Chapter 207 Everything is very serious
These two lines, the group favorite line is very simple, divided into relatives, family, friends, and future colleagues. Because Xiaomeng is a "minister", the courtiers are classified as future colleagues.

After clicking on it, those who are related by blood are relatives, but it is worth mentioning that regardless of status, if they are arranged only by blood, for example, the emperor and empress are just uncles and aunts here, there is nothing special.

Among the family members, there are currently two people, Huo Chenzhao and Li Zhi.

Shen Lingjue, Qin Jiangbai, and Xu Heshu are also in the friend list, and the list of friends is getting more and more, including Cui Yun, Zheng Zhongshun and He Bao, and several other names that look like palace maids or The eunuch was a person whom Sheng Minglin didn’t recognize, and when he turned to the back of the page, there were actually: Peach Tree and Xiao Zhuzhu.

Sheng Minglin was surprised: "Zhuzhu, who is Peach Tree? Is it a person's name or a tree?"

"Oh!" Tuanzi said, "It's the tree in my mother's courtyard. Mother said that tree is as big as Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu's good friend!"

Sheng Minglin asked: "Who is Xiao Zhuzhu?"

"Just tie beads to give to Piggy, the beautiful Guoguo. The beads are big beads, and they are small beads. They are also Zhuzhu's good friends."

Huo Chenzhao said quickly: "Zhuzhu doesn't need to give his good friend to me."

Tuanzi said: "Yes, as a gift, you should send a few pendants that you like! When Zhuzhu is sleeping, little Zhuzhu can play with the beautiful Guoguo."

Huo Chenzhao, who was immediately attracted by the cuteness: "..."

Although Tuanzi also had this light screen in her mind, she still wanted to watch it with her brother, so she climbed on his back, hung her hands on his neck, and tilted her little head on his shoulder.

Sheng Minglin turned back to support her. Because he still needed one hand to light up the light screen, he couldn't support it with one hand, so he said, "Brother System, can I sit down?"

"Of course," the system said, "the system will follow you."

So Sheng Minglin carried his sister on his back and went to sit down at the table. He put the beads on the table at the back and asked Huo Chenzhao to take care of them. He then turned his back and pointed around with his fingers.

The group favor line is relatively simple, while the national protection line is more complex.

It is divided into two identities: a wise king and a good minister. One is the value of love, and the other is the value of trust and love. Each stage is different.
From 60 to 70, the points are rewarded ten times, but from 70 upwards, the scoring mechanism suddenly becomes extremely complicated. There will be the Mingjun Index and the National Index, and various conversions, including bonus points and subtracted points.

In other words, if an emperor loves a minister more than 70 points, it may not be a good thing, and he may be a coward.

There is also the value of trust and love of good ministers:

Similarly, above 80, the scoring mechanism becomes complicated.

It can be seen that the system believes that it is not necessarily a good thing for civil and military officials to have too much trust in Shangguan. The system does not want you to follow a person irrationally. After all, there is a difference between personality charm and brainwashing ability. A truly good team is Everyone can give full play to their own strengths, rather than worshiping the leader crazily.

What can I say, it feels like the system is still very serious and pertinent, rather than like the previous one, which was full of tricks, all just to satisfy the host's selfish desires.

You have to take a look at it. Although Sheng Minglin feels that these words describing the stage are a bit straightforward, he doesn't care too much.

He suddenly discovered something: "Huh? It seems that Zhuzhu doesn't have anything to do?"

"Yes, not yet," the system replied: "We do not exploit child labor. Now we will only occasionally give out optional tasks. There is no penalty for not doing it. The system will start simple tasks after the host turns ten years old, and then start complex tasks. And at the same time, the national transportation line will be opened.”

Sheng Minglin said: "So, in your eyes, Zhuzhu's current stage is a preparatory stage? It has not been officially started yet?"

System: "Yes."

Sheng Minglin let out a sigh of relief.

If you look at it this way, it's good. At least before, there were only advantages and no disadvantages!
But it's too good, it's like pie in the sky, which makes people a bit unbelievable.

Sheng Minglin suddenly thought of something: "I need a system convention."

System: "Okay, I'll give it to you right away. The guardianship agreement will also be provided."

Then, in the system space, a printer icon appeared on the wall, and then spit out paper.

It's really there, and it's really given, and this open attitude is reassuring.

Sheng Minglin secretly breathed a sigh of relief and added: "What if Zhuzhu did something unintentionally at this stage and improved the country's destiny? You know, Zhuzhu has her own abilities."

The system said: "Then, the rewards will be extremely generous." Sheng Minglin pondered for a moment and asked: "Where did the previous system go?"

The system said: "That system has been contaminated by the behavior of the host. It is often unable to make correct judgments and cannot officially perform tasks. It has been recycled and destroyed."

Sheng Minglin asked again: "Zhuzhu is not a time traveler, why did you find her?"

The system said: "This is compensation for this plane. You can check it in the system convention-supplementary terms."

He paused for a moment: "The printing has been completed. Please choose a suitable location to receive it. No outsiders are allowed around you when receiving it."

Sheng Minglin motioned to Huo Chenzhao to hold Zhuzhu, then stood up, turned around, and went behind the screen: "Put it in my hand."


The system still put a stack of paper in his hand.

Sheng Minglin was very sensitive to the system's speechless emotions. While holding the paper out, he said: "Didn't you say that your system has no human emotions?"

"I am an advanced system," the system said proudly: "In order to take care of the young host, I will load a module that simulates human emotions."

Sheng Minglin nodded, temporarily put the paper on the table, and continued to look at the light curtain.

The little sticky cake dumpling lay back on his brother's back.

She was not interested in so many words, but she saw a small package flashing in the lower right corner, so she pointed at it carefully: "Guo Guo Guo Guo, what's the name?"

The system immediately became a little gentle towards Zhuzhu: "Host, this is a reward that the host has not received yet! It includes the novice gift pack and the two stage rewards for completing the group pet line~~"

Sheng Minglin rubbed his ears silently.

The voice used by the system was too much like his, as if he was holding his throat to speak softly, with modal particles and a long drawl, which sounded awkward.

He clicked on it and looked at it.

The first one is a gift package for newbies, which is in the style of a big carousel, but the items in each grid only have one icon, and I don’t know what it is.

Sheng Minglin reached out and plucked the numbers without any knowledge, and the light curtain opened, revealing the reward below.

The first stage of group favor, "The Jewel in the Palm", has been achieved.

The second stage of group favoring "Everyone loves you" has been achieved.

Every reward, without exception, is a big wheel.

Sheng Minglin said: "Why are they all like this? Can't they be rewarded directly?"

The system said: "Because the host is young, such rewards will be more interesting. You don't have to worry, our rewards are not empty."

Sheng Minglin dialed back the first one: "Then tell me, what are these?"

The system was not impatient at all and answered all questions: "The system doesn't know either, because although you can see the prize pool each time, there are only twelve or ten boxes, but in fact, there are at least several reward items in the prize pool. Hundreds of them, the system doesn’t know which one will be randomly selected.”

Sheng Minglin said: "What's an example?"

The system said: "You can draw three items from the novice gift pack. Generally speaking, the rewards drawn will be better and larger. For example, if the host is a group pet and protects the country, the rewards usually drawn are in the area of ​​protecting the country... Special prescriptions for plague, good strategies for river management, etc.”

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

If you put it that way, then this reward is really pretty good.

Sheng Minglin asked again: "Can this kind of binding be lifted?"

(End of this chapter)

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