After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 205: The group dotes on the cute minister of the elementary school

Chapter 205: The group dotes on the cute minister of the elementary school

In Zhuzhu's mind, first the familiar yet unfamiliar voice of the crybaby boy she had heard in her dream sounded: "Host! Host! Woohoo, I'm finally back! I..."

Then the buzzing sound turned into a cold mechanical sound:
"A program error has been detected, the cause is unknown..."

There was a murmur.

"Repair in progress...Repair failed...Program error detected, unknown reason..."

Another piercing noise.

The sound was like a spoon scraping an iron pot. It was extremely harsh. Tuanzi hugged his little head with both hands and murmured: "Stop making noise, stop making noise..."

Prince Duan and the three of them were so anxious that they were sweating. They kept calling Zhuzhu's name, but Zhuzhu couldn't hear anything clearly under the chaotic noise.


The medicine cabinet and the whole room were slowly disappearing... In the flash of lightning, Zhu Zhuer was so happy that she remembered the book that Beautiful Guo Guo wanted, so she shouted: "Don't elbow me! Beautiful Guo Guo's book!"

In her mind, she suddenly grabbed the bookcase and tried with all her strength to pull the cabinet.

The next moment, I didn't know what I touched, and there was a clanking sound. More than a dozen thick books fell out, hitting Tuanzi's little feet, and Tuanzi let out a cry of pain.

The countdown has also come to an end, "1, 0."

There was another buzz, and all the things and sounds suddenly disappeared. For a moment, my mind went blank and it was extremely quiet.

Tuanzi hugged his little head and murmured: "Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu is so bright, it seems like someone stole his elbow... What should I do if Zhuzhu is swollen?"

The fourth prince was the first to come to his senses: "Zhuzhu? Is there something wrong with the system?"

Prince Duan also asked, "Zhuzhu, do you have a headache?"

Tuanzi slowly came back to his senses, put down his little hands, and shook his head: "Zhuzhu doesn't hurt, but it can be tied. The house is gone! Zhuzhu, the cabinets, none of them were messed with!"

Emperor Mingxi said: "The system is gone? Disappeared?"

He was anxious, stood up and kicked the fourth prince: "Your elder brother's medicine! Your elder brother's medicine has not been solved yet!"

The fourth prince was so anxious that sweat appeared on his forehead: "Father, please don't worry, the system at this time should still be in a state of 'as soon as the medicine cabinet disappears, all medicines will lose their effectiveness'."

Emperor Mingxi paused, then turned around and asked Zheng Zhongshun: "Where were those people yesterday? Were they all killed?"

Zheng Zhongshun knelt down quickly: "It's been dealt with."

Emperor Mingxi kicked him again: "You are the only one who is so nimble! Damn it, why don't I usually see you doing things so nimblely?"

Zheng Zhongshun couldn't help but kowtow to plead guilty.

Tuanzi was a little frightened and leaned into Prince Duan's arms.

Prince Duan patted his daughter's back gently, opened a book nearby and read: "Brother, don't worry, at least the medical book has been published."

Emperor Mingxi took a breath and came over to read the medical book. Seeing Tuanzi looking at him timidly, he quickly turned around with a smile and said, "Zhuzhu'er is great! He remembered to buy the book in the end, so smart! We didn't waste our time. Great points!"

Tuanzi nodded secretly.

Yes, Zhuzhu is very smart, but if Zhuzhu is not nice to you, you can’t laugh either.

Tuanzi turned around and hid his little face in his father's arms, not looking at Uncle Huang.

The three of them didn't stand up for a moment, just looking at the books on the ground.

Each of these books is four fingers thick. Among them, there are two books on Dafang Pulse, one each on Xiaofang Pulse, Women's Pulse, Typhoid, Acupuncture, Five Senses, and Orthopedics. There is also one book dedicated to introducing medicine, and another book. This book is dedicated to refining medicinal materials, and there are ten books in total.

However, the text was not their own, and it was written horizontally, from left to right, which made the three of them extremely awkward.

Moreover, many places are illustrated with pictures and texts, and the herbs look like they are alive.Emperor Mingxi said: "Yes, it's good to have these books. I'll ask someone to copy them later, and then keep these."

The fourth prince silently picked up several books one by one. Prince Duan also stood up with a book and said, "Is this what the books of later generations are like? Are they arranged horizontally? Isn't it disrespectful to the sages if you keep shaking your head while reading?"

Emperor Mingxi was convinced: "Indeed, this painting is excellent."

The three of them said a few words, and Emperor Mingxi asked again: "Well, Chen Shan, have you finished writing the Three Character Classic?"

The fourth prince said: "Three hundred thousand have been written. When the time comes, let someone copy the medicine book slowly according to their words."

Although Emperor Mingxi knew it was not his fault and everyone was trying, he was still angry and looked at him and snorted.

The fourth prince lowered his eyes.

Prince Duan held his daughter in his arms and helped him out: "Brother, let's eat. Let Zhuzhu eat a little while she is not sleepy, and then sleep for a while."

Emperor Mingxi agreed and asked people to pass the meal around. A few people ate the meal hastily, and they didn't need to take care of the prince to act coquettishly. Emperor Mingxi said: "You should go back first with Zhuzhu. We know you have worked hard these days and can't eat or sleep well." It’s not good, you’ve lost weight, and we feel sorry for you, so I’ll give you ten days’ leave to have a good rest.”

After Prince Duan went down, he immediately became a good and obedient younger brother. He said touchedly: "Thank you, Brother Emperor. Brother Emperor still loves me! My brother is really sleep-deprived. Once he calms down, he will come to see Brother Emperor right away. .”

"If we don't love you, who do you love? You are our true love," Emperor Mingxi waved his hand: "Okay, let's go."

Prince Duan, who had not yet learned the lesson of Bagua, was stunned for a moment: "True love?"

When Emperor Mingxi heard that he didn't know, he said two more words on the spot: "Yes, later generations will say that we brothers live and die in the same place. They say that our true love is you, and your true love is also us. We go in both directions, but we can't say The love that came out of it, in later generations, we brothers had a lot of words, and a school was born, which is called the Ditang School."

Prince Duan was in a trance and said, "We live with the same heart and die with the same acupuncture point? What about my wife?"

"We don't know, maybe you have changed your mind," Emperor Mingxi said irresponsibly, "Okay, go back, we are busy here!"

Prince Duan was holding a stuffy gourd and couldn't ask, so he had to leave.

When Sheng Minglin went home and told his son, he was shocked.

This one came down early, the system was completed, and the system disappeared again...

But what the Fourth Prince said is correct. Since Zhuzhu has not re-mixed the medicine, it is probably because the medicine cabinet is gone and the medicine has lost its effectiveness...

In addition to this doubtful point, it is also a good thing that uncontrollable things like the system disappear, and there is no need to worry about it every day.

And being able to redeem the book is really an unexpected surprise.

Sheng Minglin hugged his sister and kissed her twice: "Zhu Zhu'er is so great! She's so amazing!"

Prince Duan asked a hasty question about true love. Knowing that it was a mistake, he nodded and yawned from sleepiness: "I can't do it anymore. I'm really tired. You look at Zhuzhu, and I'll go take a nap."

Tuanzi was infected and started to yawn: "Zhuzhu should go to bed too." She lay down on her brother's shoulder and fell asleep.

Sheng Minglin waited for her to fall asleep, then put her on the couch and got up to tell Huo Chenzhao the good news.

Zhuzhu slept soundly.

I don’t know how long it took, but the warm white light slowly spread in my mind, and a bright and crystal-clear room gradually became clear. A row of writing jumped around, sometimes it was to protect the country, sometimes it was to save the world, and sometimes it was to govern the world... Sometimes he is a minister, sometimes he is a doctor, sometimes he is a treasure.

In the end, it was fixed in a few big characters: "The group loves and protects the cute ministers of the country."


Additional update with 1800 five-star reviews.

By the way, are there any little fairies in Shandong? There was an earthquake at around [-] o'clock last night. It shook so hard that it forced me to wake up. Did you feel it?

(End of this chapter)

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