Chapter 190 It would be embarrassing if I didn’t rebel

Huo Chenzhao got involved early and could understand Sheng Minglin's mood very well. He deflected and said, "You were the one who disgusted him first, so you have to bear with it when he disgusts you."

Even the fourth prince said: "With Chen Shan's temperament, how could he waste points on Ming Lin! Don't mention this now! I should be sorry."

He changed the topic: "Zhu Zhu'er, stop writing, let's play something else."

Although Zhu Zhuer had a lot of fun and she didn't understand what it meant, the fourth prince still didn't want her to write such erotic words.

Moreover, it is basically impossible to open medicine cabinets now, and only about ten can be opened. Most of the medicine cabinets with long names are expensive and cannot be opened. Zhuzhu specially picks out the ones with long names, but it is actually of no use.

The fourth prince said: "Zhuzhu, take out everything that can be opened and taken out. Take it slowly, don't be in a hurry. Take one, find a name, and then take the next one after you get it right."

He was afraid of any changes, so he took it out first and said whether he would use it or not was another matter.

Tuanzi nodded obediently: "Oh!"

She started to take it.

The medicines in the system are all in one bottle. You can get Yitai Duobao Pills and Jiedu Pills... After taking two of them, Zhuzhu let out a sigh: "Four pots! The small cabinet with fresh firewood is bright, but it doesn't light up." La!"

Everyone was upset!

Still suffered the loss of inexperience!
It is also easy to understand originally. The remaining points are limited. For example, if you have 100 taels of silver, you can buy something for 100 taels. If you buy this, you cannot buy that.

But they didn't expect that this thing could change at any time.

Sheng Minglin said quickly: "Zhuzhu, try putting this bottle back and see if that one can light up?"

Zhuzhu put it back and said, "It's lit up! Guo Guo is so smart!"

At this moment, I didn’t want to make Xiaotuanzi tired, so I could only ask her to copy the names of the medicines in the cabinet that was still lit, which should be the names of the medicines that I could afford, and then everyone discussed what to buy. , don’t buy anything.

Qin Jiangbai suddenly gave a high-five: "Wait! I remembered something! There should be medicine in the third prince's house! Judging from Cui Yun's confession, it should be a bottle of Bingji Yugu Pills and a bottle of deodorant. Pills, a bottle..." He looked at the paper and looked for it: "Pills for boss Ba? So can these be stuffed back and replaced with other useful ones? The mantra pill is very useful, and the detoxification pill is also very useful."

"It should be okay," the fourth prince said, "You first ask someone to bring the medicine, and then after we have discussed it, I will go into the palace and ask my father."

Qin Jiangbai went out and gave some instructions.

Although the third prince and the third prince's concubine have not been put on trial since they were arrested, there are people in the third prince's house. The Jin Yiwei are experts in finding hidden cells and so on. They found them casually and sent them over.

After Zhuzhu put the three bottles of medicine, especially the boss's special pills, back into the medicine cabinet, the medicine cabinet suddenly became more lit up.

Zhuzhu grabbed the pen again and began to draw.

No one knew the Arabic numerals inside, but after repeated trials and taking away a medicine, the points balance would change accordingly. The room was full of extremely smart people. After trying it a few times, they got it right, and then they discovered this. The beauty of numbers.Apart from anything else, it is so convenient for a small hand like Zhuzhu to write by hand, and it can save a lot of trouble in accounting and other matters.

There is also the % sign that appears frequently. Although I don’t know how to pronounce it, I can guess the meaning. This makes it easier to choose.

But even so, the group of people were busy until the afternoon. When Zhuzhu finished his late lunch and went to take a late nap, they discussed for a long time and made several options.

Sheng Minglin went to coax his sister to sleep. When he came back, he looked at it and was surprised: "Give Chen Shan a flash of inspiration? Isn't flash of inspiration very expensive?"

"Yes," Qin Jiangbai said, "but there is no way. She knows too little about serious things. After a flash of inspiration, she might be able to think of something useful."

He brought the records over and let him look at them.

Chen Shan has been interrogating, but she knows too little history. Most of it is interesting gossip that is not true or false.

for example,

Later generations will say that Prince Duan was the biggest adventure during Emperor Mingxi's reign.

After all, which emperor dared to leave his brother in the capital, let him hold real power, almost be the head of the civil service, and let him marry a wife who came from the general's palace, which held the most military power? ?
He has both civil and military interests, and all conditions have been prepared for him. It would be a bit embarrassing not to rebel.

However, it should be said that Prince Duan has a little bit of brother control over him. He has never failed to live up to his brother's trust. He has been a leader for his brother throughout his life. He has advanced and retreated with his brother in all major joints. He is truly the number one favorite of Dasheng... ...They were even buried together in the imperial mausoleum after death, which was a rare thing in the feudal dynasty. Brothers were of the same mind and even shared the same cave after death. Well, they could barely be considered as sharing the same cave.

Therefore, in later generations, there are many stories about the brothers and sisters of Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan... almost as popular as Xipi, Emperor Shenyou, Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue.

Another example,
It is said that on Sheng Mingzhu's fifth birthday, her uncle gave her a white wolf and named it Weiwu. It died a few years later. The little princess cried until she fainted and didn't think about food or food for several days. Then, by that time she was already The fourth prince of the Crown Prince secretly wrote a storybook for her, saying that Weiwu had been reincarnated as an adult and had become a general or something.

This is recorded in the emperor's daily life records, and the credibility is extremely high. It was told to the emperor through the mouth of Prince Duan, so it was recorded.

It is said that the fourth prince told the story with an expressionless face and no cadence in his voice. He also refused to admit that he wrote it. He insisted that he bought it and asked his eunuch to help with the acting. When Zhuzhu said something was wrong, he secretly changed it. , Let’s talk about it again... This kind of cold-faced and warm-hearted girl control, everyone is embarrassed, and there is a pair of Xipi that everyone is very cute.

Others, such as Huo Chenzhao and a female patient... Shen Lingjue and a female prisoner... The seventh prince and his eldest sister...

In short, it's all like this, except Xipi is Xipi.

Sheng Minglin was speechless: "Not to mention anything else, Shen Zhao was already a fourth-grade official at that time, and he still had time to go to the medical clinic every day? Besides, this female patient is here to ask questions Are you happy? They must have gotten married? Shen Zhao is so heartbroken!! Why are there still rumors about her and Shen Zhao??"

"And Ling Jue, in front of the general guarding the gate, he captured a female prisoner. He was obviously here to spy on the military situation, and he hid her in the military tent? He let her go and still drank in pain every day?? A general can drink every day Isn’t it true that entangled with prisoners is collaborating with the enemy?”

"Then there is Seventh Brother. He is already a general, and his reputation is all over the world. Why would he marry a woman who is divorced? She is more than ten years older than him? To make friends with her son for this woman, just for the sake of every day Take a look at her... What do you mean Sister Yu and her little wolf dog? These are all the same! Is it really okay to call a prince a dog?! What will happen to future generations? "

He looked at them: "You guys are talking! Don't you think it's outrageous? Except for the first two, the other people's stories are all so outrageous. Why are you so calm?"

(End of this chapter)

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