Chapter 180 I hate betrayal most in my life

Mr. Yun stood up and looked down at him quietly: "I'm not kidding you, and you don't have to threaten me. I'm not afraid of death. I've already lived enough."

The third prince gritted his teeth: "Why is this so? Shouldn't this medicine be inexhaustible? Where are the others hidden?"

Mr. Yun said: "That's all."

"Impossible! Impossible!" The third prince was anxious and could no longer care about his face: "What happened today was my fault. I apologize to you, and please don't take offense, Mr. Yun."

Mr. Yun was silent for a long time, then suddenly raised his hand, pointed at Ban Yun, and said, "I want her to die."

The third prince did not hesitate and shouted: "Who is coming! Drag her down and beat her to death with sticks!"

Banyun panicked: "Your Highness! Your Highness, you didn't say that! Your Highness!"

She suddenly remembered and turned to Mr. Yun: "Sir, you said Ban Yun is like your family! Can you forgive Ban Yun this time? Please! Please! I will never dare to do this again!"

Mr. Yun used a soft female voice and wrote lightly: "Wait a minute."

As soon as the servant stopped moving, Ban Yun also showed hope, but he heard Mr. Yun say quietly: "I hate betrayal the most in my life. I slashed her body dozens of times, poured honey on her body, and threw it outside. I want her to have thousands of ants." Eat your body and die slowly.”

Ban Yun's expression changed drastically, and the third prince frowned. He didn't feel cruel, but just troublesome.

But he still said: "Cut her tongue first! Don't let her yell blindly. The rest should be done as Mr. Yun said!"

The servant quickly gagged Ban Yun and dragged him down. Mr. Yun slowly drank the tea until the third prince couldn't help but urge him, and then said softly: "I really only have this much medicine left on hand. .”

The third prince frowned, but he didn't have an attack and waited quietly.

Mr. Yun continued slowly: "I do have an inexhaustible magical object in my hand... but I can't open it now."

The third prince asked urgently: "What do you mean?"

Mr. Yun said quietly: "When you and I first met, I took the medicine out of thin air. In fact, it was from the magical pharmacy. But now, I can't open it, so in my hand, I only got the medicine I put in it." Those bottles outside.”

He pointed from a distance: "Look, there are three more bottles. This bottle can make people's muscles and bones smooth, this bottle can make people's skin fragrant, and this bottle can confuse men in London and make their hearts ache. The addiction is hard to get rid of, and you won't notice anything strange at's amazing, isn't it? Just these three bottles are enough to create a 'favorite concubine' who can confuse the king's heart, right?"

Without hesitation, the third prince put the remaining three bottles of medicine into his sleeves and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will make the arrangements. When the draft is held this year, it will be our beauty's turn."

Mr. Yun did not stop him and continued: "However, the ultimate heirloom medicine you wanted and the loyalty medicine used on the servants are all gone, and the magical pharmacy cannot be opened."

The third prince was not stupid and asked him directly: "How can I open it?"

Mr. Yun said slowly: "Sheng Mingzhu."

The third prince was stunned: "Sheng Mingzhu??"

"Yes, that's her," Mr. Yun said, "As long as I see Sheng Mingzhu, I will naturally find a way to open her up. I only need to be alone for a quarter of an hour."

The third prince asked: "Why?"

"What do you think?" Mr. Yun chuckled: "Of course it's because she originally gave this magical pharmacy to me!"

The third prince frowned: "How is that possible! How old is Zhuzhu!"

"That's her. I don't need to tell such a lie." Mr. Yun chuckled softly: "She is born with auspiciousness, she predicts the unknown, she is so magical, why do you still treat her as an ordinary person?"

His voice was as low as the whisper between lovers: "Your Highness, it was her in the previous life. She was deeply in love with me in the previous life. She gave me this magical pharmacy... We made an appointment, and I have been waiting for her reincarnation. .”

The third prince raised his head and looked at him in shock.Mr. Yun was always beautiful, but looking down at him now, he was still astonishingly beautiful even though his beauty was gone.

He smiled softly and said: "She has many more good things in her hands than me. Medication is inferior after all. Wouldn't it be better if there were other means? For this reason, no matter how big the risk is, it is worth it." , His Highness said so?"

The third prince gritted his teeth for a long time: "You, you didn't lie to me?"

Mr. Yun took his time and said, "If you can benefit, so can I. You said we are in the same boat. I don't need to lie to you."

The third prince nodded, stood up suddenly, and strode away.

Mr. Yun slowly relaxed his back and leaned on the chair next to him, frowning.

His original name was Cui Yun, and his pseudonym was Yun Zhiqi. His ancestral home was Nanjing. When he was young, he was a handsome man who was famous all over the capital.

He is good at writing, painting, chess and piano. He is the best in everything he learns. He is proud of his genius, high-spirited and very public in his actions.

But at that time, he was really too young and didn't know that it was not a good thing to be too public without enough family background and no one to support him.

Once, a friend invited him to go on a trip, but he was kidnapped by thieves outside the city.

The thieves took turns humiliating him like a woman for several days and nights, then stripped him naked and threw him on the streets of the busy city. When his family found him, he was being molested by a group of beggars.

He's not dead, but he's going crazy.

Little did he know, this was just the beginning.

Later, his father was convicted for no apparent reason. Someone came to him and asked him to work as a young boy, but his father was let go.

He went.

He endured those disgusting trainings, and it was not until after the listing that he discovered that his father was already dead.

He was so angry that he wanted to sue the officials, but he was taken back; he wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape the dragnet; he finally lowered his face and hooked up with guests who had a habit of cutting sleeves, but he was fooled again and again.

It was like he was trapped in a thick, dark net, and no matter which direction he went, he couldn't escape.

Then he got a heart disease, and then he was dying and was thrown into a mass grave.

He was so filled with hatred that he crawled out step by step. When he was about to run out of energy, a pair of embroidered shoes stopped in front of him. A proud girl's voice seemed to be very shocked and said: "This ball of mud? Is it also a high score?"

He couldn't understand... He was unconscious, and he thought he was probably going to die!

Who would have known that when he woke up again, he entered a bright and clean room with a high bed and soft pillows. Most of the pain in his body had disappeared. He secretly checked and found that even the internal diseases that all doctors could not cure were cured without medicine. .

Then, a little girl came over, looking innocent and lively, and said that she had saved him.

He could see her hypocrisy, but instinctively felt that she was the key to his revenge, so he treated her tenderly.

However, he soon discovered that she seemed to have magical means to detect his sincerity.

So he said to himself every day, she is so beautiful, she is so cute, she saved me, I adore her, I love her so much that I can't help myself... He said it to himself so desperately every day, and over time, even he couldn't tell the difference. Yes, it really works.

His appearance gradually recovered, and his body gradually recovered. He showed his talent and affection step by step, making her fascinated. He planned step by step. Slowly, he learned a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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