Chapter 208 The book written on the night sky

The system said: "This system binds the host and has been confirmed by the host twice. Guardians cannot unbind on their behalf, but after waiting for the host, if necessary, they can apply for unbinding."

Sheng Minglin nodded, feeling more at ease with this kind of step-by-step answer instead of inducement and persuasion, and said: "If I want to find you again, how can I find you?"

The system said: "With the consent of the host, it can be done at any time, but due to the need to protect the host, it is not recommended for guardians to summon this system in public, because humans have a saying that it is a crime to be guilty, and the system is the jade. I hope you can understand. "

The wise Sheng Minglin was caught off guard and educated: "...??"

He couldn't help but laugh: "Okay, I understand. The two of you here today are my life and death friends. I will not call you in an unsafe place. Don't worry. See you next time, system."

System: "Goodbye, guardian."

With a swish, the light curtain disappeared. Sheng Minglin went out and asked the servant to see if Prince Duan was awake. He turned back and started to read the system contract.

Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue both sat silently next to him, looking at him without blinking.

In their opinion, Sheng Minglin just kept clicking around in the void and talking to himself... It looked very abnormal, until he went behind the screen and came out holding paper. This kind of absurdity Feeling at its peak.

But both of them are still considered to be people from the city. Even if they are frightened in their hearts, they still remain calm on the surface.

Huo Chenzhao was okay, mainly because he was taking care of Zhuzhu. Shen Lingjue's attitude of being an immovable and indifferent little prince was really bluffing.

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but laugh when he saw it. He deliberately looked back at the convention while looking back from time to time, as if the light curtain was still there.

As expected, Shen Lingjue kept maintaining that posture until he saw the smile at the corner of Sheng Minglin's mouth, and he became a little confused. He said calmly: "Minglin, is he gone?"

Sheng Minglin said: "What?"

Shen Lingjue was dubious and asked Tuanzi again: "Zhuzhu, is that thing... still there?"

He pointed to that side with his eyes.

Tuanzi immediately understood: "I have been debt-free for a long time!"

Shen Lingjue stood up and kicked Sheng Minglin's stool away. Sheng Minglin laughed so hard that he quickly stood up to avoid it.

Shen Lingjue caught him back again, pressed him down on the table, and said: "You left without saying a word! Still pretending! Still pretending! Tell me quickly! What did the system look like just now? You click here and there. , what exactly did you order! Shen Zhao and I are here to support you, and you still pretend to be calm with me after reading it! Believe it or not, I will beat you to death!!"

Tuanzi, who was grabbing his brother's clothes and wanting to speak, was stunned by him.

Sheng Minglin stood up and compared it, and said: "I will draw it for you in a moment. It is so big and wide. It is dark blue, like a... book written on the night sky. There are many lights flashing and the handwriting is also bright. It’s like it’s made of light, very beautiful and mysterious.”

"The book written on the night sky..." Shen Ling Jueyao thought for a moment and was very envious: "It must be very interesting! I want to read it too! Why can't I be Zhuzhu's paste person! I can even be a mud person. ah!"

"Guardian!" Sheng Minglin pointed to the guardian agreement on the table: "These are the two words."

Shen Lingjue said, "Is this important? No matter who it is, I can do it!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "No, you can't." He turned around and said, "Shen Zhao, do you know that when you are at Zhuzhu's place, you belong to the family group."

Huo Chenzhao was really surprised and glanced at Zhuzhu.

Shen Lingjue said: "What about me?"

"You are a friend," Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "You and Jiang Bai are both Zhuzhu's friends, the same 'friends' as Peach Tree and Piggy Pacman."

Shen Lingjue: "..."

After Sheng Minglin finished teasing him, he turned around and pulled Zhuzhu's hand, saying gently: "What did Zhuzhu just say?"

Zhuzhu held his ears with her little hands and whispered: "Are you a good person, Guo Guo?"

System that can be heard: "..."

Sheng Minglin laughed out loud: "I don't know if Zhuzhu is a good person, but he still calls Tongtong Guoguo?" "Alas!" Tuanzi sighed like an adult, and said in a very low voice: "He lives in Zhuzhu's head. Zhuzhu was afraid that he would lose all of Zhuzhu’s power at once, so she had no choice but to become good friends with him!”

It’s also very sincere.

Sheng Minglin laughed.

The young man in the system said dullly: "Host, the system is a good system and serves the host."

Group: "..."

Tuanzi covered his mouth, his big eyes filled with "Zhuzhujie, can you hear me even if I whisper?"

Shen Lingjue was stunned when he saw this scene, and realized that the system could still see this side until now... So he quickly sat back, straightened his clothes, and looked like the noble young prince again.

Xiaotuanzi smiled coquettishly and stopped talking. He only looked at his brother with big eyes and a thousand words.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Don't worry, Zhuzhu. Let my brother take a closer look at this before telling Zhuzhu."

Tuanzi nodded sharply.

Sheng Minglin said, "How about Zhuzhu and Xingxing Guoguo go outside to play for a while?"

Tuanzi nodded again.

Shen Ling was by no means good at doing such detailed things, so he agreed and went out with Zhuzhu in his arms.

Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao read the system convention word by word, and after only reading a few articles, they heard a beady voice from outside: "Four pots!!"

The fourth prince responded, bent down and picked up Zhuzhu, while striding in, Shen Lingjue just called out: "Fourth brother."

Sheng Minglin immediately answered: "Fourth Dad!!"

Shen Lingjue answered more quickly: "Fourth Ancestor!!"

Tuanzi followed Picker: "Ancestor!"

The cold-faced fourth prince was amused by them, and laughed and scolded: "It's okay if you don't learn this! You've ruined Zhuzhu's life."

Several people couldn't help but rejoice, mainly because it was such a coincidence that they all did it.

Sheng Minglin laughed twice, then looked at the fourth prince's face and was slightly startled: "Fourth brother, what's wrong? What happened?"

The fourth prince sat down and sighed: "I am checking the medicine for my eldest brother. The eunuchs and maids who took Zhongxin Pills have all been dealt with and cannot be examined. I remembered that I had fed a cow with Duaziwan before, and I went to see it. At that time, the cow's belly was so big that it seemed that there were really twelve cows..."

Sheng Minglin stopped smiling: "The medicine hasn't failed?"

The fourth prince waved his hand and continued: "Because I asked someone to take good care of her before. The person said that although the cow was pregnant a lot before, it looked very healthy and could eat and move. It didn't seem like there was anything wrong with it at all." He He held his forehead and said, "It's also a bit of a pretty face."

Several people: "Pfft!"

Although it is embarrassing, it is in line with the nature of Chen Shan's previous system, that is, even if she is pregnant, she will still look good.

The fourth prince paused for a moment and then said: "But after morning, the cow's spirit suddenly became worse, as if it couldn't move its belly. I went to Cui Yun to ask, and I was thinking that it might have grown out. It won't disappear out of thin air, but the effect of the medicine should be gone. I'll ask someone to look for it in those medical books. Brother is still grounded at the moment, Shen Zhao, I will take you over tomorrow to check your pulse. "

Huo Chenzhao agreed.

Sheng Minglin gestured to the table: "Fourth brother, look at this."

The fourth prince glanced at it and was stunned: "What is this??"

(End of this chapter)

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