Chapter 209 The extremely clever Prince Duan

Sheng Minglin explained a few words, and the fourth prince said: "Why don't you go to the palace to report such a big event?"

Sheng Minglin sighed: "My father hasn't gotten up yet, and I haven't told my father yet. If I enter the palace without telling my father first, my father will make trouble. How about you order me to go?"

Fourth Prince: "..."

He didn't say anything, just picked it up and started reading.

Literati like them are quick to read such rigorous writing.

The system convention was very detailed, but the more they looked at it, the more surprised they became.

The system said that the place where they were was a ball called Blue Star.The sun is a ball, the moon is also a ball, and there are many other balls.

Between them, you are my planet and I am your satellite. You revolve around me and I revolve around you. In short, the laws followed by these balls are the most reasonable and apply to all balls. Benefits.

Therefore, the advanced civilizations living on other planets... are far more powerful beings than them anyway. They want to maintain this pattern and do not want any place, including Blue Star, to be destroyed.

Therefore, whenever they detect space-time turbulence, that is, a traveler, they will automatically pop up a "system" to assist them.

The system exists to protect the host, and even more so to protect Blue Star and this operating pattern.

But because this is just a trivial matter to them, no one will watch it every day. Most systems do not have human intelligence, and there may be some mistakes during execution. For example, when someone like Chen Shan destroys a The dynasty that was supposed to prosper...etc.

This is actually relatively easy to understand for the Fourth Prince and the others.

A higher civilization is equivalent to a ruler, Blue Star is equivalent to a small county or even a small village, and the system is equivalent to an imperial envoy. The imperial envoy may help local officials, or he may be fooled, but for the ruler, in the final analysis It is to make this county/village run smoothly...if all counties/villages run smoothly, the country will naturally develop smoothly.

They understand and recognize this concept.

All in all, no system is good or bad, it all depends on the person using it.

As for why Zhuzhu got the system, the supplementary terms stated that it was because the previous system destroyed the plane and caused many errors, so a new system was sent to compensate or repair the plane.

According to the system, many time travelers will use their modern knowledge to make many inventions and creations in the plane they are in, as well as help wise emperors or historical celebrities avoid some dangerous events, etc., and in the end they can even be crowned princes and prime ministers, and have a great influence on the entire world. The development of the plane has a certain role in promoting it, and weirdos like Chen Shan are very rare.

In terms of reading comprehension, no one can beat the Chinese people.

Overall, I don’t see any text traps, which means that this convention is credible.

Although this kind of advanced civilization sounds very unpleasant, it should not be deliberately destroying them.

Mainly because of the power of the system, there is no need for them to do this.

Looking at it this way, the system is indeed a magical thing that can be fully utilized.

The fourth prince couldn't sit still and called the eunuch who was with him: "Zhiwen, go and wake up Uncle Duan Wang and tell him about the serious matter. If he doesn't come, we will go directly to the palace to report."

Zhou Zhiwen ran away all the way.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Prince Duan was called over.

Tuanzi: "Daddy!!"

Prince Duan: "Hey!!"

Prince Duan must have just washed his face with cold water, and his temples were still wet. While yawning, he casually took his daughter into his arms and kissed her twice.

At the same time, the system in Zhuzhu's head let out a low cry.

Tuanzi was startled: "What's wrong with you?!"

The system's list of relatives was just grabbed from the host's mind without looking at it carefully. As a result, it was suddenly discovered that the host's father was still alive and kicking. ?

What does the system say?
Fortunately, the system is an advanced system and there are many ways to deal with this situation.

So the system immediately announced: "Host, don't worry, this system just thinks the weather is good today."

Tuanzi looked at the gloomy weather in confusion.

Prince Duan thought his daughter was asking him, so he immediately said, "Daddy is fine. He was just sleeping soundly and was woken up. He felt a little unhappy."

He yawned and looked sideways at the fourth prince: "Eldest nephew, you'd better be in trouble, otherwise, I'll tell everyone about your childhood embarrassment..." The fourth prince quickly picked up the system convention and put it in his hand. inside.

Prince Duan had a look on his face, "I want to see how serious it is that dares to disturb my sleep..." Then he frowned, sat up straight and took a closer look, and asked, "Isn't that thing gone already?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Back again."

He paused deliberately:
"The new system is called the tuanzhongguoxiaomeng system."

"Because Zhuzhu is still young, a guardian needs to be appointed."

The filial son smiled lightly: "Then, you appointed me."

Prince Duan: "..."

He pointed at him without saying anything, but he was still angry and pointed again.

Then Prince Duan showed his true skills, quickly flipped through the system conventions at a glance, and threw it on the table: "Hurry up and say it!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "It's nothing. I just saw the system. The system is like a starry sky, very mysterious and beautiful. It really opened my eyes."

Tuanzi said: "Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo.

Sheng Minglin's smile was even more subtle.

He has discovered that although this system is obviously more human-like than the one Cui Yun mentioned, and even has emotions, it still looks very silly and cute when he comes into contact with it... Although it is difficult to explain the various subtleties, It's easy to feel.

He didn't dare to tease his father too harshly, so his speech speed suddenly increased and he quickly told the story from beginning to end.

Prince Duan listened carefully. After listening, he suddenly stood up and grabbed Zhuzhu's hand with both hands.

Zhuzhu, who was sitting on the table and eating snacks, said: "...??"

Prince Duan said emotionally: "Zhuzhu, and that Mr. System, I am Zhuzhu's father, and I should be Zhuzhu's guardian. Zhuzhu's brother is only eight or nine years old. He is a little kid, how can he understand the importance of it?" ?So, a good system should choose a more suitable guardian for its host, so that it can better protect Zhuzhu and complete the task better. Only a father can do this. My relationship with you The hearts are the same!!”

Sheng Minglin: "..."

At this moment, he really admired his father.

Although his father often seems unreliable, from these words, it can be seen that he has understood the needs and weaknesses of the system.

This would not be difficult if he had been involved in the whole process of communication, but he had just come here and he had come to this accurate judgment based on just a few words of information and the "praise" just now. Prince Duan is really a very smart man.

in addition,

Just call him sir. As expected, those who play politics can be very relaxed. He... also needs to study hard.

Without looking, he knew that the system definitely hesitated.

The system did hesitate, and then he said: "Host, what he said makes sense! How about changing the guardian to your father?"

Tuanzi didn't hesitate: "I want daddy and pots too! I want four pots! And beautiful pots! I want them all Zhuzhu!"

Shen Lingjue, who was standing here but was not mentioned: "...??" Isn't he worthy of co-writing?
The system decisively refused: "Host, this is really not possible!"

Tuanzi was stunned: "Can't you? Yes!"

The system said, "This is really impossible!"

Tuanzi was extremely disappointed: "Well, then it's just Daddy and Guoguo! Then, it's Daddy and Guoguo! They belong to the same family!"

The system couldn't bear it anymore: "Okay, this is the only way, and it won't happen next time."

Tuanzi nodded fiercely, his little mouth was very sweet: "Thank you, Tongtong Guoguo! Tongtong Guoguo is ready!"

Prince Duan's lips curved slightly and he glanced at his son.

In this look, there was the pride of "your dad is still your dad".

By the way, as a father-son warrior, I exchanged my thoughts on the system with my son.

Hey, what a lie!
(End of this chapter)

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