Chapter 185 Kindness is the most expensive bottle in the world
Mr. Yun’s nails dug into his palms...

No, he can't panic, he can't panic, the lack of memory must be temporary, maybe you will remember him when you see him?
Chen Shan also loved him deeply, and he was not hopeless.

His mind was racing and he looked at Zhuzhu for a little longer. Then he saw a young man next to Zhuzhu suddenly raised his head and looked over.

Mr. Yun's heart skipped a beat.

His face was very calm. Instead of running away in a hurry, he still looked at Zhuzhu with a smile, as if he thought she was very cute and looked at her twice.

After a short while, I felt that the young man's eyes were retracted.

After passing this level, Mr. Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then he thought about it...why does this person look so much like Huo Chenzhao?
How did Huo Chenzhao come to Zhuzhu?
He secretly hated.

The third prince is somewhat scheming, but he is stubborn. He originally wanted to be the third prince's adviser, and the magical medicine was only an aid, but the third prince only wanted to use the medicine in his hand, and never asked him what to do... so that in the future, He was locked up in the prince's residence and didn't know any news. That's why he was so passive now.

On the field, the performance is still going on one by one.

Because Zhuzhu was very supportive, the monkey performers also relaxed a little, and the performance became more and more exciting. A dozen little monkeys hit wherever they pointed, without even being tied by ropes, jumping all over the place, extremely flexible.

After the performance, the little monkeys stood in a row and asked for rewards. The servants continued to sprinkle money, while assessing the intentions of the masters, and said: "Let's play again!"

Zhuzhu suddenly stood up, then ran over and took the money from the servant's hand, and threw it into the field with all her strength.

Sheng Minglin and others quickly stood up and helped him.

Who knew that at this moment, the little emperor's grandson followed suit and pointed downwards: "That! That!"

The wet nurse quickly picked up the little grandson and walked forward. Sheng Minglin had to turn around and greet him first.

Mr. Yun was overjoyed when he saw Zhuzhu just a few steps away. He went over to hug her and said loudly: "Princess, be careful!"

Zhuzhu turned around and finally saw him.

At that moment, Mr. Yun even held his breath.

Then I heard the little breast dumpling say sweetly: "Thank you, beautiful sister!"

She immediately looked away and threw the copper coins in her hand with all her strength.

Mr. Yun is really anxious now. It won’t work this time. I don’t know when we’ll see you next time!
He leaned directly towards her ear and whispered: "Shan Niang, Shan Niang, is that you?"

Tuanzi heard this and looked back at him, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Mr. Yun felt happy, secretly took a breath, and looked at her with a thousand words in his eyes.

Before he could burst into tears, Xiao Tuanzi suddenly became excited and said loudly: "That's right! Tie Zhuzhu!! Zhuzhu is a good boy! Zhuzhu is so kind!"

Sheng Minglin came quickly.

Mr. Yun stood up subconsciously.

At this moment, Zhuzhu stretched out her little hand and pushed. The moment her chubby hand touched his jade, there was a soft ding in her mind, but Tuanzi didn't notice it at all.

She grabbed a handful of copper coins in each of her two little hands, opened her bow left and right, and threw them up with all her strength... After throwing them three or four times, the coins were gone.

But Tuanzi was addicted to the kind persona and couldn't help himself. He looked around, squatted down and picked up the big pearls on his shoes.

Sheng Minglin quickly blocked her: "Zhuzhu, this won't work..."

The little dumpling was hugged by him and couldn't bend down, so he grabbed the little tassel on his head, pulled it off, and threw it over. Then he was really caught by the little monkey, who even squeaked and thanked him!

Tuanzi's face flushed with excitement, he pulled off the other little tassel, threw it over, and loudly announced: "Zhuzhu! Super! Kind! Good!"

She looked at Mr. Yun.

Mr. Yun was completely stunned.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that it was not that she had no memory, she... seemed not to be Chen Shan at all!
You can see how old he is at the age of three. Even if such a cute kid grows up, he will never look like Chen Shan! !

Sheng Minglin didn't notice anything was wrong, he smiled and hugged his sister, and asked her: "Why does Zhuzhu like others to praise Zhuzhu for her kindness?" Tuanzi said: "One reason... one reason... Zhuzhu forgot who it was. To put it bluntly, kindness is the most precious thing in this world!" She emphasized: "It is the most precious thing!"

The most expensive bottle?The most valuable quality, right?

Sheng Minglin smiled repeatedly and sorted out her messed up hair bag. At this moment, a new scene started on the field. Zhuzhu leaned against her brother and her attention returned to the little monkey.

Only Huo Chenzhao glanced at Mr. Yun calmly.

Mr. Yun was so distraught that he tried to control himself so as not to lose his composure.

After two performances in succession, more than half an hour passed before Sheng Minglin took the person back.

Although the little grandson didn't dare to yell, he was very excited to see it. Now that the excitement wore off, he began to feel sleepy, so no one said anything on the way back.

Huo Chenzhao suddenly touched Shen Lingjue and gestured towards Zhuzhu.

Although Shen Lingjue didn't know what he meant, she still had this trust and tacit understanding, so she stepped forward directly: "Zhuzhu, can I hold you for a while?"

Zhuzhu was quite happy and opened her arms for him to hug.

Huo Chenzhao walked a few steps quickly to catch up with Sheng Minglin and let him take a look at the palm of his hand.

There was a small piece of paper in his hand, and it was written on it: "The maid in plain clothes is a man. He said to Zhuzhu, 'Shanniang, is it you?'"

Sheng Minglin stopped breathing for a moment.

He quietly put the note into his sleeve, winked at Huo Chenzhao, and walked for a while. When he reached the entrance of the courtyard, he stretched out his hand again and said, "Come on, Zhuzhu, let me hug you."

At the same time, he said to Huo Chenzhao and the other two: "Okay, you go and do your work."

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said, "I still haven't prepared a medicine yet, but the young prince seems to be fine."

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Then Ling Jue will come with me."

So Huo Chenzhao walked away and quietly went to inform Qin Jiangbai or the fourth prince.

The others returned to the main courtyard. Sheng Minglin was unprepared and glanced at the note to Princess Duan.

Although Princess Duan doesn't like to play tricks, she won't lose her temper if she really wants to.

The third prince's concubine came here rarely, so she definitely wanted to leave some food. Princess Duan looked at the opportunity and asked very casually: "Where did you find two girls with bamboo poles? It's weird for such a tall girl to be so wobbly. Panic."

The expression of the third prince's concubine changed a bit, and she forced a smile and said, "Hey, our master is personally in charge of the little emperor's grandson's affairs."

This huatou is very subtle.

First, this must not be a real maid, otherwise the third prince's concubine would not answer so evasively.

Secondly, it was indeed the third prince’s intention to let him come.

Princess Duan and Sheng Minglin remained calm.

Sheng Minglin looked at her coldly. The male maid didn't seem to be trying to get close to Zhuzhu anymore, looking a little absent-minded.

After dinner, Zhu Zhuer went to take a nap, and the third prince and concubine also left.

Sheng Minglin hurriedly went to find Huo Chenzhao.

Huo Chenzhao went to Qin Jiangbai personally and told him, but he didn't know what Qin Jiangbai had planned.

Sheng Minglin couldn't wait any longer and sent Jin Yiwei to ask.

Not long after, Qin Jiangbai came over in person and said: "He is really a man. His identity is the aunt of His Highness the Third Highness. He is known as Mrs. Yun. His Highness the Third Highness calls him Mr. Yun... After he returned from your place, the Third Highness immediately I went to find him and asked him how he was doing... Then, he didn't know what he found. He suddenly panicked, but quickly covered it up and said, "She has recognized me, but there are too many people, so there is no chance." say'."

He paused for a moment: "This is obviously a lie, but His Highness the Third Prince doesn't seem to notice it."

(End of this chapter)

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