Chapter 176 Men only love green tea
Chen Shan winced and whispered: "There is a medicine in the system called 'Hit me, it hurts in your heart'."

"What do you mean?" Sheng Minglin opened his eyes: "If I hit you, will all the men who love you feel pain? Only you won't feel pain?"

Chen Shan nodded.

This is too weird!

Sheng Minglin twitched the corner of his mouth, remembering that he said before that Jin Yiwei was poisoned. He didn't have an attack at that time, but suddenly had an attack as soon as Prince Duan came back, and the attack was beautiful... Just thinking about it makes his skin crawl.

Chen Shan listened to his question and whispered: "That medicine is called 'Even if you are on the verge of death, you will still be able to conquer the country and conquer the city'."

Several people:"……???"

Everyone was at a loss for words: "What the hell is this! Why does this system sound so unfair?!"

"But this is very reasonable!" Chen Shan said with tears streaming down his face: "Men are all visual animals! If you are not beautiful enough, no matter how serious the disease is, no matter how severe the poison is, no matter how serious the disease is, no matter how hard you are to give birth to the child, no one will live or die for you. I will feel sorry for you!!"

The whole room didn't know what to say.

Chen Shan looked at everyone one by one, suddenly collapsed, and cried: "It's my fault, it's all my fault. People say that beauty cannot be alone, and beauty combined with any other advantages is a killer, but... Actually... Shit! Beauty is only good if it is accompanied by means, and kindness and cuteness are useless! It’s because I am too simple and don’t know how to use means, so I am let down!"

She shouted with grief and anger: "Men only love green tea!!"

Although some of the words were not understood by everyone, they were still disgusted, especially when combined with her bloody and ugly manly face, it was even more shocking.

Jin Yiwei swung two whips: "What are you yelling for! Is it your turn to yell? It's so easy to talk!!"

Chen Shan screamed in pain several times, covered his face and cried: "You can't do this to me... Please give me the system back. I swear I won't do it again. I'll leave right away."

Sheng Minglin said: "With the system in place, you can leave?"

Chen Shan choked, and Sheng Minglin understood, and sneered: "You have a system, so you can not leave, but change your body, right? You still want to secretly change your body, continue to seduce many men, and bring disaster to my prosperity? We look like Stupid?"

Chen Shan did not dare to speak and cried.

The fourth prince said solemnly: "You said the system is on me?"

Chen Shan nodded, and Jin Yiwei whipped him again: "When His Highness asks you a question, just say it from beginning to end, nodding your head!"

Chen Shan screamed in pain: "Why are you like this, so unreasonable..."

She only said half a sentence. When she saw Jin Yiwei's appearance, she shivered in fright and said quickly: "I said, I said!! Stop fighting!"

She didn't dare to delay at all, and without even taking a breath, she said quickly: "But that night, it was just you and the monk. When you were doing the method, you stood there, and then my system failed. If not you, who else could it be!"

The fourth prince asked: "What is the situation in the room?"

Chen Shandao: "There are many patterns painted on the roof, walls and floor. They are all golden. There is also an incense table with two tablets on it, and a piece of cloth with a dragon head painted on it. What are you doing here? Burn paper there, saying that you are the emperor, and you have to go to heaven to hear it..."

She spoke in bits and pieces, and several people listened quietly, and then Sheng Minglin said: "After you changed your soul, until we took away the system, what happened in the meantime, please tell me in detail!"

Chen Shandao: "Just, you said you couldn't damage Sheng Mingzhu's body, so you replaced me..."

She showed a look of jealousy, and quickly lowered her head: "After you were replaced, I used medicine when you tortured me, and then I didn't feel pain. I, I even said two harsh words at the time, asking you to beat me. Later, you Maybe he would have noticed it, and then there would be no need for punishment." She suddenly thought of something, and her eyes flashed.

Jin Yiwei noticed it immediately and raised his whip again.

Chen Shanfei also said like an idiot: "Don't fight! I said! Fourth brother, you..."

The fourth prince was so lucky that he was really angry.

Jin Yiwei was very clever and immediately whipped him a few more times: "You still dare to scream! What the hell are you? How dare you call our Highness like that!"

Chen Shan screamed a few times, lying still trying to pretend to be unconscious, and was whipped a few more times. He couldn't bear it any longer, so he could only sit up and cried: "Isn't it okay? Someone in the middle will come to give the fourth... His Highness the fourth..." Report, the system heard it and said that Sheng Mingzhu woke up, and His Highness the Fourth Prince went out happily. The system said that forcibly occupying someone's body like this is not a normal time travel. It is possible that the original soul is still there, but I have definitely turned into a fool. Because when I woke up, she was just a child and couldn't compete with me...ah!"

Sheng Minglin went over and gave her a kick, and Chen Shan cried: "That's what the system said, why did you hit me? I am your biological mother, but you are like a licking dog for Sheng Mingzhu. How can you be worthy of me? In ancient times, you Don’t people value filial piety the most..."

Sheng Minglin was so angry that he kicked her twice. Shen Lingjue stood up and said, "You're so strong, you're tickling... I'll do it."

He took him aside and rushed him, punching and kicking him. Chen Shan screamed repeatedly. When he stopped, Chen Shan was trembling in pain and collapsed on the ground.

Shen Lingjue pinched her neck and lifted her up: "Speak quickly! Don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Shan sobbed and cried: "I tell you! Anyway, His Highness the Fourth, you are even more unhappy after you come back... But I really don't know. I have no points anymore. The system does not provide testing. I don't know where you are." What happened, I don’t know how you knew there was a system, I don’t know!”

She fell to the ground and cried.

Several people frowned, and then Sheng Minglin said slowly: "Is Zhuzhu's soul in Zhuzhu's body, or is it possible that it is with your soul?"

Shen Lingjue's feet stepped on her wounds one after another, and the shoes were soaked with blood.

Chen Shan trembled in pain and kept saying: "Yes, in her body! In her body!"

Sheng Minglin quickly asked: "Are you sure?"

Chen Shandao: "Confirm!"

Sheng Minglin said: "Then before you changed your body, did you feel Zhuzhu's soul?"

Chen Shan cried and said: "In the beginning, I would hear her crying, crying every day, and saying not to snatch Zhuzhu's body, not to beat my brother, etc., but then it stopped. At most, it would only take half a year. It was gone and never showed up again, I thought she had disappeared.”

Shen Lingjue gritted his teeth and started beating her again.

Sheng Minglin exchanged glances with the fourth prince.

No, still no.

If Zhuzhu was in her body, then how did Zhuzhu push the system out in Zhuzhu's dream?When I changed my soul in my previous life, I didn't know the existence of the system, so was it wrong to change my soul?

What happened in the middle?
But judging from Chen Shan's appearance, it's possible that she really didn't know what happened.

Sheng Minglin paced back and forth in the room, thinking hard, and suddenly an idea flashed through him, and an important question came to his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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