Chapter 187 Cui Lang moves Kyoto with his song
Although I don't understand it at all, it is easy to guess based on Yuyan's unorthodox drug names such as "Hit me in the body and hurt in your heart", "Even if you are on the verge of death, you will still captivate the country".

Does it mean that if you swallow this pill and cry, the other person will become stupid? ?

Fortunately, there is also a "one-time" behind it, which should mean that I am temporarily stupid this time, and I will not be stupid forever.

Shen Lingjue thought it was a bit funny, but Sheng Minglin, who had the best temper, couldn't help but get angry: "What a mess! Zhu Zhu'er is only three years old!"

The fourth prince also looked cold: "Ming Lin Jiang Bai, follow me into the palace."

The three people hurriedly entered the palace, and in less than half an hour, a group of royal guards quickly left the palace.

It was dinner time, and the third prince was having dinner with the princess while listening to her recount her visit to Prince Duan's Mansion today.

The servant rushed in, peeing, and said from afar: "Your Highness! Your Highness, it's not good, the royal guards have surrounded our mansion!!"

The third prince was stunned, not believing his ears at all: "What did you say? How is it possible!?"

The next moment, Qin Jiangbai rushed in with someone.

The third prince's legs were weak, and he forced his smile to come forward to say hello, but Qin Jiangbai ignored him and rushed in with others.

Watching them rush over, the third prince's face turned pale.

That's the backyard!Where the women are! !Even the official residence would not do this easily!
Jin Yiwei dared to rush in, unless they were sure that he couldn't stand up! !

Why did this happen all of a sudden! !
The incident happened suddenly. The third prince was shocked and his mind went blank until he watched the Jin Yiwei capture Mr. Yun.

Mr. Yun seemed to be about to take a bath. He was only wearing an inner robe and his hair was scattered. He could not be described as not being embarrassed. But standing in the crowd, he still looked like the moonlight suddenly revealed among the lush branches and leaves, looking indescribably handsome and lonely.

The third prince blurted out: "It's you! It must be you!"

Mr. Yun lowered his head quietly and ignored him.

He is a smart man. As soon as he saw that the imperial guards had even surrounded the prince's palace, he knew that he had failed and there would never be another chance. Even if the third prince was lucky enough to survive, he would definitely die... Naturally, there was no need to deal with it anymore. The third prince is such an idiot.

Qin Jiangbai took a step forward and said, "Your Highness, Madam, please come with us."

The third prince's concubine was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground, and the third prince was almost the same.

After all, Jin Yiwei didn't catch the third prince's concubine himself and allowed her to be held by the maid, but he was not polite at all and invited the two of them out of the house.

Another group of people were left to search and question the palace. The third prince and the princess were sent to the palace, while Qin Jiangbai took Mr. Yun directly to the imperial prison.

It was also a coincidence that Wang Shuzhi, the commander of the Jin Yiwei, had been working with the third prince recently. When he heard that the third prince had been arrested, he thought something had happened to their mission, so he hurried over... and saw Mr. Yun at a glance.

Wang Shuzhi was stunned at that time.

Qin Jiangbai noticed it and stopped directly to ask him: "Master Wang, do you know him?"

Wang Shuzhi himself is the leader of the Jinyi Guard. How could he not know how powerful he is and dare not hide it? He said, "I don't know? I've only seen him from a distance once. He..."

He glanced at Mr. Yun, softened his tone, and said: "When I was young, well, at least ten years ago, there was a young man named Cui Yun in Nanjing. He was extremely talented and talented at playing chess, calligraphy, and painting. , known as Yun Zhongxian, also known as Cui Lang. When he was drunk, he played the piano, and it was really 'Cui Lang moved Kyoto with his music.' People who don’t know how to play the piano can cry when they hear it.”

Mr. Yun... Cui Yun had always looked calm. After hearing what he said, he slowly raised his head, looked at him, laughed suddenly, and then laughed until he burst into tears.

But even with such a crazy look, he is still very beautiful.

Even the grown man Wang Shuzhi couldn't bear it and said, "What did he commit?" Qin Jiangbai glanced at him in surprise.

What Jin Yiwei does is the most important thing. The most important thing is to strictly abide by his duties, ignore things that he shouldn't do, and don't look at things that he shouldn't see. Wang Shuzhi asked such a question again, which is really, really rare. Obviously, he was really serious back then. was deeply impressed by Cui Yun.

But Qin Jiangbai still said: "I'm sorry, sir, I can't say."

He just waved his hand and Jin Yiwei dragged him in.

The Jin Yiwei directly obeyed the emperor's orders. Unlike other places, Wang Shuzhi and Qin Jiangbai were nominally superiors and subordinates. In fact, they were usually responsible for different errands. Wang Shuzhi did not dare to ask more questions, let alone stop him. He just turned his head. He gave some instructions to his subordinates.

Qin Jiangbai didn't leave and said, "Mr. Wang, are there any more?"

Wang Shuzhi continued: "Cui Yun is an unparalleled young genius after all. His behavior is somewhat arrogant. He may have offended someone at some point. I heard he was kidnapped by thieves..."

All he knew was the rumor, that he was kidnapped and came back. He didn't know anything else. He finally said: "I only heard that life was difficult for him after he came back. There were quite a few people who made trouble for him... I'll tell you the details." I don’t know.”

Qin Jiangbai nodded.

With the name and identity, the rest of the matter was easy to investigate, so Qin Jiangbai directly ordered people to investigate.

At this time, Wang Shuzhi's men also ran back and bought a robe. Wang Shuzhi handed it over: "Give it to him, a new one."

Qin Jiangbai nodded.

After hearing his experience, one can naturally understand that he must be extremely uncomfortable with being disheveled outside, but he may not be willing to accept the clothes of the man next to him, so Wang Shuzhi asked someone to buy him a new one.

After Qin Jiangbai entered, he handed the robe to him and said, "The one Mr. Wang gave you is new."

Cui Yun nodded and said politely: "Thank you very much. Thank you also, Mr. Wang."

He took the robe, put it on, arranged it carefully, and then sat down cross-legged upright. He was really calm and did not care about life and death.

Qin Jiangbai said lightly: "My life is on my side and I can't give Mr. Wang any face, but I don't want to torture you either. Why don't you just say it and don't get your clothes dirty."

Cui Yun nodded.

Then he looked up at him and said suddenly: "She, it's not her, is it?"

"Yes," Qin Jiangbai answered directly, "she is the real little princess, the real Shengmingzhu."

A simple sentence actually answered a lot, which proved that he knew Chen Shan, knew what Chen Shan wanted to do, and even knew more.

Cui Yun nodded slowly and sighed: "That's it."

He lowered his gaze for a long time and slowly began to tell: "When I was about to die, I was thrown into a mass grave, and then I was saved by Chen Shan..."

Cui Yun is very smart and keen to investigate, so he does know a lot of things.

Qin Jiangbai continued the interrogation until midnight, feeling a little complicated.

Half of the system has been in Cui Yun's hands, but he can't use it. He originally wanted to find allies when he entered Prince Duan's palace, but instead the system was delivered to his door... which is also quite sad.

(End of this chapter)

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