Chapter 193: You can’t afford to offend the girls.
The fourth prince asked: "Good news?"

Emperor Mingxi knew clearly that his son was asking him for some good news, but he pretended not to know and nodded: "Yes."

The fourth prince thought for a moment: "Uncle Duan Wang is coming back?"

"Tell me about you," Emperor Mingxi tsked, feeling very disgusted: "I'm not telling you that your child is not cute at all. Go away quickly! We'll see how upset you are!"

The fourth prince said helplessly: "Even if Uncle Duan Wang comes back, father don't tell Zhuzhu yet. Zhuzhu has finally forgotten it. As soon as you tell her, she will think about it again and she will be sad for several days. Uncle Duan Wang again He won’t be able to come back immediately, but we should wait until he really comes back.”

Emperor Mingxi: "Ha!"

He ignored his son's words and said: "After buying the medicine, you can pick a mare or a cow and try the Duobao pill. Aren't the Duobao pills that give birth to three to twelve babies the same price?" ? If you buy more for the same money, we want to see if we can give birth to twelve ponies!"

The fourth prince responded and was about to retreat, but Emperor Mingxi stopped him again: "Your eldest brother... you didn't ask?"

The fourth prince raised his face and looked at him like this.

Emperor Mingxi sighed: "Ask clearly."

The fourth prince responded and retreated silently.

After the third prince and his wife were arrested, there was no trial, and the emperor did not say how to deal with it, so of course everyone did not dare to do anything.

Therefore, during Qin Jiang's interrogation, he only examined the content about Chen Shanhe's system and did not dare to touch upon anything else. He did not dare to ask him about the third prince. Naturally, he did not know whether the third prince had ever poisoned the eldest prince, which caused the He was fat and childless.

But the Jin Yiwei were still surrounding the Third Prince's Mansion at this moment. In fact, the outcome was already determined.

In Prince Duan’s Mansion,

Because they had been exposed to the medicine for a day and also touched Yujue during the day, both Princess Duan and Sheng Minglin felt that Zhuzhu would definitely be dreaming. Princess Duan simply came over to sleep with her daughter, and Sheng Minglin was also sleeping in Zhuzhu's compartment.

As a result, Zhuzhu didn't have any dreams after spending the whole night in fear.

In the morning, Sheng Minglin got up early to practice boxing. Princess Duan stood at the door yawning and sighed: "I don't dream while I'm waiting. I have to wake up while sleeping soundly. It's really frustrating! Zhu Zhu'er fell asleep as soon as she finished talking. I couldn't sleep at all because of it. I got up and watched it more than ten times last night, just because I was afraid that Zhuzhu was dreaming and I didn't hear it."

Sheng Minglin smiled and said nothing.

Princess Duan said: "Why don't you say anything? Isn't it your turn to speak?"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He could only say: "I haven't thought about it yet. I just suddenly felt that Zhuzhu's dreaming now does not seem to be caused by contact with something. It seems that... he is somewhat controlled by Zhuzhu, but Zhuzhu himself does not Know."

Princess Duan was surprised: "You are controlled by Zhuzhu, but Zhuzhu doesn't know it? Why can't I understand?"

Sheng Minglin explained: "Because Zhuzhu is too young, she can't actually accurately judge where things have gone and what is more important, but she has people and things she cares about... The dreams she has are not necessarily from her previous life. of,"

He lowered his voice slightly: "For example, the three halls, and the fourth brother drinking tea, are actually a kind of precognition. I think this is Zhuzhu's ability to have clairvoyance."

As for those things in the past life... He was thinking that what Cui Yun sent back was just a medicine cabinet. Could the extra "mirror" have been in Zhuzhu's consciousness to begin with?So those things are not known to Zhuzhu, but to the system?Or does that "subconscious" know?
He waved his hand: "Mom, I haven't thought about it yet, let me figure it out slowly."

Princess Duan sighed: "Then think about it slowly. I can't help with this kind of thing. Just wait until your father comes back."

Sheng Minglin was amused by her, nodded with a smile, and continued to practice boxing.

He has a lot of things to do now, so he always goes out twice in the morning, and then when he has time during the day, he will write an article and have someone send it to Xu Heshu. If he doesn't have time, he will write one article every two days, but he has stopped attending civil and military classes. .

The Seventh Prince, on the other hand, took the lessons seriously and was quite happy to learn from the two new martial arts masters.

After practicing boxing, he went over to meet Huo Chenzhao and the others to have breakfast together. After breakfast, several people came over and watched Zhuzhu waiting for her to get up.

Jin Yiwei has already sent the cow over, and is just waiting to take out the fertility pill before feeding it to the cow. Not to mention Huo Chenzhao, Shen Lingjue also wants to witness it with his own eyes.

His eyes were burning, staring at the little dumpling who was sleeping with his hands and feet spread out.

Zhu Zhu'er seemed to be aware even if she was asleep. She opened her eyes in a daze, and then was startled: "Yeah!"

Sheng Minglin kicked Shen Lingjue and picked up his sister: "Don't be afraid, Zhuzhu, he made a mistake again."

The beady eyes were groggy, and he said in a daze: "It turns out that the Star Guo Guo Guo Jie is so beautiful, but it's scary to see it all at once."

"Yes, it's scary," Sheng Minglin said with a smile, "Then Zhuzhu'er doesn't look at him." Zhuzhu nodded, turned around in her brother's arms, and started to sleep next to him.

Shen Lingjue: "..."

This little scum dumpling!
He reached out and wanted to poke her back, but Sheng Minglin blocked her. He pulled her hand away and tried to poke her again, but Huo Chenzhao took action.

Shen Lingjue said again: "..."

He couldn't afford to offend the sister, so he could only wait for Zhuzhu to get up after sleeping enough, eat, and then take out the medicines one by one.

With a flash of inspiration, he took it out and asked Jin Yiwei to take it away. The childbirth pill was directly exchanged for twelve. The system was indeed powerful, and it was divided into twelve sons, twelve daughters, several sons and several daughters, etc.

Shen Lingjue said: "So, what should we exchange for?"

Sheng Minglin pondered for a long time: "I was thinking that if there are twins in the ancestors, it is easier to give birth to twins, so is it the same for cows? Will it be easier for cows born from Duobaodan to regenerate?"

Shen Lingjue said: "That makes sense, then we want twelve cows?"

Sheng Minglin hesitated for a moment: "Do you want ten daughters and two sons? Should we wait until the fourth brother comes?"

Shen Lingjue said: "Cut it out first and let me take a look."

So Zhuzhu cashed it out and said: "No! The cabinets are all dark!"

"You're still poor!" Sheng Minglin couldn't help but sigh: "It's too expensive to have a flash of inspiration or something. How about adding more to strengthen the body, detoxify, etc. That would be great."

"That's right!" Shen Lingjue also sighed: "A flash of inspiration that is of little use is so expensive, but why is a useful one like Duobaodan so cheap??"

Sheng Minglin was too lazy to answer.

Because the system thinks this is a normal need!

Becoming beautiful, having children, pleasing men on the couch and in other ways... Chen Shan kept saying that men and women would be equal in future generations, but what he did was so in line with the thoughts of women in this era.

Shen Lingjue saw Tuanzi's little head swinging around and couldn't help but smile and asked: "Zhuzhu, is it really not bright? Why don't you shake it?"

Zhuzhu was very obedient, so she climbed down from the stool, opened her little hands, and twisted her little buttocks to and fro.

Shen Lingjue said with a smile: "Yes, that's it. If you shake it a few more times, maybe it will light up?"

Tuanzi believed it, and not only shook his body, but also his little head. Shen Lingjue suppressed a smile: "Is it bright? Zhuzhu?"

Tuanzi: "No?"

Shen Lingjue said, "That means you are not shaking hard enough! You are shaking hard!"

So Zhu Zhuchao swayed hard, and the little tassels started to flutter. Sheng Minglin couldn't help it anymore: "Shen Lingjue!"

He said to Zhuzhu: "Zhuzhu, don't listen to him, he is lying to you!"

While they were making a fuss, they heard a series of greetings from the servants outside, and the fourth prince walked in quickly.

He held a roll of cloth in his hand, stood at the door, unfolded it, raised it high, and said, "Look, my great national flag."

The plain color drawn on paper is completely different from the actual painting.

As soon as the national flag was lit up and fluttering in the wind, the golden dragon on the flag soared into the sky, overlooking the mountains and rivers. It rushed towards the face with domineering and heroic force, causing several people to lose their voices for a moment.

Suddenly a light flashed in Zhuzhu's mind, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh. She hugged her little head with both hands, and then said to Sheng Minglin in surprise: "Xingxing Guoguo didn't lie to Zhuzhu! Shake it, and it really comes out!!"


This is an additional update with 1600 five-star reviews.Next time I will add 1700 five-star reviews.

As of Chapter 189, I have uploaded it. Likes and comments will be counted. Those who want Cui Yun alive are 266, those who think it should be killed are 182, and the rest are the neutral faction and the author's final say faction, so Cui Lang's life is saved, so Cui Lang's life is saved. I thought hard about how to keep him alive.

In addition, I found that some cuties did not understand it because my writing power was not enough. Please explain, the reversal time only reaches the point of "Chen's death Zhuzhu was born". Chen's life before was a normal timeline. .Only Sheng Minglin, the Seventh Prince and Shen Lingjue had memories of rebirth.Cui Yun was not reborn, he just met Chen Shan, the time-traveling girl from before.

(End of this chapter)

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