Chapter 195 I am young but I am not stupid

Indeed, the fourth prince back then would only think of her as a monster.

Monster!I really don't dare to make a move without being [-]% sure.

The adults were talking about business, and Zhuzhu'er waited obediently. She was afraid of shaking the pillar, so she kept her body straight. When she got a little tired, she quietly took her brother's hand and put it on her neck.

Sheng Minglin said: "What's wrong?"

Zhuzhu whispered: "My neck is sore! My back is sore too! Guo Guo, please rub it."

Sheng Minglin glared at Shen Lingjue quietly, and while rubbing her, he coaxed softly: "Zhuzhu, don't listen to Xingxing Guoguo's nonsense, those things won't shake, so Zhuzhu'er doesn't have to dare to move."

Tuanzi was pinched by him so much that he shrank his neck, "Pot, pot, pot, pot, haha, it's itchy!"

Shen Lingjue was so cute that she stood up and said, "It's my fault that I lied to Zhuzhu, I admit it! Come on, punish me for being pinched by Zhuzhu!"

"Ha!" Sheng Minglin said: "Brother, get out of here! The abacus can be heard ten miles away!"

Shen Lingjue snatched Zhuzhu over and pinched her little soft flesh here and there. The dumpling was tickled and laughed. She pushed it around with her little hands while giggling.

Sheng Minglin tried to grab it twice but failed to get it back, so he turned around and shouted: "Fourth brother!"

The fourth prince held his forehead.

When alone, one is more calm and reliable than the other, and together, one is more childish than the other!
But what he could do was not to mediate this childish dispute: "Ling Jue, give it to him!"

Shen Lingjue smiled and kissed her little hand twice more before returning the dumpling to Sheng Minglin.

Sheng Minglin kicked him twice angrily, sat back, fed his sister half a glass of water, and then slowly asked her: "Zhuzhu, my brother wants to ask you, can you talk to the house in your head?"

"Ah?" Zhuzhu looked at him in surprise: "Talk to Wuzhi? But Tiewuzhi can't talk!"

Sheng Minglin said: "Try it, maybe the room can talk?"

Zhuzhu looked at him with the expression "I'm young but I'm not stupid", but based on her love for her brother, Tuanzi still scratched her face and whispered: "A room only? A wall? A cabinet?" Mirror?"

"I knew it just by looking at it" was written on her face, and then she looked at Sheng Minglin: "They can't speak."

Sheng Minglin said: "What are you telling them in your head?"

The little Tuanzi sighed like an adult, touched Sheng Minglin's head, then paused for a while, obviously shouting in his head, and said: "Say it, Zhuzhu said it."

Sheng Minglin said: "Then did they say it?"

Tuanzi said: "No, didn't you hear it?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Zhuzhu is talking in his head, but my brother can't hear it!"

"No way!" Tuanzi pointed at his little head: "Zhuzhu's head is full of pots and pans!"

The elder brother, who was so sweet every day, said on the spot: "Jiuzhu'er, my brother's head is full of pearls, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

He kissed Tuanzi twice, then hugged her and sucked her for a long time.

While still thinking, it seems that this system is still incomplete!Where will the rest be?
While Sheng Minglin was thinking, the fourth prince stood up and said, "Zhuzhu, uncle Huang misses you. Can fourth brother take you into the palace?"

Tuanzi was not unhappy, so he opened his little arms and said, "Okay!"

So the fourth prince picked her up and said, "You guys think about it slowly, I'll take Zhuzhu away."

He carried Zhuzhu directly into the palace.

To enter the palace, you have to pass through Dashengmen, Liubu, Duchayuan, Taichang Temple, etc., they are all together here. Along the way, Zhuzhu let out a wow from time to time, and then she felt the small light beams in her head, one by one. Come out.

After entering the palace gate, Tuanzi let out another "wow" sound, and another thick beam of light rose up. At the same time, several small beams of light rose up. Tuanzi felt like fireworks were set off in his mind, and he was overwhelmed. He entered the imperial study room and said: : "The four pots are so bright! The pillars are so bright!"

Emperor Mingxi, who was leaving his seat and wanted to hug the dumplings and suck them for a while: "...??"

He still picked up the dumplings, but did not rush to suck his belly. He asked the fourth prince: "Is it done?"

The fourth prince said quickly.

Emperor Mingxi was very interested and said: "Zhuzhu, do you have a very bright one?"

Zhuzhu was placed on the royal desk by him and nodded: "Yes, and it comes in the same color. Others are all red, but he sent some purple ones, and the pillars of the four pots are also a little bit purple. ...But the red color of Si Guo Guo Guo is good-looking; the pillars are too purple, and they don’t look good even if they are reduced." Emperor Mingxi’s smile slowly disappeared: "..."

The fourth prince quickly said: "Tong Yan Wuji, father, purple is the aura of the emperor. The richer, the better."

"Ha!" Emperor Mingxi grabbed the dumpling with his big hand and wanted to suck it for a while. But as soon as he came over, he heard the dumpling muttering again: "Who is this pillar tied to? Why are they lined up with Guo Guo Si Guo Guo? "

Emperor Mingxi paused: "Oh? Can you write down his name and let me see?"

Zheng Zhongshun quickly started writing.

Tuanzi was fine with a black pen, but he was able to twist and turn with a brush. Fortunately, the calligraphy was simple, and he finally drew "Zheng He".

Emperor Mingxi studied for a long time, "Is this character Zheng?"

The fourth prince said: "Some of the calligraphy of later generations are very different from ours, but some are the same. My son has asked Chen Shan to write the Three-Character Sutra and has not yet sent it over."

Emperor Mingxi said: "If it is Zheng He, it is not impossible. Zheng He is smart and clever, and he is good at fighting. He is really good-looking! This surname was given by us! But Zheng He is a eunuch! This system is not originally about men. Are you talking about love? How do eunuchs talk about love?"

Emperor Mingxi didn't know how much money would be spent in the book in later generations, and the eunuch factory and so on were nothing to worry about.

He studied for a long time and felt that after looking at it for a long time, "Zheng" and "Zheng" were somewhat similar, so he said: "Call Zheng He over." At the same time, he told Zhuzhu, "If the pillar moves, just tell Uncle Huang explain."

People will come soon.

Zheng He was about 30 years old, with bright eyes, a handsome appearance, and no eunuch's femininity about him. He bowed neatly.

Emperor Mingxi said: "Zheng He, take a look, does Zhuzhu look like Chengtang?"

Zheng He apologized and raised his eyes.

The love for cubs is engraved in the DNA and is the inheritance code of all races... Especially Zhuzhu, who is a little smaller, with two hair bags on her head, a little fat tassel hanging on her face, and a small flesh Her face is pale and pink, and her eyes are big and dark. She is cute and well-behaved. Even if you don't know her, you will fall in love with her.

Tuanzi stared at him, and Zheng He couldn't help but smile at her.

The next moment, Tuanzi said: "It's light! It's flying up! It's halfway up!"

Emperor Mingxi nodded, and without waiting for Zheng He to speak, he said kindly: "You go down first."

Zheng He was slightly surprised, but with a very calm face, he said, "Yes."

He retreated on one side.

Emperor Mingxi said with a smile: "If I can line up with you guys, then Zheng He's ability may be more powerful than we thought. We will have to think about it carefully when we go back!"

He turned around and asked Zhuzhu: "Who else is there?"

The fourth prince held his forehead and went out to ask someone to get Zhuzhu a black pen.

Emperor Mingxi obviously wanted to use Tuanzi as a talent search device. It is estimated that Tuanzi would have to write a lot of words.

There are quite a few people with beams of light, but not many can line up with Sheng Minglin and his group.

One of them was named Xiao Xuxing, who was the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue. Emperor Mingxi exclaimed on the spot: "He must be... almost forty, right? Although he is not bad in appearance, he will soon have grandchildren, right? Isn't this a joke?" It’s really not picky!”

The fourth prince thought that maybe it was because he was a senior official, and since he had a good family background, he was indeed not bad looking.

There was also a man named Meng Xinghe, whom Emperor Mingxi was not familiar with. After thinking for a while, he remembered that he should be in the Hanlin Academy now and was just a seventh-grade official. However, he was ranked so high that he must be capable. He could be called later. Come and take a look.

Then there are the ones that are one level lower and two levels lower.

No matter how low it was, Emperor Mingxi would not be interested. He counted seven levels.

Emperor Mingxi couldn't help but mutter again: "I'm really not picky!"

Although he was complaining, he still ordered his son: "No need to use it for free. You can take Zhuzhu around everywhere, both inside and outside the palace, and then copy the top three for us."


There are also four chapters today, and the last two chapters will be a little later, because I can’t finish the whole plot in one chapter, and I’m afraid you’ll be impatient while waiting, so I decided to write another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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