Chapter 192 Zhuzhu thinks about Guo Guo a hundred times
Mrs. Song was stunned for a moment.

Sheng Minglin said this not out of politeness, but sincerely wanted to call her over.

Mrs. Song had mixed emotions at the moment, and she choked back her sobs and said, "A commoner woman...I am from a bad background, so I am afraid that it will tarnish the lintel of the Chen family. I am grateful for Minglin's kindness, but, let it go."

Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Auntie, don't think too much. My uncle is my grandfather's son. He is the head of the family. It is just a courtyard. In the future, my uncle may be able to earn a living for my aunt? I'll take care of it now. I'll go back. Just call someone to pick him up.”

After Sheng Minglin finished speaking, he came out directly, and then asked someone to notify the servants who stayed in the Chen family. He sat in the carriage and waited.

He didn't make the decision casually. If his grandfather was still the emperor's master at this time, then, no matter how virtuous or pitiful the Song family was, he would not be able to enter the Chen family just because of his birth... Otherwise, he would be trampling on the emperor's face under his feet. .

However, now that my grandfather has passed away, he was just a white person before his death. Chen Shan's affairs will never be revealed to the outside world. Therefore, what does a white person have to worry about about his reputation?

Even if my grandfather is still alive today, as long as my uncle is willing to make progress, he will definitely accept this daughter-in-law.

Sheng Minglin personally took the Song family back to the Chen Mansion, kept the money, and asked someone to inform Chen Qingyu.

When he returned home from work, it was already dark. Zhuzhu had already eaten and was lying on the table waiting. When she saw him coming back, she quickly slipped off her stool and rushed over: "Pot, pot, pot, pot!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and bent down, picked her up, Tuanzi held his face, and complained in a milky voice: "Guo Guo, why don't you go home for dinner! Zhu Zhu took a bite, and thought about Guo Guo, I have provoked it many times, I want to provoke it a hundred times!”

Sheng Minglin said quickly: "My brother was wrong. He also thought about Zhuzhu a hundred times. He was afraid that Zhuzhu would go to bed and not see Zhuzhu when he returned home. He hurried back in a hurry and finally got there."

Tuanzi Maomao tilted his head and said cutely: "Guo Guo, don't be anxious. Zhu Zhu will stay with Guo Guo for a while before going to bed."

Sheng Minglin responded with a smile, lowered his head, and touched his nose with his sister affectionately.

After sitting down, he took out the jade and gave it to Zhuzhu to play with.

Zhuzhu had seen too much since she was a child and was not very interested in this kind of jewelry. She played with it casually for a few times and then pushed it aside.

Sheng Minglin asked Zhuzhu: "Zhuzhu, have there been any changes in your cabinets?"

Tuanzi took a look and said, "No!"

Sheng Minglin was surprised, this half piece of jade was actually useless?So, do you really need to enter the palace to touch the jade seal?
In fact, he didn't really want Zhuzhu to have a system, and he didn't want the little man to worry about it. However, even if he didn't want it in the future, he had to make up for it first, otherwise it would be so unusable and impossible to get rid of. He was very anxious just thinking about it. Panic.

He asked Princess Duan: "Mother, is fourth brother back?"

"No," Princess Duan said, "I haven't heard anything."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

At this moment, the fourth prince is still in the palace.

He brought over the medicine purchase plan and Chen Shan's files in the afternoon. Emperor Mingxi was furious when he saw it: "What the hell is this? Are all the historians in Dasheng dead? Or are your children and grandchildren too bastards? Are you messing with us? Rumor? What do you mean our true love is my sister-in-law? I killed your mother just to bring my sister-in-law into the palace... Damn it! What is this!"

The fourth prince quickly comforted him: "Father, this is a lie, it is all a lie. Chen Shan is uneducated and has not read history books at all. Everything she knows is fabricated by future generations. According to her, only those who are deeply Only emperors who are loved by future generations will have many people writing storybooks and drama excerpts for them, mostly about romance. If they are well written, they will spread widely, so she will know about it."

"Humph!" Emperor Mingxi was slightly comforted: "Even if we talk about love, then write about us and your mother! Isn't it okay to write about the deep love between the emperor and the empress?" The fourth prince said expressionlessly: "The deep love between the emperor and the empress is too serious, no People see that they only love to hunt for novelties, for example, their son's 'true love' is Shen Lingjue, or Huo Chenzhao, or maybe Qin Jiangbai."

"Shen Lingjue? Huo Chenzhao?" Emperor Mingxi immediately became happy: "Hahaha, where are you?"

He found it by himself. He was enjoying himself while watching it. He laughed for a long time and then said: "We know that future generations will love us, and we can understand it. But this is a bit too much... Are there any other emperors? ?”

The fourth prince was not surprised at all.

He knew that his emperor father would be interested in the gossip of other emperors!

So he said: "That's the bottom one."

Emperor Mingxi scrolled to the bottom, glanced at it a few times, and exclaimed: "What? Qin Shihuang's true love is a widow? Separate the world with Widow Ba! Ying Zheng also helped Jing Ke raise his son, and also for his childhood sweetheart A Fang. Build the Epang Palace!? Hahahahaha! People in future generations will still play with it! People like us, Qin Shihuang’s father is unknown over and over again! It’s boring, it’s really boring!”

He leaned back and forth with joy and looked down again, "Hey, the true love of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is Han Yan. Han Yan can come in and out of the palace at will and have adulterous affairs with this concubine. The prince is actually his son. Later, Liu Che discovered it. That's why Liu Che set up a trap to kill him? Hahaha, what the hell is this?!"

"Li Shimin's true love is actually his sister-in-law, Concubine Yang. The eldest grandson Queen is just a shield. The change in Xuanwu Sect is actually jealousy? Just to kill his younger brother and win the beauty? Ha! Ha! Ha!"

He complained crazily: "So does this Chen Shan have anything else in his mind besides love and love? He knows true love day by day, and dares to love the emperor and generals just for the sake of falling in love? Don't tell me that everyone in the future will This is absolutely impossible. This is Chen Shan’s own fault. Tell her not to push things further. Although we don’t know what the future will be like, we still have a brain!"

He babbled for a long time and finally returned to business: "So this 'flash of inspiration' is so expensive, wouldn't it be too wasteful to give it to her?"

He read the description of the medicine: "A flash of inspiration: When you rack your brains about something, take this medicine, your thinking will be sharp, and even the information in your subconscious will be clear. (The medicine lasts for ten days) (Only for those who have What has been touched cannot be created out of thin air)"

The fourth prince was standing by and explained to him what subconsciousness was... This was also what Chen Shan asked.

Emperor Mingxi pondered for a moment: "Okay, then use it, just say what you mean."

He looked at the paper and checked one of the items: "Just buy these... Well, it would be nice if the money, well, the 'points' could be more. This low-level marrow-cleansing pill is actually a rebirth, isn't it? It's still very's detoxifying and intelligence-enhancing. Although the name is not serious, the medicine is really useful! Didn't you ask Shen Zhao to take a look?"

"Look," the fourth prince said: "Shen Zhao said that he couldn't smell the medicine at all, and he couldn't tell the recipe. It seemed different from our medicine, and there weren't many medicines for him to try."

"Alas!" Emperor Mingxi sighed repeatedly: "Then let's do this for now. How is Zhuzhu doing?"

The fourth prince explained briefly, and then said: "My son is thinking, what can represent Dasheng? In addition to the national flag, there is also a map, or..."

Emperor Mingxi understood and nodded: "Ming'er, first issue the imperial edict on the national flag, and then take the made national flag to Zhuzhu to see. If it still doesn't work, take her into the palace. I will take her with me." She touches and tries everywhere.”

The fourth prince agreed.

Emperor Mingxi added: "Whether it works or not, come hold Zhuzhu and play with us for a while. If she is not happy, just say, I will tell her good news."


Add an update to the cute little meat floss who encountered a heavy rainstorm in the comment section of Chapter 186. I hope you can be happier. It’s scary to watch the news. I hope everyone can go well.There is another update today. My little friend whose number is 19, I have updated the fourth update. Are you full?
(End of this chapter)

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