Chapter 198 You Have No Right to Die
The next moment, Huo Chenzhao paused his hands, frowned and raised his head: "He..."

Before she could finish her sentence, there was a sudden ding in Zhuzhu's head, and then a flat voice said: "Host detected??? He has stopped breathing after taking the poison 'Chaos Arrows Cultivating Heart', and the drug has not taken effect for 10 seconds." Minutes, it can be revoked. Do you want to revoke it?" "Yes/No"

Tuanzi didn't know what happened, but was affected by the tense atmosphere and stammered in his retelling.

Sheng Minglin said: "Cancel!" Then he suddenly thought of Zhuzhu's previous description and said: "Choose 'Yes'!"

He directly grabbed the ink block and wrote this word on his sleeve. Tuanzi pressed it in his mind, and the system voice sounded: "Canceled."

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then looked at him without blinking.

At this moment, more than one person was thinking... He had given all the medicine to the Third Prince, so was he carrying this poison with him all the time?
With his heart full of arrows, even when he died, he chose the most painful way to die for himself... How long ago had he chosen this death for himself?

It seems like a long time, and it seems like only a moment.

Cui Yun slowly opened his eyes.

When he saw the crowd, he was startled.

The smart guy, who didn't understand what was going on from beginning to end, smiled enthusiastically at him.

Cui Yun was caught off guard when he saw such a smiling face. He hesitated to speak and opened his eyes. He adjusted his clothes slightly as he was used to it, sat upright, and said unhurriedly: "Master Qin, did I not write enough?"

He put his hand on the pile of paper on the table and patted it gently: "Everything I know, no matter what aspect, is already here, and I haven't hidden anything. Or, do I have no right to commit suicide?"

Shen Lingjue said in a deep voice: "There is no need for you to commit suicide. We all feel..."

Cui Yun interrupted him with a smile but not a smile: "What do you think, what does it have to do with me? If a superior person shows mercy, I will be grateful? Kowtow and thank you for giving me a way to live?"

Shen Lingjue choked.

Cui Yun said softly: "Winning is king and losing is bandit, I admit it. I have no attachment to the world at all. Thank you all for your kindness. However, if you really care about Cui Yun, please allow me to die."

His eyes swept across everyone, "Cui Yun is very grateful!"

In silence.

Tuanzi's milky voice sounded cautiously: "What does uncle mean by that? Zhuzhu can't understand. But... uncle seems to be very sad."

Sheng Minglin was silent for a moment and said slowly: "He has no care for the world. He wants to leave this world."

Tuanzi opened his eyes wide.

She seemed to understand something about death, and murmured: "He, he doesn't have a father or a mother, and he doesn't have a pot?" Sheng Minglin nodded silently, and Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu can help, hold his hand! No!" Tie, hold his heart!"

Cui Yun lowered his eyes and slowly squeezed his hands in his sleeves: "May I ask why you brought her here?"

Sheng Minglin suddenly raised his eyebrows.

He said to Zhuzhu: "My body is about to die, but my heart is still looking forward to it. Zhuzhu'er, my brother will teach you that this feeling is called unwillingness."

Tuanzi's big eyes were confused: "Unwilling?"

She scratched her little head and suddenly thought: "Ah! What are you doing to Zhuzhu? Siguoguo taught me! Sweet means sweet! Uncle is not sweet, but Zhuzhu has sugar."

She rummaged and rummaged for a long time before she took out a candy from her small pocket, ran over and handed it to him.

Cui Yun lowered his head and looked at the dirty candy and small glutinous rice dumplings in his milky white hands. He looked at him with clear and bright eyes. Cui Yun moved his lips twice but could not speak. If you say something bad, you can only look away silently.

The next moment, someone grabbed the hem of his clothes. Tuanzi came over and stuffed the candy into his mouth without any explanation: "If you don't eat your debt, Zhuzhu will regret it!"

She swallowed, her eyes bright: "Is it sweet?" Cui Yun: "..."

The man who had always been calm and composed, and lost beautifully even when he lost, showed a bit of embarrassment. He murmured and repeated again: "You... may I ask you, why did you bring a child here?"

Sheng Minglin suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Just now, Zhuzhu said, his beam of light squeezed between them.

You know, what is this light pillar?She is beautiful, outstanding and loving.

This love is actually very broad, just like they clearly love and care for Zhuzhu, but the system also thinks that their love is full.

So, the same goes for everything else.

Cui Yun has no memory of his previous life. He barely knows Zhuzhu and has only met her once. Why does he "love" Zhuzhu?
This is clearly guilt.

Maybe because he helped Chen Shan gain points, he felt that it was also his fault that Chen Shan could survive until he got the Shezhu.

It may also be because he wanted to use Chen Shan to do many things, and he felt guilty for not thinking about Zhuzhu's feelings in the process.

But no matter what, his inner moral line is actually very high, or in other words, very sensitive, but his appearance is invulnerable and even sharp.

For a person like him who is filled with hatred and has closed his heart, the innocent and ignorant little baby is the one who must be killed.

Because the door of his heart is extremely hard and keeps people away from thousands of miles away. As long as he touches it even slightly, he will fight back with thunder.

But inside the door of his heart, he is extremely soft and sensitive... Therefore, when a little baby that leaves him defenseless enters the door of his heart, it only takes a gentle word or a look to make his heart burst into pieces.

Sheng Minglin wanted to let him go, but it wasn't because he couldn't bear it.

His life is very good now, so he can be calm and tolerant, and can not express his anger at him.

The main thing is that he is indeed very powerful, and he finally surrendered to the fourth prince in his previous life, which made him lose his hostility and develop a sense of appreciation for his talents.

In addition, there is also a bit of unwillingness.

He didn't want him to die so easily. Why did he die in such a confused way?He didn't even know what he had done.

Sheng Minglin said quietly: "You don't dare to face her, do you?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Cui Yun's expression immediately turned cold, and he lowered his eyes without answering.

Sheng Minglin bent down and held Zhuzhu's shoulders, turned her back, and gently pushed her to Huo Chenzhao. He picked up the paper on the table and handed it to Qin Jiangbai, gesturing to express that he wanted to talk to him alone.

Qin Jiangbai nodded and led everyone back out.

Sheng Minglin sat down cross-legged in front of Cui Yun and said: "What you said just now is right, you really have no right to die... I, we, the victims have not forgiven you, and the debt you have caused has not been repaid. Why did you die like this? Isn’t that too easy for you? You owe us, you owe Dasheng. The blood debt should be paid with blood, and one repayment must be repaid. Therefore, you must sacrifice your flesh and blood, life, everything, for Da Sheng, I have devoted my whole life to the emperor and died!"

Cui Yunli ignored him, and Sheng Minglin was not in a hurry, so he said: "Do you want to know why I said that? Because, in the previous life, Chen Shan successfully took away the beads..."

As he told the story, Cui Yun could no longer maintain his cold expression and looked at him in astonishment.

This kind of thing was too unbelievable, but he could see that what Sheng Minglin said was true.

Therefore, it was not as he thought that everything had not begun yet, but that he had already helped the evildoers and brought trouble to the great prosperity with his own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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