Chapter 204 Princess Protecting the Country
Emperor Mingxi glanced at the officials and knew what they were thinking at a glance. He couldn't help but snorted in his heart, and then began to pour out his bitter words: "Don't we want to give everyone more money? But everyone doesn't know that the treasury really has no money. Money! What year doesn't a few mice starve to death? If we were extravagant and extravagant, if we built a lot of construction projects, it would be our fault, but we don't have it! How are we living, can't your family see it? "

"You said that precious money is not easy to spend. We issued a ban on copper and silver. You said that the salary was low and we reduced the expenses in the palace. Didn't we accept the advice? Didn't we listen to the advice? We have done everything we should do, and the treasury has not Money, all the ministers should put their heads together, how can you blame us...

The fourth prince stood there, watching his father's performance quietly.

After a flash of inspiration, Chen Shan finally revealed some useful information.

For example, she said that Emperor Taizu had a good reputation in later generations and was known to be considerate to the people. However, there was one biggest black spot, which was the burial system, which set back the course of history.

This is something that future generations will hate deeply, and you will be scolded every time you mention it.

Another point is to make women bind their feet, which is said to be a black point that is often scolded.

There is another point that is often laughed at.

It is said that Emperor Taizu's small-scale peasant consciousness had a profound impact, and his entire family did not understand economics.

In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the national treasury had no money, so Emperor Taizu came up with a "genius" idea to print his own money... and issue Dashengbao banknotes.

However, when issuing currency, one does not know how to conduct economic calculations. During the Taizu period, more than 600 million treasure banknotes were issued in one year alone, exceeding the total national wealth... so devaluation is inevitable.

What's ridiculous is that such a huge mistake has continued for many years, so it is often regarded as a negative example of economics in later generations. From masters to grandsons, from emperors to ministers, they do not understand economics and make people laugh.

Therefore, what the father did today is probably because he wanted to reform Baoqian.

And all the officials also consciously guessed the "truth."

It is estimated that the assassination is real, but for the monthly money, it is fake. The emperor is taking the opportunity to beat them!

Everyone is not happy to hear the emperor cry about poverty.

Mainly because everything he said was true.

The emperor's life is indeed simple, and there is indeed no major construction, but he has to fight at every turn. War is the ancestor who makes money!
Then an official interrupted at the right time: "Your Majesty is, how did the little princess save the emperor?"

Emperor Mingxi clicked his tongue in displeasure, but continued with the play he had planned: "On Zhuzhu's third birthday, something happened. Let's ask Master Du'e to take a look. Master Du'e said: "Zhu Zhu's third birthday. Pearls are naturally auspicious and can bring blessings to the relatives around us. At that time, we were half-convinced, but we didn’t expect that pearls could really help us!”

"She dreamed about these people stabbing her, so we asked someone to check it out, and we happened to catch these people plotting! These are all eunuchs in the palace! If it weren't for Zhuzhu, we might have been unprepared. What happened! Zhuzhu saved our lives!!"

Everyone doesn't believe it.

But because Emperor Mingxi was walking around while talking, everyone subconsciously glanced at the little princess.

Emperor Mingxi's posture in holding the child was not very good. His arms were moving up and down across Zhuzhu, so Zhuzhu's two little arms were stretched out, her head was tilted on his arm, and her little face was squashed. She was so cute. Son, it looks a bit easy.

Then the emperor announced: "I will make her the Princess Protector!"

Everyone: "..."

After saving the emperor, it was reasonable to change the title to a princess. Although the title of Princess Protector was indeed a little too much, to put it bluntly, this was the emperor's own business. Is it necessary to come to the morning court with a baby in his arms?

Why do we not understand it so much?

But the little princess is indeed a bit cute. It’s pitiful for such a big baby to sleep like this and be carried by the emperor to make a show... Then let’s not complain this time!

Anyway, this is the emperor's own business, and it doesn't mean much whether he complains or not.

At this time, the pillars in Zhuzhu's mind lit up alternately, one after another, flickering, and Zhuzhu was finally awakened by the alarm.

Then everyone saw that the little meat bun opened his eyes in a daze. His eyes were big and his eyelashes were as long as a small fan. He blinked and looked around blankly.

Then, she looked up. Emperor Mingxi immediately lowered his head and said with a smile, "Zhuzhu is awake?"

Tuanzi rubbed his eyes with his little hands and exclaimed: "Huang, uncle Huang, are Zhuzhu dreaming again?" Emperor Mingxi smiled and said, "This is not a dream."

Tuanzi hummed, but didn't listen at all, and dozed off again. Emperor Mingxi adjusted her posture. Tuanzi was so frightened that she opened her eyes again, and then she was startled, and her eyes opened slightly wider. Looking around: "Zhuzhu Jieci's Mengmeng, there are so many people!"

The confused look of the little milk baby was a bit cute, and the ministers couldn't help but smile. As a result, Xiao Tuanzi said to one person: "Excuse me, sir, are you in Zhuzhu's dream again?"

Xiao Xuxing, the middle-aged person who was at the front of the queue for the light beam, smiled at her and saluted: "The princess is polite. Does the princess know me?"

"That's right!" Tuanzi said: "Last time, Mengmeng was in debt when it rained and caught fire! You said, God is alive, the emperor can give me some advice!"

Tuanzi remembers dreams like this better, and he also remembers good-looking people better. He added: "There is also a skinny Guoguo holding your hands and saying that he always ties his waist and so on."

Xiao Xuxing was shocked on the spot.

A very thin man with a baby face walked over quickly: "Princess, are you your minister?"

"That's right!" Tuanzi said, "It's just you, thin and thin!"

Everyone exchanged shocked looks.

This man is Xiao Xuxing's direct disciple and Xiao Xuxing's son-in-law, so they have a close relationship. Xiao Xuxing's waist was injured and it hurts when he catches a cold, so this is very reasonable!
Eight and a half out of ten people who can stand here are human sperm, so you can guess a lot right away.

They didn't suspect that Tuanzi was putting on a show. She had obviously fallen asleep and just woke up. Besides, she didn't know these courtiers, so why was she putting on a show?
So what the emperor said is true! !
Everyone was in awe.

The points in Tuanzi's mind kept changing, 997699...998366...998996...

This is called inserting a willow unintentionally. Emperor Mingxi looked at it almost, and the ministers saw everything they should see, and then he went back with Zhuzhu in his arms and said: "Okay, let's retreat from the court."

Prince Duan followed.

They left the main hall, and the points in Zhuzhu's mind were still changing. In the blink of an eye, they exceeded one million, and they were still slowly jumping up.

Actually, it's not that these officials fell in love with Zhuzhu immediately when they saw her, but they couldn't stand the crowd!And their scores are high!
Therefore, as long as they get to know Zhuzhu and think this little girl is cute, and have an initial favorability level, their points will skyrocket.

Zhuzhu was so excited that she looked around with her big eyes open and wondered: "Dear Mengmeng, why are you still not awake!?"

Prince Duan snatched his daughter back and said with a smile: "Zhuzhu, this is not a dream, dad brought Zhuzhu to the palace to play."

Tuanzi: "Oh!"

Prince Duan smiled and patted his daughter on the back. He originally wanted to tell his brother to take a leave of absence, but when he saw his brother's face, he didn't dare to act coquettishly and said, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Emperor Mingxi sighed: "What can I do if I give birth to a rebellious son?"

After listening to his son's summary report, Prince Duan immediately knew that he was talking about the third prince and was silent for a moment.

He really didn't expect that the third prince looked like a human being, so why didn't he do human affairs?
Emperor Mingxi didn't want to talk about this topic, so he waved his hand and said, "Let's declare the decree first."

Zheng Zhongshun stood up immediately, and Prince Duan knelt down with his daughter in his arms.

There are two decrees, one is to make Zhuzhu the Princess of the Protector, and the other is to give the "system" to the Princess of the Protector to use it to protect Dasheng and so on.

After announcing the decree, Emperor Mingxi said: "Zhuzhu, your fourth brother said that this might be able to complete the system. Take a look..."

Before she finished her sentence, Zhuzhu hugged her little head with both hands and murmured: "Daddy! Daddy!" She took Prince Duan's hand and pointed it directly at her little head: "Hurry, hurry up! "

Prince Duan was a little frightened. Emperor Mingxi and the fourth prince were also frightened. They came over quickly and the three of them surrounded her: "Zhuzhu?"

(End of this chapter)

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