Chapter 200 I’ll buy you Zhuzhu

Huo Chenzhao stood up and walked over and told him.

The fourth prince nodded.

With your current points, you can buy a lot of magical medicines, but they will be gone when you use them up. You can only bet that the medicine cabinet will never disappear.

Or you can save up and buy this book directly. You will definitely not be able to create a medicine that is too miraculous, and medical books need to be studied. No one knows what you will learn.

This choice seems difficult, but in the eyes of the fourth prince, it is an easy choice.

buy books.

It is controllable and sustainable, even if it lacks some magic medicine, but it is still a path after all.

Emperor Mingxi would also choose this way.

Qin Jiangbai saw this and went out directly, carefully selected, and called a dozen or so Jinyi guards to come in...most of them were good-looking, and there were also a few ordinary ones mixed in as a cover, and then asked them to follow Zhuzhu Play peek-a-boo.

Children like to have lots of people and have fun together.

The child's laughter was particularly contagious, making all the Jin Yiwei smile from ear to ear.

After waiting for Sheng Minglin to finish speaking, everyone left the guardhouse directly. Qin Jiangbai asked Zhuzhu: "Princess, are there too many pillars?"

Tuanzi's face turned red while playing, and he was still gasping for breath: "There are not many! There are too many pillars of current debt, and the number of beads is too many to count. There are not many, not too many."

Qin Jiangbai smiled and said, "Princess, can you please help me read the points?"

"Okay!" Zhuzhu muttered, "Uncle and uncle."

Huo Chenzhao whispered: "Only more than 1000 more, still more than 2000 short."

Qin Jiangbai also whispered: "But the princess didn't do anything."

What he meant was that Zhuzhu was just playing and didn't need to do anything special at all. He just earned more than 1000. The more than 2000 was also very easy to earn.

Sheng Minglin listened to them talking and then came back to his senses and said: "Fourth brother, I will go to the palace now to plead guilty."

"No," the fourth prince said, "go home first and write down all the pillars of Zhuzhu before talking about it. Once you have finished memorizing, you can apologize when you go to report this. Otherwise, my father will definitely lose his temper."

Emperor Mingxi was not the kind of emperor who valued attitude, he valued reality.

Even if you come to plead guilty as soon as possible and no matter how good your confession attitude is, he will still be angry when he should be angry, and he will not be less angry, so it doesn't matter whether you go early or late.

As for whether you agree or disagree, that's even simpler.

In this world, no one understands interests better than the emperor. In the eyes of the emperor, no one is useless. As long as you make him feel that this person is useful and the benefits of keeping this person outweigh the harm, he will agree, otherwise you will cry. If you cry, he will just tell you to get out.

But that's not what the fourth prince is worried about.

What he was worried about was that they had no choice but to report what the third prince had done to his father in his previous life, but if he did, his father would definitely be angry and sad, so they had to use other things to distract him from his thoughts.

So a few people went home and began to draw the names on the pillars.

Because I visited more than half of the imperial city in one afternoon, and the system’s selection criteria were set low, there were a lot of people. It was already a little late when I went back. I had dinner after a few paintings, so I had to come back the next day.

Sheng Minglin was afraid that he would get tired of painting beads, so he also learned from Qin Jiangbai's method and found many maids and boys. After painting beads for a while, he let them play with beads for a while.

But Jinyiwei is the emperor's personal guard and has a future, so with the same appearance, Jinyiwei's points are much higher... After playing for a whole morning, he only gained more than 300 points.

Sheng Minglin didn't want his sister to think about doing things while playing. She had to be in the mood to play, so she didn't even mention it.

But Xiaotuanzi was very smart. While reporting the points, he said to Huo Chenzhao: "Beautiful Guoguo, don't worry, Zhu Zhukuo can play for a while longer. When Zhuzhu has saved enough money, he will give it to Beautiful Guoguo." Pot to buy books.”

Huo Chenzhao laughed anxiously and said: "Don't be in a hurry, just take your time. Zhuzhu can play if he wants to, don't worry about it."

Tuanzi said: "Yes, Zhuzhu bought the book. If the beautiful Guoguo is happy, Zhuzhu will be happy too!" She turned her head with bright eyes and looked at Sheng Minglin: "After buying the book, Guoguo, what do you think? Whatever you want, Zhuzhu will buy it for you."

Sheng Minglin smiled, lowered his head, and kissed her forehead.

Just play and record at the same time. It wasn't until the afternoon that I finished recording the pillars.

Several people were planning to enter the palace early tomorrow morning, but someone came to the palace. Emperor Mingxi's message was as clear as ever: "Get everyone in here! A bunch of careless people, don't take away our pearls!" Bring Zhuzhu in and let’s take a look!”

Several people:"……"

Several people entered the palace.

As a result, Emperor Mingxi did not call in at all. Zheng Zhongshun came out with a smile, took the materials in their hands, and said: "The emperor has ordered you all to kneel here."

Several people:"……"

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I didn't even give him a chance to speak.

Several people could only kneel down in unison. Tuanzi had never seen such a scene before and was a little frightened. He quickly imitated his example and knelt down next to his brother, looking at Zheng Zhongshun timidly.

Zheng Zhongshun was also startled and said quickly: "Little princess, there is no need to kneel, the emperor is waiting for you inside."

Tuanzi hugged his brother's arm: "Will Uncle Huang spank Zhuzhu's butt?"

"No," Zheng Zhongshun's voice was so soft that it almost dropped like sugar: "Of course not. The little princess has not made any mistakes. Why don't the little princess go in and take a look and beg for mercy for the brothers."

When Tuanzi heard this, he stood up immediately and patted his knees with his little hand: "Guo Guo, Si Guo Guo, Beautiful Guo Guo, Xing Guo Guo, Mr. Qin, don't worry, Zhu Zhu will beg you for mercy."

She went in.

As soon as Emperor Mingxi saw her, he immediately came over to her, took her into his arms with both hands, put her on his knees and sucked her hard.

The last time I brought him in, I didn’t get enough of it, so I kept thinking about it.

Tuanzi didn't dare to be displeased and secretly glanced at Uncle Huang's face. Emperor Mingxi noticed it immediately, so he straightened his face and sucked twice more.

Tuanzi's stomach hurt from his sucking, but he didn't dare to cry out for pain. He held Uncle Huang's big head with his little hands and endured it silently. He just wanted to plead for mercy from the pots.

Emperor Mingxi finally finished sucking Zaizai and rubbed it for a long time. He felt extremely relieved and a smile appeared on his face.

Children are the best at picking up on shameless people. When they saw Uncle Huang smiling, Tuanzi immediately grabbed his sleeve and said, "Uncle Huang, Guo Guo is wrong, Guo Guo is the one who doesn't dare, please don't punish Guo Guo by kneeling down, okay?" "

"Huh," Emperor Mingxi pushed the memorial and placed the dumplings on the right side of the table. He moved the materials to look at them and said, "Does he know he is wrong? Let's see he doesn't know he is wrong! Do you know that your brother still wants to be spared?" Cui Yun?"

"Who is Cui Yun?" Tuanzi asked, "Is he Mr. Qin's uncle?"

Emperor Mingxi did not explain that it was not a home, "Yes, that's him! I think your brother has lost his mind, how old is he! He dares to do this and that behind my back!"

Tuanzi, with big eyes and bright eyes, said very sincerely: "Uncle's pillars are so bright! His pillars are super bright, brighter than Mr. Qin, and brighter than Xingxing Guoguo. He is so valuable! Zhuzhu I want to buy a book for Xingxing Guoguo, Zhuzhu needs to save money! Guoguo Debt will help Zhuzhu save money!"

Emperor Mingxi asked: "Book?"

He flipped through and found the record about the book. He read it carefully and nodded: "This book is quite useful."

Tuanzi said: "But we don't have enough money! Zhuzhu has been working hard to make money!"

"Oh," Emperor Mingxi smiled and hugged her: "Why did Zhuzhu work so hard?"

Tuanzi said proudly: "Zhuzhu was playing hide and seek, hiding so well that no one could find him! Zhuzhu was playing like an eagle and catching chickens, his hands were all red, Zhuzhu never let go of his hand, and never got caught. Eagle scratches the elbow!”

Emperor Mingxi laughed: "Oh! That's quite hard work."

(End of this chapter)

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