Chapter 175 Purely natural black-hearted dumplings
The fourth prince nodded slowly.

Indeed, this was what worried him the most.

He may not understand others, but he understands himself.

Even if something like reversing time had already happened, he couldn't believe it; if others speculated like this, he would definitely not agree.

This was completely beyond his knowledge, and it was impossible for this kind of thing to happen repeatedly for him to confirm.

More importantly, if there is such a divine object, why would he only think of the national flag?

For the national flag, the fisheye is very large for one person to use.

But for such a powerful system, it is overkill.

It seems that the information they have is still incomplete, and may even be missing a crucial link.

The fourth prince said: "Let the Jin Yiwei investigate quickly."

Shen Lingjue said: "Is it okay if I go to the hearing at night?"

The fourth prince nodded: "As long as you can come back in time, my father will summon you after the morning court."

"Don't worry," Shen Lingjue said, "Minglin, are you going?"

Sheng Minglin immediately put down his chopsticks and said very seriously: "How can you ask me about this kind of thing? How can I be the master of this kind of thing?"

Shen Lingjue: "...??"

He thought he heard wrongly and subconsciously wanted to explain: "I'm asking you..."

Sheng Minglin had turned to Zhuzhu, his voice was gentle and very sweet: "Zhuzhu'er, Brother Xingxing asked me to go see Mr. Qin to judge Zhuzhu at night. Zhuzhu said do I want to go? I will go only after Zhuzhu agreed. Zhuzhu If Zhu doesn’t agree, I won’t go.”

Tuanzi immediately felt a sense of responsibility. He pressed his two chubby hands on the table and thought seriously for a long time before asking: "Is it scary?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Zhuzhu wants to ask, is there any danger? No, the bad Zhuzhu has been caught by us. We are just going to listen to Mr. Qin's trial of the case. There is no danger."

"Then," Tuanzi said, "then Guo Guo goes to work at night, when will he go to bed?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Brother, I just went over and listened to it at night. After listening for a while, I fell asleep."

Tuanzi said: "Then, why doesn't Guo Guo Guo go there during the day? Zhu Zhu also wants to see Mr. Qin."

Ah this... Sheng Minglin said: "This brother can't make the decision. You have to ask the fourth brother."

Tuanzi's eyes flickered as he looked at the fourth prince.

The fourth prince twitched his lips and could only say: "Zhuzhu, you have just been sick. You are not allowed to go out for the past two days. If you don't have a fever tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, you are cured. Then you can go the day after tomorrow. But if you don't have a fever tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, you can go." If it relapses, you have a fever, or you have other symptoms, you have to listen to my beautiful brother and you are not allowed to go out or go anywhere."

Tuanzi nodded obediently: "Oh!"

After a brief silence, Sheng Minglin winked at everyone. Everyone was looked down upon by him, but there was nothing they could do. After looking at each other, Huo Chenzhao said: "Zhuzhu, I need to go over and take a look at Sheng Yulu, and by the way, I can send the medicine over, and then immediately Just come back, within two hours at most. When Zhuzhu wakes up tomorrow morning, I will definitely be there. Is that okay?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Okay."

Huo Chenzhao secretly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Tuanzi.

The seventh prince said: "I won't go, Zhuzhu, I will stay to protect you."

Tuanzi was immediately moved and opened his arms: "Qi Guo Guo!"

The seventh prince jumped up and walked around the table, taking Zhuzhu. The two of them hugged each other enthusiastically. The seventh prince smiled so much that his big white teeth were exposed, and then he hugged Zhuzhu directly back to his seat and sat down.

Next to the seventh prince was Shen Lingjue.

Tuanzi looked at him.

Shen Lingjue twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling that these people were extremely childish, but what could he do?

In order to join the crowd, he opened his mouth and said: "I..."

After just half a sound, Tuanzi said very considerately: "Xingxing Guoguo is not from Zhuzhu's family. When Xingxing Guoguo goes out, you don't have to tell Zhuzhu."

Shen Lingjue: "...???" What kind of pure natural black-hearted dumpling is this?

You called me nicknames, talked sweetly to me, and sat on my lap, and now you turn your back on me and deny me?I have never sat on anyone else's legs!
Although I am indeed not from your family, but...I am ready to go through the motions, so what can you do if you cooperate?
The young prince was inexplicably unhappy, but he didn't want to lose face, so he nodded: "Well, as long as you understand."

Sheng Minglin smiled and said nothing.

Zhuzhu was still a little lackluster at the moment and went back to sleep not long after eating.

Sheng Minglin and the others were not in a hurry to leave, so they stayed with her for a while, fed her the medicine, and saw that she was sleeping deeply. They were about to leave when they saw Tuanzi opening her eyes in a daze: "Four pots of pot. "

The four princes all walked to the door, then quickly turned around and said, "Zhuzhu?"

Tuanzi said in a vague voice: "Zhuzhu Gangchai dreamed that Si Guo Guo drank a cup of tea in Uncle Debt Emperor's big house."

The fourth prince nodded: "Then what?"

"No, there's nothing more," Tuanzi's eyes almost glued together: "Just pick up the tea, drink it, and there'll be nothing more!"

The fourth prince nodded: "Okay, fourth brother understands, Zhuzhu can go to sleep."

He touched her little face and when he raised his hand, Tuanzi was already asleep.

He stood for a while and then came out quietly. Sheng Minglin said, "Is it an ordinary dream?"

The fourth prince shook his head: "I don't know."

Everyone came out as they talked. Horses had been prepared outside. Among the few people, only Sheng Minglin was not good at riding. Shen Lingjue said: "I won't lead you because I don't like you!"

Sheng Minglin chuckled: "Who cares? I'll let the little crow slave take care of it!"

Huo Chenzhao smiled, took his arm and jumped onto the horse's back together, saying at the same time: "Your Majesty, sit tight."

Sheng Minglin deliberately imitated Zhuzhu's speech and said, "Can you call me Minglin Minglin?"

Huo Chenzhao laughed repeatedly and nodded: "Ming Lin."

The fourth prince looked back and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Only then did a few people raise their whips and go.

After arriving, Huo Chenzhao went to see Sheng Yulu, Shen Lingjue went directly to the hearing, and the fourth prince and Sheng Minglin went to see the compiled records.

While the Jinyi Guards are interrogating, they will keep an extremely detailed record, but after the interrogation, they will compile a brief summary.

The fourth prince took the brief one over and looked at it first.

During the day, I mainly focused on examining the matter of "wormholes". According to Yuyan...according to Chen Shan, although the theory of wormholes has been around for a long time, the actual experiment is not long ago and is not yet mature. Can it be done and where can it be done? It was all out of control. She was about to die because she couldn't hold on any longer, so her grandfather spent all his money to fund the experiment, and then she became the first experimenter. She was completely acting as a doctor.

Looking at it like this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

As for the system, it has nothing to do with the wormhole. After she got here, the system may have recognized that there was a traveler, so it suddenly appeared... From what the system means, it seems that it will become a different system depending on the person bound to it. , for example, what she is bound to is the Mary Suwan Crush Love System. There will be a main goal, and the rewards will be generous after successfully conquering it. In addition, for every goal conquered, there will be points, and the points can be exchanged for many things.

It was indeed as they had guessed. Her first target was Prince Duan, but she failed. Her second target was the Fourth Prince, and she failed again... Otherwise, she would probably be even more powerful.

The fourth prince was really confused: "So, where did this system come from? It sounds much more powerful than her wormhole."

Sheng Minglin comforted him: "If you are idle, you are idle. Check it slowly. You may be worried about your life. You will have to worry about it for the rest of your life."

The fourth prince was so angry that he kicked him: "Still poor!"

He tossed his sleeves and walked away, and Sheng Minglin followed him with a smile.

In fact, the Jin Yiwei were all experienced in interrogating people, and Chen Shan was not good at carrying out punishments. He trembled with fright when he lifted the whip, and the explanation of whether they came or not was of little use.

Only Shen Lingjue hated Yuyan deeply, so he just sat there and watched. No matter what he was examining, he could happily watch it all night.

Sheng Minglin suddenly remembered something: "In your previous life, what happened after you changed your soul? Were you not tortured? Or did you have the means to resist the torture?"

(End of this chapter)

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