After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 191 Everyone is stupid, but I am the only one who is smart

Chapter 191 Everyone is stupid, but I am the only one who is smart

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said: "Because before you came back, we were all shocked. It is said that many people in later generations are entertainment-oriented. They also know that many things are false. They just kowtow because they like us and are happy. . I heard that even the eternal emperors like Qin Shihuang and Li Shimin were beaten every day."

Sheng Minglin: "What does kowtow mean? Kowtow to what? Head?"

"Xipi," Huo Chenzhao smiled and pointed at the paper: "Ke, Xi, Pi. It is said that this is a foreigner's word, and it is written like this 'CP'."

Sheng Minglin held his forehead and was completely speechless.

He didn't need to ask what Xipi meant. He knew it at a glance. He suddenly felt something was wrong: "Why is Ling Jue so quiet?"

Shen Lingjue's eyes wandered, and she quickly turned around and looked out the window.

Qin Jiangbai suppressed a smile and said: "Because he just learned that many story books in later generations are not what he thought."

Shen Lingjue suddenly turned around, hugging his shoulders and yelling: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute. You are a scumbag who loves fourth brother but can't get it, so you murder me! Old man!"

"Yes, yes, I'm a scumbag, I'm old." Qin Jiangbai smiled so hard that his eyes were bent: "No more passionate 'true love' than you, who had to write three letters to His Highness in one day at the border, and also picked up the Show the leaves at the border to His Highness..."

He looked at Huo Chenzhao: "And you, the gentle second man who is waiting silently! You cry to the moon every night until dawn!"

Huo Chenzhao held up his forehead: "I didn't say anything about you, Brother Jiang Bai. I didn't say a word. Why bother dragging me into the water?"

"So what!" Shen Lingjue said: "No one can escape from the story of four people! No one can be alone! No! This is called..." He looked back and forth on the paper and read out: "I am wet It’s been raining, so I have to tear off other people’s umbrellas!!”

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He looked around the room and said slowly: "It turns out to be a story about four people. No wonder I just didn't come for most of an hour, and suddenly I felt out of place. Is this how I am the only one who is pure when the whole world is filthy, and I am the only one who is smart when everyone is stupid?"

Several people: "Pfft!"

They were chatting and laughing, while the fourth prince sat calmly drinking tea.

Once these people get together, they are obviously much livelier than usual and talk a lot. This is the case for everyone. This is the charm of like-minded people.

After everyone complained, Sheng Minglin asked the fourth prince: "Fourth brother, do you know Zhuzhu's dream yesterday?"

The fourth prince nodded, "I have thought about it carefully, and I am thinking that if I figure it out and know that the system has this ability, then I will definitely not just use it for the national flag, but it will definitely be used for national destiny, national power, etc., so, will it? Will a jade seal or something like that be useful?"

This topic was taboo, so he didn't go into details: "I'll go back to the palace and ask my father about it."

Sheng Minglin nodded and said: "Ms. Chen hanged himself in the family temple. It should be my uncle Chen Qingyu who collected the coffin. I was thinking, should I ask him and try the half piece of jade?"

"Okay," the fourth prince said, "You take it first, and we won't tell you whether you need it or not."

So after the fourth prince left, Sheng Minglin came over and asked Princess Duan where Chen Qingyu was now.

Princess Duan really knew about this. She said to him: "I asked the housekeeper to send you there. He is now at your second uncle's place. I heard that he is doing well."

Sheng Minglin followed.

He now has no ill feelings towards his uncle. To put it bluntly, he is also a victim.

So Sheng Minglin asked in advance and brought a lot of food, food and clothing there, as if it was a normal visit.

Although he was mentally prepared, Sheng Minglin was still stunned when Chen Qingyu came over.Just over three months later, Chen Qingyu has completely transformed. His whole body has become straighter and stronger. The tired and slick air has been wiped away. Chen Qingyu was already in good shape, and his energy level has improved. When he came up, he looked really handsome and mighty.

When Chen Qingyu saw him, his eyes filled with tears and he hugged him: "Minglin Minglin! Fortunately, you still think of me!"

There are many things that cannot be said for the time being, so Sheng Minglin can only comfort him with gentle words: "Of course I will not forget uncle. How is uncle these days?"

Chen Qingyu hugged him for a while, and then wiped away his tears: "How should I put it? In fact, when I first came here, I was so tired every day that I really wanted to die... But after staying for a long time, I felt good again, and I felt more at ease. I feel more and more like a man, and my brothers are getting along well... Sometimes when I lie on the kang at night, I can't help but think about it. I feel that my past life was just like a dream. Why am I like this? Confused..."

He sighed for a while and then said: "I just miss my wife and your aunt. I'm sorry for her. Oh, Minglin, I know I'm not a thing, but can you tell them that I want to go back?" Take a look home, even for an hour. I’ll come back after just one look. I promise I won’t do those stupid things again. I will never gamble again, really!”

Sheng Minglin said kindly: "I will tell my second uncle."

Chen Qingyu nodded while wiping away tears.

The two talked for a while before Chen Qingyu said, "Come here to see me. Is there something wrong?"

"There is something wrong." Sheng Minglin coughed, still a little embarrassed: "When Mrs. Chen hanged herself, was there half a piece of jade on her body?"

Chen Qingyu was stunned and scratched his head, "What happened? That thing... the jade quality was so good that I didn't want to bury it with her, so I took it back secretly and gave it to your aunt. It should still be with her now. There, you, if you go to get it, can you stop by and see her? I also have some monthly silver saved here, so you can send it to her as well."

Sheng Minglin breathed a sigh of relief. It was better to be outside than to dig a grave. Although Chen Shan was disgusting, her body was that of a daughter of the Chen family. If she could not be disturbed, of course it was best not to be disturbed.

He agreed, chatted for a while, then left what he had brought and went with Chen Qingyu's letter.

The woman Chen Qingyu accepted was born in a brothel, so her grandfather would not agree to it at all. However, the two of them have been together for so many years, and they are no different from husband and wife.

Sheng Minglin was trapped in the palace in his previous life and was not a well-informed person. He was very prejudiced against women in brothels. He originally thought that by the time he came over, the woman might have found another home.

But unexpectedly, when I came over to look for him, I saw Mr. Song.

Mrs. Song's face was obviously dirty and ugly on purpose, and she had something wrapped around her waist, making her waist bloated... She looked like an ordinary woman, with only one pair of eyes as full as autumn water, and she obviously had a good appearance.

From this point of view, she is not the kind of person who is willing to be humble.

Sheng Minglin felt slightly relieved, sat down and asked carefully.

At that time, Chen Qingyu was thrown into the army by the people from Prince Duan's Mansion. Knowing that struggling was useless, he begged them to come back and report a message. The people from Prince Duan's Mansion came and reported the message, and the Song family closed its doors and made a living by selling embroidery. I can only say that I can barely get by.

Mrs. Song was a little resentful towards Chen Qingyu, but she also cared a lot. When she heard that he was making progress now, Ms. Song was happy and emotional. She covered her mouth and cried for a long time. It was obvious that she really had feelings for him.

Finally, when Sheng Minglin mentioned the jade, Mrs. Song went to the room, took the jade and presented it to her with both hands: "Your Majesty, this thing is precious, and the civilian women did not dare to touch it. Now it is given back to the prince, the civilian woman." I feel relieved."

Sheng Minglin said: "Auntie, there is no need to be polite, just call me Minglin."

He took Yujue with some hesitation.

If he had his temperament, even if he felt that Mrs. Song was not a bad person, he would definitely ask someone to check it over and over again to make sure it was correct before making a decision.

But, at this moment, he suddenly wanted to imitate Princess Duan.

So he said: "It's better for my aunt to move back to the palace first. I'm busy with my studies now and have been living in the palace for a long time. If my aunt goes back, she can help me take care of the house and control my servants. I'll ask someone to tell my uncle and wait until he comes back." , just go back there."

(End of this chapter)

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