Chapter 206 Paste Pot Pot
Then, the flat-panel mechanical sound sounded, "The system name has been determined to be, 'Tuan Chong Guo Xiao Mengchen'. Does the host agree to bind the system?"

After a while, he repeated it again, "Does the host agree to bind the system?"

Tuanzi was sleeping soundly when he was woken up by the sound. He smacked his lips and said drowsily: "Yeah."

The voice confirmed again: "Can the host confirm the binding?"

Tuanzi rubbed his eyes so sleepily, turned over, and responded softly: "Okay." So don't make any noise!
The next moment, the mechanical sound turned into a clear and sweet teenage voice:
"Confirmed! Successfully bound!

The group pet line and the national protection line have been opened;

It is detected that the host has medical talent (excellent), and it is detected that the host has the ability to predict disasters (first awakening). Because the overall quality of the host is too high, the system has been upgraded to an advanced system;
It has been detected that the current plane is the eighth year of Dasheng Mingxi, and the system text has been switched to the text of the current plane.

It is detected that the host is too young, please appoint a guardian. "

A Q version of a beautiful young man in ancient costume appeared in the beautiful system room, and said in a gentle voice: "Host, I am your system, number 023. You can call me system, or you can call me 023."

Tuanzi felt that he looked a little bit like his brother, and his eyes were big, a little strange and a little good-looking, so he got a little more energetic and yelled: "Everyone Guo Guo."

Zhuzhu actually didn't know how to talk to the system, she could just say it directly in her head, but now she was half asleep and half-awake, so she subconsciously said it in her head, so in the eyes of the servants, Xiaotuanzi was still sleeping soundly.

The young system boy nodded with a smile and explained: "Because the host is too young and may not understand some things, so before reaching adulthood, the host can designate a guardian to share the system screen with the host, observe the system communicating with the host and make suggestions. …”

Tuanzi seemed to understand: "A fool? Are you thinking of a bottle?"

"Yes," the system boy said, "It is someone who can play with the host and talk to the system together. It must be someone that the host absolutely trusts. According to the habits of the host's plane, it is recommended to choose your own father, that is, daddy. .”

Tuanzi groaned: "No, daddy went to a place far, far away..."

The system boy's light flashed.

Trigger keywords... Usually humans use such words to refer to death.

So the young man in the system immediately said gently: "It can also be your mother, or your brother or sister, as long as it is someone the host trusts, everything is fine."

Tuanzi was about to say that her father was very tired so she was sleeping when she was interrupted by the system. She was stunned for a moment. Then she thought about it and decisively chose the smart brother: "Then Zhuzhu wants Guo Guo! Guo Guo is great! Super bright! Zhuzhu will take you to see Guo Guo."

She sat up suddenly.

This time he really sat up and even startled Lychee who was fanning himself in front of the bed: "Master?"

She was afraid that she was having a nightmare, so she quickly put down her fan and hugged her with both hands: "Master, are you dreaming?"

"No! It's not Mengmeng!" Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu is going to find Guoguo!"

Lychee felt relieved when she saw that her eyes were clear and she was obviously not sleepy. He quickly changed her clothes and put on her shoes. She didn't even have time to comb her hair, so she carried Zhuzhu over.

Sheng Minglin didn't expect that she would wake up so early, so he rushed out to greet her. Before he could say anything, Tuanzi pointed at him: "Look, this is Guo Guo with beads on it! Dachong Ming Guo Guo!"

Sheng Minglin was stunned for a moment and looked at the courtyard: "Zhuzhu, who are you talking to?"

"Follow Tongtong Guo Guo," Tuan Zi ran up two steps, held his hand with both hands, raised his little face and said, "Guo Guo, are you worthy enough to be Zhu Zhu's paste man?"

Sheng Minglin frowned: "What is it? What are you talking about?"

Tuanzi said: "Just the people who play with Zhuzhu! Tongtong Guoguo said that Zhuzhu is too young and many people don't understand her feelings, so I want a silly person to play with Zhuzhu and Tongtong."

"Everything? It can't be the system, right?" Sheng Minglin was surprised: "Didn't the system leave? Is it back?"

The young man in the system immediately said: "I'm not back! This system is not a defective system, this system is the highest level auxiliary system."

Tuanzi looked at his brother.

Sheng Minglin was stunned: "The system spoke? What did it say?" Tuanzi was surprised: "Can't Guo Guo hear it? Guo Guo said..." She paused.

The system immediately repeated it again, and Tuanzi parroted the words. Sheng Minglin frowned and touched his sister's furry little head. He always felt uneasy. In this moment, the tenants changed twice.

He said: "System, can you hear me? Why don't you come out and let's have a chat?"

The system suddenly felt something was wrong: "Wait a minute, host, your brother is not an adult either, he can't be your guardian!"

Tuanzi was anxious and said quickly: "Guo Guo is a success! Guo Guo is definitely a success! Guo Guo is okay! Zhuzhu wants Guo Guo!"

The system wonders: "What is the adult standard recognized by the system!"

Tuanzi immediately said: "Guoguo Shiba is asleep! Really, look at Zhuzhu's big sincere eyes! Zhuzhu won't lie to you!"


Sheng Minglin listened to Zhuzhu talking and could guess what they were talking about, and said: "Brother System? Do you know the previous system? If you do, you should know that we are in a special situation. I am already 20 years old this year, but My body is smaller, so that won’t hinder me!”

Tuanzi helped to plead for mercy, clasped his little hands, and said in a small voice: "Everyone Guo Guo, please, Zhu Zhu's Guo Guo is so bright, so awesome, so awesome, Zhu Zhu wants Guo Guo to be the leader. You idiot, Guo Guo Guo, please help Zhuzhu, you are a very good and kind person..."

The system was defeated by the sweet words of the human cub: "Well, then, just treat it as a bonus for newbies."

So, the next moment,
An arc-shaped light curtain suddenly unfolded in front of Sheng Minglin. Sheng Minglin was startled and instinctively grabbed his sister and took two steps back.

Then he stopped, looked at the scene twice, picked up Zhuzhu, and looked back.

Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue noticed his vigilant movements and quickly came over, standing one on each side.

Sheng Minglin said: "Can you see it?"

They both shook their heads, and Shen Lingjue said: "I didn't see anything."

Sheng Minglin handed his sister to Huo Chenzhao, then took a step forward and measured it with his hands: "It's right here, can you feel it?"

The two shook their heads again, and only Tuanzi said, "Zhuzhu can see it."

Sheng Minglin smiled reassuringly at his sister and then stepped forward to study it carefully.

This light curtain is as tall as half a person, and is as dark blue as the night sky. In the upper right corner is a small boy in ancient costume, as tall as an adult's hand. He looks [-]% to [-]% like Sheng Minlin, and it feels like he is floating there. Same, smiled at him: "Hello."

Even his voice sounds like Sheng Minglin.

Sheng Minglin said politely, "Hello."

Facing the system for the first time, he looked at it very carefully: "Brother System, can you explain it to me?"

"Of course," the system villain turned around, gestured to the screen with his little hand, and said, "Based on the actual situation, the name of this system has been determined to be the 'Tuan Pet Protector of Elementary School Cute Minister' system,"

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows, thinking that this was more serious and more grand than Chen Shan's "Mary Su Ten Thousand People Obsessed with Love System".

The system continued to introduce, "Because the overall quality of the host is too high... the system has been upgraded to an advanced system. Currently, the group pet line and the national protection line have been opened. The two lines are parallel, and each line will have daily tasks and stage rewards..."

With the introduction of the system villain, the light curtain in front of me kept changing, looking extremely magical and mysterious.

The system also prompted him: "You can click to view the details, but the guardian can only view it and does not have any operation permission."

The native Sheng Minglin suppressed his nervousness, stretched out his finger, and opened it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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