Chapter 189 Zhuzhu is not a crybaby

Sheng Minglin felt distressed and funny at the same time. He stepped forward and picked up the little man: "Baby, what's going on?"

Tuanzi leaned towards him, sighed deeply, and said in an old-fashioned way: "Zhuzhu, it's too difficult... Zhuzhu doesn't want to dream, Zhuzhu really wants to sleep! Zhuzhu Chaishan is half-year-old and can't get enough sleep. He doesn’t grow taller!”

Sheng Minglin rubbed her little head: "Then Zhuzhu is telling brother Mengmeng. After finishing talking, go to bed quickly, okay?"

Tuanzi said: "But there are only a few beads. Those are Mengmeng that Siguoguo wants, and Mengmeng that no one wants."

"No one wants it," Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Zhuzhu's dreams are all my brother's treasures, and he likes to hear them all."

Tuanzi was comforted, patted her little hands, and posted stickers with her brother, and then said: "Zhuzhu dreamed that he went to an empty place, and there was a little Guo Guoduo with short hair and big eyes crying, crying and screaming at the same time. , Book Master, Book Master, don’t you want Lingjiushan anymore?”

"Zhuzhu seemed to know him a little bit, but she couldn't think of messing with him, so Zhuzhu went to coax him, but Xiaoguoguo covered his ears and said, 'I won't listen, I won't listen,' and flew away!"

Tuanzi sighed deeply: "Zhuzhu couldn't catch up with him. He fell down and woke up! Zhuzhu was so sleepy, so he slept hard. When he fell asleep, he went to that place again, and the little pot was still there. There, he said: Book Master, Book Master, you are back! Why did you leave Lingjiu Mountain and run away... Zhuzhu said Zhuzhu Mu is there, Zhuzhu is not careful."

"But, Xiao Guoguo said, human beings are very good at lying, and they also like to take advantage of me. The human emperor deceived Ling Jiushan into helping him, and promised to compensate Ling Jiushan with a high score, but ended up tearing Ling Jiushan apart. ...and then, it cried again, and Zhuzhu couldn't coax it, so she woke up in a hurry!"

"Then I fell asleep again, went there again... and woke up again!"

Tuanzi burst into tears, her little lips trembled, and she twirled her fingers sadly, unable to understand: "Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu woke up five or six times several times... Zhuzhu's head hurt so much, and he couldn't even sleep. It’s gone! Wuwuwu... When will Xiao Guoguo stop crying? Zhuzhu doesn’t want to coax him into trouble, and Zhuzhu Jiji also wants to cry! Wow!!”

Zhuzhu cried for a long time, and then remembered something. She raised her two small hands and drew two arcs next to her face, "The tears of the little pot are so strange, one after another, they are so big that they fly in a line." fly!"

She laughed twice, then continued to cry. After crying for a while, she couldn't help laughing again.

Sheng Minglin was so amused by her behavior that he couldn't help laughing, and he couldn't help but comfort her. Princess Duan and the others were standing there, and they couldn't help laughing either.

Then Sheng Minglin asked again: "That little brother, did you tell me where the pieces went?"

"No," Tuanzi shook his head: "He is a crybaby, crying all the time, unlike Zhuzhu."

Sheng Minglin said quickly: "Yes, Zhuzhu is brave."

Tuanzi nodded while shedding tears, not feeling guilty at all: "Zhuzhu is brave, Zhuzhu is not a crybaby."

Sheng Minglin smiled, stopped talking, and patted the little dumpling gently.
After a while, Tuanzi's crying gradually became quieter, and her eyes slowly closed... When she was half asleep and half awake, she entered the palace shrouded in mist again. The Q version of the beautiful boy was still sobbing, and Tuanzi didn't dare to go up to comfort her. Standing far away, he asked him: "Xiao Guo Guo, where did your pieces fly to?"

The young boy cried: "I don't know, ask your emperor!"

Tuanzi asked: "Is he the emperor, Uncle Huang? Or is he the emperor of Siguoguo?"

The boy paused to cry and imitated her voice at that time: "It's... the Emperor of Four Pots."

Tuanzi nodded: "Oh! How many dishes are there! The Four-Guopot Emperor!"

Then, Zhuzhu really fell asleep.

At this time, everyone who listened to her jabbering words exchanged glances.

After waiting for a while and seeing that she really fell asleep and stopped talking, Sheng Minglin slowly stood up and gently put her on the couch.

It was almost daybreak after this back and forth.

Princess Duan was so sleepy that she yawned one after another. She waved her hands for them to leave quickly, and she lay down directly on the couch.

Sheng Minglin and others walked out of the yard before they started talking.

Sheng Minglin said: "So it turns out that long before the system was stripped, probably after the soul was removed, the system had already recognized Zhuzhu as the master. So when the system was stripped, it should have been the fourth brother who deceived the system and let it out. The fourth brother should also have heard about the concept of power, or even reversing time, etc. from the system..."

He paused for a moment: "But, the fourth brother in the previous life knew where it went, but the current fourth brother doesn't know!" Several people looked at each other, and then they all sighed.

Although Sheng Minglin has a lot of great intelligence, he is still physically weak.

After staying up all night, he slept until noon the next day. When he woke up, he was dizzy. Sheng Minglin rubbed his temples and asked the boy: "Is Zhuzhu awake?"

The boy quickly said: "The princess has just woken up. She came here about half an hour ago. Seeing that the prince was not awake, she told me not to wake the prince. Then, it seems that she went to find Mr. Huo."

Sheng Minglin didn't hear it at all.

He hurriedly washed up and went to Huo Chenzhao's place. As soon as he entered, it was very lively inside. The fourth prince was also there. Shen Lingjue, Huo Chenzhao, and Qin Jiangbai were all missing. Well, they were just missing the fool that everyone usually didn't play with him. The stupid seventh prince.

Shen Lingjue smiled and said, "Why did you get up? Have you eaten?"

"No," Sheng Minglin said, "Did Zhuzhu eat it? Did you all eat it?"

Shen Lingjue and others nodded, and Zhuzhu also turned around and said, "Zhuzhu is full!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and sat down without pushing over. The fourth prince said: "Minglin is also tired these days. At such a young age, working too hard is not good for your longevity. Shen Zhao should pay more attention."

Huo Chenzhao agreed.

Sheng Minglin asked someone to cook a bowl of noodles and ate it hastily before going over to watch Zhuzhu write.

I don’t know who brought some thrush threads. It’s just a short one and it’s quite easy to hold. It’s already painted all over the table.

Now that I know the nature of the system, it is easy to guess. Sometimes I guess it before I finish writing. I almost guess it, so Huo Chenzhao writes it down one by one.

There are some that are slightly normal, such as Yitei Duobao Pills, Devil Figure Pills, False Pregnancy Pills, Abortion Pills, Yizhi Pills, etc.

There are also some that are not serious at first glance and are not easy to understand, such as:
Pills for bosses: After that night, he will never forget your body and will never be able to react to other women again.

Yimeng Addiction Pill: Create an extremely real and beautiful erotic dream for him/her, so that he/she will never forget your taste.

Mother-Child Love Pill: Your children hold on to your clothes and refuse to let you go. After leaving you, they are extremely distressed and cry to death.

The fourth prince felt inexplicably traumatized: Ouch!
Sheng Minglin also felt inexplicably traumatized: Ouch!

The fourth prince was thinking that when he reported it to his father, when talking about a certain section, his father said something disdainfully... How beautiful can tender melons and seedlings be?so?
I'm so happy and disgusted at the same time.

Sheng Minglin was also thinking that when the emperor wanted to kill Chen Shan, he suddenly hugged her and cried as a baby, so? ?vomit!

Shen Lingjue didn't know many things, so he said casually: "Minglin, you are so smart, couldn't you have taken Yizhi pills?

Sheng Minglin was disgusted, and then he looked at him with a strong face and said: "Little prince, if I can make you happy by being disgusted, it's okay with me! I can bear it!"

Shen Lingjue: "...???"

He said speechlessly: "Who is disgusting whom?"


Additional updates will be added if the number of five-star reviews exceeds 1500.The next update will be when the number of people with five-star ratings exceeds 1600.

By the way, does anyone like Cui Yun?Do you care if he dies?I originally planned to let him die, but as I read this, I suddenly couldn’t bear to do it. If someone likes him, I will let him live...

(End of this chapter)

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