Chapter 179 Zhuzhu is a stinky baby

The three turned their heads together.

The Jinyiwei waved his hand quickly: "No, it's not about that side." What he meant was that it wasn't Chen Shan's side.

Qin Jiangbai said: "Say it directly."

The man came over and whispered: "Your Highness, the tea was poisonous. The Emperor ordered a thorough investigation. Everyone who handled it was checked and beaten to death, but nothing was found. The Emperor was angry and said, since If they couldn't be found out, they would all be beaten to death, skinned and pulled away... Then, Fushun, Zheng Zhongshun's little apprentice, suddenly felt something wrong and wanted to bite his sleeve secretly. Master Bei saw it and checked his sleeve and found that there was something hidden inside. A poison sac, and then Fushun started fighting Master Bei! His kung fu was so good! Even Master Bei couldn't restrain him for a while. After he escaped for a short while, he bit the poison sac on his collar! He bled to death on the spot!"

The three of them were shocked.

Jin Yiwei continued: "When Fushun ran away, he had already received more than 30 blows. When he received the blow, he didn't show any of it. He pretended to be honest. I didn't expect his kung fu to be so good!"

The Master Bei he was talking about was another commander of Jinyiwei, and he was very good in kung fu.

And Fushun was also a young eunuch who often hung out in front of the imperial court. He was tall, slender and petite, very honest and honest, and easy to bully. Moreover, he had been in the imperial palace for at least seven or eight years... It was actually him?
Qin Jiangbai frowned for a long time and said, "Did the emperor ask you to release this matter?"

Jin Yiwei nodded: "Your Majesty did not ask for closure."

Qin Jiangbai understood, waved his hand, and the Jin Yiwei went out.

Qin Jiangbai said: "This is the little brother I always take with me. His name is Jiang Qingyang. He is usually more out-of-the-box and very serious about his work. He also goes to Honghu Guard."

After briefly mentioning this, he added: "That Fushun is from the same village of Zheng Zhongshun, and they are relatives. I heard that Fushun is very honest and is often bullied. One time when he was bullied, he happened to After Zheng Zhongshun saw him, Fushun called him "Sixth Uncle", and Zheng Zhongshun recognized him, so he took care of him and took care of him to get him to the imperial court. Unexpectedly... Zheng Zhongshun would probably be punished by now. "

Sheng Minglin said: "More than just being beaten, the people in that village..."

Qin Jiangbai suddenly raised his head and looked outside. Although Sheng Minglin didn't hear anything, he subconsciously stopped talking and looked over.

No one was seen, only a small shadow walked over with little arms raised. Then, the whole body was hidden behind the door, and only half of the little head was quietly exposed, peeking into the room. , but as soon as he raised his head, he met everyone's eyes.

Tuanzi was startled: "Yeah!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Zhuzhu, come in."

Tuanzi suddenly retracted his little head, and only the voice came: "If you don't come in, Guo Guo will come out."

Sheng Minglin smiled, went out, picked up Zhuzhu, and said with a smile: "Zhuzhu doesn't want to play with Brother Xingxing and Mr. Qin?"

"No, no, no," Tuanzi shook his head: "Zhuzhu wants to look good to them."

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

Shen Lingjue/Qin Jiangbai: "...??"

The two of them gave each other a "did you offend her" look in unison.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Why do you want to look good to them?"

Tuanzi said: "Why are they guests? It doesn't look good to wear beads. What will happen if they don't come to play with beads?"

Sheng Minglin understood and laughed twice, wondering if he should explain to her that this was not what he meant.

Then Tuanzi hugged his ears with both hands and said in a low voice: "Sister Lychee won't wash Zhuzhu's hair! Mother won't let her wash her! Alas! Zhuzhu stinks, she's a stinky baby, so Zhuzhu can't see Qin The adults and Xingxing Guoguo can’t meet until they look good and smell good!”

Sheng Minglin laughed so hard that he kissed her little head and then her face: "No, Zhuzhu is still a sweet baby, a good baby."

Tuanzi giggled at his kiss and hugged his face with both hands: "I love Zhuzhu for Guoguo, Zhuzhu smells stinky and smells good!" "Yes, my brother loves Zhuzhu the most," Sheng Minglin hugged him directly The younger sister went back: "Since Zhuzhu doesn't want to play with them, let's go. My brother will play with Zhuzhu."

Shen Lingjue clicked her tongue, walked to the door and took a look, and saw Tuanzi leaning on Sheng Minglin's shoulder and smiling at him.

Shen Lingjue instinctively smiled back, and turned around to complain to Qin Jiangbai: "Sheng Minglin is really unkind. Every day, he is afraid that people will snatch his sister!"

Qin Jiangbai said slowly: "Then you give him a good look."

Shen Lingjue laughed out loud: "I make him look good every day, that's why I look so good!"

The two chatted and joked for a while. Shen Lingjue walked back and returned to the original topic, saying: "Such a big thing happened in front of the emperor. I'm afraid it will be lively outside."

The emperor did not ask for silence, so the news naturally spread quickly, and everyone was shocked.

The third prince heard the news as soon as he returned to the mansion after a busy day outside.

He was shocked at that time, rushed to Yunshenyuan, and sent his servants away. He said anxiously: "Didn't you say that this medicine is colorless and tasteless, and no doctor can tell it?"

Mr. Yun frowned: "Yes, no doctor can tell."

"Then why did he know!" The third prince was spinning anxiously: "How did the fourth brother know? How much did he know! My father killed all the eunuchs! I even played Mao Zi chess! Fortunately, he They didn’t betray us! So how on earth did they know!”

Mr. Yun frowned: "Don't panic, calm down! Why do you want to play Maozi chess for such a trivial matter? Do you know how difficult it is to place such a chess piece in front of the emperor?"

"This is no small matter!" The third prince said coldly: "This is a big deal! This is a precautionary measure! We have to do it!"

Mr. Yun took a long breath and closed his eyes impatiently: "You think it's a big deal, so be it. Anyway, Maozi chess is gone, as long as you don't feel it's a pity."

"Why should I feel pity?" The third prince stopped laughing and stared at him: "As long as there are people serving in front of the emperor, we can have a hundred Mao Zi chess at any time! Can't we?"

Mr. Yun suddenly stood up: "I remember I told you that that medicine is no longer available."

The third prince sneered: "I also told you, don't shame me!"

Mr. Yun choked.

The third prince slowly took a sip of tea, and then said loudly, "Ban Yun!"

A maid came in in response. Mr. Yun's face changed slightly. The third prince chuckled and asked her proudly: "Did you get it?"

Mr. Yun looked cold and said nothing.

Banyun had served him for more than ten years and it was not surprising that she knew where he hid the medicine, but he did not expect that she would betray him.

Ban Yun did not dare to look at him, so she respectfully took out a handkerchief from her arms and opened it. There were three medicine bottles inside. She held them in both hands and brought them over: "Only these."

The third prince's expression suddenly changed: "That's all? How is it possible??"

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Mr. Yun, confused: "You, you..."

He forced a smile: "Mr. Yun, you and I are in the same boat now. We share weal and woe. Don't make such a joke with me."

(End of this chapter)

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