Chapter 199 The young prince has no moral integrity

Qin Jiangbai and others came out of the quiet room.

Qin Jiangbai looked at the fourth prince and coughed lightly: "Your Highness, why don't you go back first?"

He still wanted to get the fourth prince out of this matter.

The fourth prince said: "No need."

He looked around and walked to the pavilion in front.

The layout here is probably for the convenience of guards. In front of a row of quiet rooms, there are two small corridors and pavilions. They are very simple. The fourth prince didn't mind, so he randomly picked a chair and sat down.

Qin Jiangbai asked again: "Princess, come to sit here?"

Tuanzi waved his hands: "No, Zhuzhu wants to wait for Guoguo here."

Okay, Qin Jiangbai held the materials, sat down, and gestured to his subordinates to bring tea.

The fourth prince pondered: "Jiang Bai, I was thinking just now that there is actually a key to the things Zhuzhu said about the past life. 'Violating the rules of the plane', that is to say, the system is not without restrictions, but also has rules. , there is a 'god' above the system, even if this god is not the god we know, but this is also in another sense, there is a god three feet above the head..."

"Then, I seem to know what was used to eliminate the system back then, and I can probably guess what needs to be done to complete Zhuzhu's system..."

Qin Jiangbai said: "Your Highness, what you mean is an imperial edict?"

"Yes," the fourth prince couldn't explain this topic clearly, so he only said: "Since the 'emperor' has great significance in their rules, then the decree to let Zhuzhu own the system is the most in line with the rules. ' thing? You can give it a try."

Qin Jiangbai nodded.

Sheng Minglin and the fourth prince are both extremely smart and sharp, but Sheng Minglin thinks like a minister and is very good at grasping every useful detail from a large amount of information; but the fourth prince thinks like a king and is very good at extracting every useful detail from a large amount of information. In the group information, grasp the most critical thread.

Qin Jiangbai couldn't help but be more respectful and said: "What do you think Ming Lin wants Cui Yun to do, Your Highness?"

The fourth prince glanced at him: "Didn't you already guess it? Ming Lin probably wants him to go to Honghu Guard!"

Hidden away from others, but able to serve the country. As long as Cui Yun can overcome this hurdle, this should be a good arrangement. Generally, people who have died once will change their minds, so this should not be difficult.

However, it would be difficult to convince his father to keep his life...

The fourth prince had a headache just thinking about it.

He shook his head, took the materials and started reading.

Huo Chenzhao didn't come in and sat down on the steps, slightly lost in thought.

Li Zhi and others are skilled in their work. No matter where they go, they will not delay in serving their master. They have already brought a small basin over, served Zhu Zhu and washed her hands, then took out the snack box and brought out the snacks.

Zhuzhu usually eats snacks when she wakes up from a nap, but today she has not eaten for a long time, and she has talked so much, so she is already hungry, so she grabs them with her little hands, stuffs them into her mouth, and imitates Huo Chenzhao, walking on the steps. sit.

Then she was burned on her lower buttocks, and she jumped up with a groan.

She looked around, ran over, pulled Huo Chenzhao's arm away, and sat on his lap.

Shen Lingjue, who was sitting next to her, raised her eyebrows, stood up and asked her, "If I'm not my uncle, can't I just sit on my lap?"

Tuanzi hurriedly swallowed the snack and argued with his little face raised: "Kexi, pretty Guoguo, Xi Zhuzhu sent the Guoguo from several houses!"

"How come he belongs to your own family?" The young prince was very dissatisfied: "Your surname is Sheng, his surname is Huo, you are not a family."

Tuanzi was silent for a long time, then turned around and asked politely: "Beautiful Guoguo, can Zhuzhu sit on your lap?"

Huo Chenzhao said with a smile: "Of course."

He glanced at Shen Lingjue and said, "My young prince, I heard that you have excellent kung fu. Let's have some time to compete."

Shen Lingjue coughed. Looking at his gentle appearance, he felt inexplicably murderous... After a pause, he said, "Okay."

Tuanzi stuffed a snack for Huo Chenzhao. Shen Lingjue coughed, lifted up his clothes calmly, squatted down next to her, and Zhuzhu stuffed one for him as expected.

These small snacks come in one bite. Before Zhuzhu could finish one, the two of them had already eaten three.

Then Zhuzhu changed a plate of new ones and continued to happily feed her brother. While eating, she saw Zhuzhu picking up the small sugar cubes with patterns on the top of the snacks, licking off the snack residue at the bottom, and removing the bean paste. Large candies were stuffed into pockets.

The young prince saw her series of actions clearly: "..."

It turns out that this is how the candy in the dumpling is hidden... What can I say? Although this little gesture is very cute and the dumpling's kindness is also very precious, if you give him this kind of drool-worthy candy, he might as well not eat it.Before the thought was finished, Tuanzi noticed their eyes and said reluctantly: "Do you want to eat too?"

She picked one up, licked off the snack residue, and brought it to Huo Chenzhao's mouth.

Huo Chenzhao opened his mouth to eat, then took another dumpling, licked off the dregs and handed it to Shen Lingjue.

Shen Lingjue: "..."

He opened his mouth silently and ate.

Tuanzi: "Is it sweet?"

The young prince has no sense of moral integrity: "It's so sweet, Zhuzhu is the sweetest."

Huo Chenzhao looked at him with a smile. Although he said nothing, Shen Lingjue felt that he could see a series of his psychological activities.

Shen Lingjue asked him nonchalantly: "What were you thinking about here just now?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "I'm thinking, why can this medicine be 'undone' out of thin air? Without touching his body at all, just cancel it as if he has never taken it... This is not medicine at all!"

Shen Lingjue said: "But Zhuzhu can smell the medicine."

Huo Chenzhao said: "Zhuzhu is not smelled, but felt."

He asked Tuanzi: "Zhuzhu, look in the medicine cabinet or elsewhere. Are there any prescriptions? Is there only a medicine bottle?"

Tuanzi knew what Fangzi was, so he said "Oh" and started to take a closer look.

Because she had more points, the medicine cabinet was brighter. Zhuzhu looked down and couldn't find half a piece of paper. She was rummaging around, but suddenly found a separate, larger cabinet in the lower right corner of the medicine cabinet, which contained a book.

Huo Chenzhao became a little excited when he heard what she said: "A book? What kind of book is it?"

He reached back and took out a small notebook and a small charcoal pen from his waist: "Write it Zhuzhu."

Shen Lingjue blocked him: "Are you stupid? Buy it first, have a look, and then put it back if it doesn't work!"

Huo Chenzhao was about to say that he was right when he heard Tuanzi say: "It can't be opened."

Shen Lingjue was surprised: "Isn't it bright?"

"It's not tied," Tuanzi said with innocent eyes, "Zhuzhu didn't say it was tied brightly!"

Fine!So Lychee came over to take the plate, wiped the snack residue on Zhuzhu's hands, and Zhuzhu drew on the paper.

The bookcase has the word "medical" written on it, and then the small characters indicate: "Including Dafangmai, Xiaofangmai, Women's pulse, typhoid fever, acupuncture, facial features, and orthopedics." In addition, there is another note in brackets: "In line with the upper limit of the basic plane. .”

"The upper limit?" Shen Lingjue said: "Is it the upper limit of medical skills, or the upper limit of the world?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "Even the upper limit of medical skills is very rare!"

He was a little excited: "Zhuzhu, how many points does this book have?"

Zhuzhu now recognized several Arabic numerals and said, "1". She took one of Huo Chenzhao's hands to count, and then said: "Xingxing Guoguo, let me lend you your hand."

Shen Lingjue also stretched out his hand, and Zhuzhu pulled it seriously: "One, two, mountain, four..."

She finally figured it out, "There is one one and six zeros."

Huo Chenzhao asked quickly: "Where are the points? How many points are there?"

The dumpling reads: "Uncle, I eat again."

Shen Lingjue said: "996576? Oh, it's not much different. I just know a few people and it's enough."

Huo Chenzhao was a little helpless: "But, how can I use all the points to buy books?"

"Why not?" Shen Lingjue said: "If there are books, wouldn't there be countless medicines?"

Huo Chenzhao shook his head: "Those medicines are beyond my knowledge. I don't think we can make them. Therefore, even if we have books, there will not be such magical medicines. They can only be better than today's medical skills." Just a few.”

The fourth prince vaguely heard it and said from a distance: "What are you arguing about?"

(End of this chapter)

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