, and should be afraid of it in advance. So I guess that in the last life, when you changed her soul , I just thought she was some kind of monster, or something like that, anyway, I didn’t know the system existed yet.”

He raised his chin towards the fourth prince, who nodded. This judgment was still made by him.

Sheng Minglin continued: "So, I think that after the soul was changed in the previous life, this system must have the ability to prevent the fish eyes from being tortured, or not hurt when tortured. Therefore, it may be because of this, so at that time The fourth brother found out that she had a divine object to protect her body, and then he tried to think of ways to deal with the system. What Zhuzhu dreamed about was what it would be like when the system was stripped away."

When he said this, he stopped and did not continue.

Why is Zhuzhu still there after changing her body?Were Zhuzhu there before that?He didn't dare to think about it.

But Tuanzi was satisfied and started eating again.Instead, Huo Chenzhao said, "Do you still remember that I said that Sheng Yulu seemed to be sick? After casting the spell yesterday, I went to check again and found that there was indeed a disease. I asked Master Guo'e and he said that his soul was damaged. I'm afraid it's difficult to treat like ordinary people. So I'm thinking that when fish eyes occupy other people's bodies, as the young prince said before, Chen's time, she said it was 'normal', then Chen's soul should not be there It’s within the body. But like other people, such as Zhuzhu, such as Sheng Yulu, isn’t it..."

Sheng Minglin's heart trembled: "Stop talking."

Huo Chenzhao paused.

The fourth prince said: "Nothing, please finish."

Huo Chenzhao glanced at Sheng Minglin comfortingly, and then said: "Sheng Yulu doesn't know what Yuyan did. She only knows the difference between the front and the back. Moreover, Sheng Yulu is seven years old this year, and Yuyan really wakes up when In February this year, during the time when the fish eyes occupied the body, could Sheng Yulu's soul still grow normally? It's impossible, it can't even be 'normal', let alone 'grow'."

He paused for a moment: "So I think that back then, Zhuzhu's soul should have been as old as three years old, because the fish eyes were very powerful at that time, and Zhuzhu never woke up, and even if he woke up, he would be ignorant. At certain critical times, when Yuyan was extremely weak, he relied on instinct to do something, such as helping His Highness launch the system."

Sheng Minglin's tight body slowly relaxed and he thought about it seriously: "I think you are right."

If this was really the case, it would be the best outcome... He didn't want Zhuzhu to taste such a terrible process at all.

The fourth prince glanced at Huo Chenzhao.

Huo Chenzhao never said more than a word. It was rare to hear him say so much. His thinking was meticulous and his analysis was precise. This was called hiding something.

The fourth prince put down his chopsticks, took a sip of tea, and said, "I am also thinking about a question... How did I in my previous life think that time can be reversed?"


When Tuanzi heard the word 'turn', he remembered something more: "In Zhuzhu's mind, there is a big wheel spinning, and there are many wheels spinning, one after another. Also, there is something that grandma said , Mother and daughter are safe!”

Princess Duan raised her eyebrows: "Mother and daughter are safe?"

She glanced at Sheng Minglin in surprise.

Sheng Minglin was also surprised and said: "So that's it. It turns out that the 'normal time travel' cannot be reversed? In fact, the time was only reversed to the time when Zhuzhu was born?"

He calmed down and said to the fourth prince: "Fourth brother, tell me."

The fourth prince said: "Even now, I don't think that the time that has passed can be reversed. Therefore, in the previous life, I wanted to deal with Yuyan, strip off the system, and save Zhuzhu... all of them are reasonable. Only reversing time, I think It doesn’t make sense, even if someone told me, as long as I’m not crazy, I would never believe it.”

Sheng Minglin said: "Perhaps Master Du'e saw something?"

The fourth prince said: "I asked him yesterday and he found it incredible."

Shen Lingjue couldn't help but interject: "By that time, maybe he will know that old monks like this can peek into the secrets of heaven and so on?"

The fourth prince nodded, said nothing more, and picked up his chopsticks to eat again.

Sheng Minglin sighed: "A magical object that can reverse time is so powerful!"

This is more than just moving mountains and reclaiming seas, more than just changing the day!This is too terrible!This is what is really scary!
(End of this chapter)

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