Chapter 194: The little cute baby is so clever
Everyone turned their heads.

The little dumpling has already started spinning in circles, shaking his body and head, swaying very hard.

Sheng Minglin grabbed her little hand with both hands: "Zhuzhu'er, is the medicine cabinet illuminated again?"

"Yes! The big house has changed!" Zhuzhu was grabbed by his hand, and his little head immediately started to spin like a rattle. Her little breasts were relaxed, and she closed her eyes hard to avoid the little tassels on her cheeks. She looked so cute. The brothers were all smiling.

It seems that the flag does work!

Huo Chenzhao later drew another version of this national flag, but it was not much different from the earliest one. Zhuzhu had seen it before, but it was of no use. It seems that the real national flag will only be useful if it is made clear. .

However, if this part of the system comes back, will the effect of "love once and deeply" on the national flag still be there?Must try it again.

Sheng Minglin hugged Tuanzi's little head with both hands and kissed him: "Stop shaking Zhuzhu, brother has something to tell you."

Zhuzhu also pulled his hand away with both hands, coaxing her with a sweet voice: "Guo Guo, don't make trouble, wait for Zhuzhu to finish his work, kiss him, and let him talk."

The cute little baby was so clever that Sheng Minglin was so cute that he couldn't say a word.

Then Zhuzhu continued to sway left and right, swaying left and right until she fainted, as if she was drunk. She opened her little hands and almost fell down.

Shen Lingjue looked at it and laughed for a long time, touched his conscience, and tried to hold back his laughter and went to coax her: "Zhuzhu, if you shake it out, you can't shake it anymore, otherwise it may disappear, so stop shaking it."

Tuanzi made a sound and immediately became motionless, looking at him with his big eyes widened.

Sheng Minglin picked her up and walked into the house. Others also came in. Sheng Minglin sat down and asked, "Has the big house changed?"

In fact, he wanted to ask when he would get a big house.

"That's right," Tuanzi sat upright, not daring to move too much, and compared with his little hands: "It has turned into a big white room, the mirror has also become bigger, and one wall is all a wall! Brightly. !”

Sheng Minglin asked: "Where is the medicine cabinet?"

Tuanzi gestured to the left: "Medicine cabinet debt is on the side."

Sheng Minglin asked: "What's on the mirror?"

Tuanzi said: "There are several pillars. When Zhuzhu saw the four pots and flags, he saw a ray of light. It was so bright. It flew from below to the top, filling in the frames of the pillars. It’s full, now every pillar is bright! The feet of the pillars also have “made” written on them!”

Sheng Minglin asked patiently: "What words did you write?"

Zhuzhu took the pen and started drawing.

After only half of the word was drawn, Sheng Minglin murmured: "Sheng?"

He raised his head and looked at the fourth prince, already having a guess in his mind.

Sure enough, after the beads were drawn, there were three words "Sheng Minglin", and then "Sheng Haoli", which is the fourth prince; Huo Chenzhao, Shen Lingjue, Qin Jiangbai, and even the seventh prince who was not in the room at this time, It's also up there, probably because of the close distance.

Zhuzhu clicked the words one by one with her little hands and said: "The pendants are high, and the frame is completely filled. There are more, there are more, there are more, there are more, and the four pillars are also high." ! The middle one is smaller and shorter, but there is still space at the top."

Everyone was out of sight of Tuanzi and gave Shen Lingjue a death stare.

Shen Ling looked away embarrassedly, pretending not to understand...

I just arrived, family!

I don't love Xiaozhuzhu that much. Isn't this normal?Give me some time!

But he really couldn't understand. It was normal for Sheng Minglin to love Zhuzhu the most. It was also reasonable for the fourth prince and seventh prince Huo Chenzhao to love Zhuzhu. Tell me about Qin Jiangbai. You are a grown man and a cunning Jin Yiwei. How do you love a little kid so much? What's the doll doing?Something is wrong!

He secretly stepped on Qin Jiangbai under the table.Qin Jiangbai withdrew his foot unusually calmly.

Sheng Minglin was actually a little surprised. After all, Qin Jiangbai was new here and had not seen Zhuzhu a few times. Why did he like Zhuzhu so much?

But thinking about it again, Qin Jiangbai had a strange life experience, but for some reason he particularly liked children. This is something that is not easy to understand. There may be some hidden secret here.

With a calm expression on his face, he pointed at the words and explained to Tuanzi one by one: "This is the elder brother, this is the fourth elder brother, the seventh elder brother...the younger one is the Xingxing elder brother. He loves Zhuzhu too little, so Zhuzhu will Short, Zhuzhu'er, we will ignore him from now on and won't let him play with us!"

"It doesn't matter!" Tuanzi said: "Xingxing Guoguo actually loves Zhuzhuda very much. He just tolerates it and pretends not to love her. Xingxing Guoguo is super hard."

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

Shen Lingjue: "...??"

Shen Lingjue raised his eyebrows: "Is that so?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Yes!"

"Oh?" Shen Ling couldn't help but whisper: "How does Zhuzhu know?"

Tuanzi said: "If it's Zhuzhu, it's like a Jie! If it's a star, Guo Guo is the Guo Guo outside! The Guo Guo on the outside looks pretty, but you can't kiss on the face, sit on the legs, or hug or cuddle!" All Zhuzhu! Zhuzhu can be the princess! Only a smart and well-behaved child can become the princess!"

She smiled with eyes wide open, and pointed at him with her little hand, "Does it matter if Xingxing Guoguo is from another family? Zhuzhu is someone else's child, so Xingxing Guoguo pretends not to love Zhuzhu and doesn't hug or kiss her. Is it tied?"

"Ha," the beautiful young man turned around and said calmly: "What's wrong with the west and the east! I never thought about hugging..."

Tuanzi suddenly let out a sigh and pointed at his little head: "The pillars of Xingxing Guoguo suddenly lit up and flew high! They are almost as tall as Mr. Qin!"

Shen Lingjue: "..."

Others looked at him like this: "...Haha!"

Shen Lingjue wiped his face silently... It didn't matter if he got used to it.

Then Tuanzi admired the pillars for a while, then took the pen and started drawing. Sheng Minglin was surprised: "There are more?"

"Yes!" Zhuzhu said: "Your pillars are big and bright, and the pillars are also big and bright! There are several pillars, small ones, one is jade-colored, and several are gray. grey……"

There is only one green one, Jiang Qingyang, that is, Qin Jiangbai's confidant in Jinyiwei. His official position is only a hundred households, but he is handsome.

Others include royal guards and servants at home, and their characteristic is that they are all good-looking.

It can be seen that the entry standard for Chen Shan's system is good looks. However, if good looks are the only advantage, he will be ranked very low. It can be seen that the level of other aspects will determine the position of the light beam.

Sheng Minglin murmured: "I see, no wonder Chen Shan had the ability to bring trouble to the country in the previous life. For example, although they have low points, they can't handle the large number of people! Assume that the fourth brother is [-] points, and the Xiaosi is It’s ten, but what if there are ten boys? What about a hundred?”

The fourth prince coughed.

When he heard this now, he felt disgusted.

Sheng Minglin came back to his senses, smiled apologetically at him, and continued: "Being at the bottom, if you can get a smile and a little favor from the royal princess, it is easy to give up. When there are more people like this, the points will naturally be more, so even if you have a strategy If you don’t set the main target, you can still have a lot of points to use... With so many magical medicines, wouldn’t she have been invincible back then?”

"It's not invincible, right!?" Shen Lingjue said: "I failed because I am good-looking, but can't it be enough to find someone who is not good-looking and will not be targeted by the system to approach her?"

Sheng Minglin said: "However, she has so many good-looking people she can use. Even if she is not good-looking, even if she is averagely good-looking, she won't use them!! She can't even get close to her, so how can she investigate? And she can't directly Go ahead! Now that we know it’s the system, we still find it so troublesome. Back then, the fourth brother didn’t know anything, so how could he dare to attack so easily?”

(End of this chapter)

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