Chapter 186 A real man will not make a woman cry
"Yes," Sheng Minglin suddenly remembered: "In the previous life, the third prince also took a male concubine! I heard that he was very favored and was reprimanded by the emperor's uncle. I heard that the third prince was reprimanded and refused to deal with him. Many People say that he has a deep affection for him... It must be him! He should be the person behind Yuyan! No wonder the third prince was so illustrious in his previous life, it turns out..."

Before he finished speaking, Lizhi ran in and said in a panic: "Master Shizi! Our master said she had a headache and said there was something growing in her brain!"

Several people, including Qin Jiangbai, didn't even bother to ask questions. They stood up and ran towards Yueyuan.

Before I ran in, I heard Zhuzhu crying.

When I went in, I saw that Tuanzi was being held by Princess Duan. As soon as she saw her smart brother, she couldn't hold back. She cried until she opened her mouth wide and blew out snot and bubbles: "Pot - pot -"

She burst into tears, pointed her little finger at her head, and cried until she was speechless.

Sheng Minglin was so distressed that he couldn't bear it, and tears fell down immediately, "Zhuzhu! Zhuzhu!"

Huo Chenzhao rushed over to check his pulse.

But Zhuzhu cried so hard that she held her head with her two little hands. Huo Chenzhao pulled twice but couldn't pull away, and he didn't dare to pull hard.

Tuanzi cried so hard that he couldn't speak clearly: "Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah!"

Shen Lingjue was amused by her small voice and wanted to laugh, but seeing her like this, he felt a little distressed and had a weird expression for a moment.

Sheng Minglin choked with distress and did not waste time thinking.

Hearing that Zhuzhu was talking about fear, not pain, he pulled Qin Jiangbai in quickly, put his hand on the handle of the knife, and said incoherently: "Zhuzhu, don't be afraid, Lord Qin is here." , Master Jin is the Jin Yiwei, Jin Yiwei is super powerful, Master Qin can also fly, no bad guy can beat Master Qin!"

Qin Jiangbai quickly pulled out a small knife and put on a fierce and serious look.

Tuanzi stopped crying, blinked hard to squeeze out the tears, and then stared at him for a while, maybe thinking that he looked very reliable, so his crying gradually became smaller: "Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu... "

She choked with sobs and pointed to her little head: "In Zhuzhu's head, there is a cabinet and a mirror. The mirror will shine. Zhuzhu is afraid, Qin, Mr. Qin, you Kick it off, okay?"

Qin Jiangbai nodded quickly: "Okay! Don't be afraid, little princess, I will drive it away right away!"

Sheng Minglin helped explain: "Master Qin is very powerful, it is definitely no match for Master Qin!"

Tuanzi nodded fiercely, her crying gradually became quieter, and she was still twitching. Huo Chenzhao then pulled her little arm out and checked her pulse.

Princess Duan gently pressed her daughter's head and asked her to lean against her, "Does your head still hurt?"

Tuanzi shook his head and leaned in his mother's arms with a very sad expression.

Huo Chenzhao looked at it for a while, frowned, and shook his head at them, apparently saying nothing.

Sheng Minglin had great trust in Huo Chenzhao's medical skills, and his heart skipped a beat when he saw this.

He quickly went through today's events in his mind, suddenly thought of something, and coaxed softly: "Zhu Zhu'er, what kind of cabinet is it? Tell Mr. Qin so that Mr. Qin can defeat it."

Xiaotuanzi was so good, he nodded, wiped his tears with his hands, and compared them with his hands: "It's like...just like a medicine cabinet with beautiful pots and pans, piece by piece, but super big...just like, It's as big as a wall! It's bright, like ice, and there are many bottles inside, with "Zhizhi" written on them, and there are many clouds below. You can't see clearly where there are clouds, but they are high where there are no clouds..."

Sheng Minglin looked at Qin Jiangbai in shock.

Both of them were very smart and thought of a lot in an instant.

The "system" was very powerful at the time. If the effect of "love deeply is deeply loved" was placed on the national flag... then, what about taking things out of thin air?What about those magic medicines with weird names?
So, could this be part of that “system”?

Could it be that the "Mrs. Yun" who disguised herself as a woman today came to deliver the system?How dare he do this! !
Because the fish eyes have brought disaster to the country first, everyone is full of fear of this "system".Yes, the system is very powerful, but the more powerful the uncontrollable things are, the more terrifying they are.

Sheng Minglin murmured: "Please invite fourth brother here first, hurry up!"

Qin Jiangbai quickly went out and gave instructions to the Jin Yiwei.

Sheng Minglin ordered Li Zhi to clear the place again.

Zhuzhu is still trying to tell: "There is also a large mirror, which is as big as a table. It is erected. There is a small painting on the top of the large mirror, several mirrors on the bottom, and another small painting on the bottom. Several more systems...there are many, several rows."

If you are a modern person, the image of a mobile phone icon will appear in your mind, but what appears in the minds of Sheng Minglin and others is the image of hanging paintings and writing poems.

Sheng Minglin held his sister's little hand with both hands and asked in a low voice.

By the time the fourth prince arrived, Sheng Minglin had already finished asking questions.

Zhuzhu hadn't noticed it before, but when she woke up from her nap, she suddenly noticed it.

Because Zhuzhu was originally a baby full of whimsical ideas, she was not afraid at first, and even talked to Lizhi and the others for a while. Then she accidentally clicked on the painting on the "mirror", and the picture on the mirror suddenly changed. Only then did Zhuzhu become scared.

The fourth prince listened with his eyes lowered, his expression cold, and he gritted his teeth for a long time before he reluctantly softened his expression. Wen Yan asked: "Zhuzhu, can you take out the medicine in the medicine cabinet?"

Sheng Minglin smiled bitterly and opened his hand. In his hand was a small medicine bottle, only the size of an adult's fingertip. After opening it, there was only a small medicine bottle inside, about the size of a soybean, completely transparent, truly colorless and odorless, Huo Chenzhao also recognized Can't figure out what it is.

Sheng Minglin said: "Before you came, we were asking Zhuzhu to write the name of the medicine."

The fourth prince nodded, and then Zhuzhu continued writing.

She was no longer afraid now, and she felt it was a bit fun, tracing the words on the cabinet bit by bit.

Although her hands are weak, she has learned to write after all. Just like drawing, she can still draw a gourd on a gourd.

After she finished the drawings one by one with great difficulty, everyone put them together and read them, their mouths twitching wildly.

Shen Lingjue couldn't help but read aloud: "A real man won't make a woman cry? Real men won't make women cry? Really? What the hell?"

Zhuzhu said with great interest: "There's more, there's a small one below this big one."

She just continued painting.

The small print is the description of the medicine, which is quite long. Zhuzhu struggled to draw, draw, draw...

Then everyone watched in silence. Although many of the words were different, probably from later generations, when put together, even Guai Jiamen could pronounce almost the same:
"A woman's tears are her most powerful weapon. If you take this medicine and shed a tear in front of him, your target's IQ will decrease..."

Everyone looked at the "50%" pattern with a series of big circles and small circles, and they were very confused: "What is this? What is IQ?"


9.4 points, you are all such cute little angels!Love you all, I will add more updates ~ I will add more updates when the number of five-star reviews exceeds [-]. From now on, it would be better to add one more every time the number of five-star reviews exceeds [-].

(End of this chapter)

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