Chapter 211 The Son of Heaven's Chosen

At this moment, a storm had just ended in the palace.

Since the third prince was taken into the palace, no one has come to interrogate him, so he has been locked up.

Three meals a day were delivered on time, but the palace people did not dare to talk to him at all. He grabbed the person and wanted to force him to ask a few questions. The imperial guards rushed over immediately. He said he was very polite but was actually very rude. He forced the person to take away.

Later, the palace servants simply stopped coming in to deliver the food and simply placed the trays on the ground at the door.

The third prince and his wife had been pampered since they were young. It was already unbearable to have no one to take care of them for the past three days, and not being able to bathe and change clothes was already unbearable. The attitude of the imperial guards made them even more frightened.

The third prince has never been a good-tempered person. After barely enduring it for a few days, he finally couldn't bear it anymore and gritted his teeth and started a hunger strike.

He had thought about it, and the worst outcome would be that his poisoning of the eldest prince would be exposed.

But even so, his father would not kill him.

Now that he is being imprisoned in such an unclear manner, who knows how long he will be imprisoned, why not give it a try and cry and beg for mercy as long as he can see his father, maybe his father will relent?
The third prince made up his mind and didn't eat two meals in a row, so he could only report the meal tremblingly.

In fact, the third prince really overestimated his importance in his father's heart.

To Emperor Mingxi, the son born to the Empress and the son born to someone else were simply not the same species. Therefore, after Cui Yun recruited the eldest prince, the son of the third prince was already useless in Emperor Mingxi's heart. .

Not to mention the eldest prince who harmed both his direct descendants and his eldest son, even if he faced off against the fourth and sixth princes, Emperor Mingxi would definitely take sides without hesitation.

The reason why he hasn't dealt with it for so long is simply because he was disgusted by what Zhuzhu saw in his past life, and he felt like "Can this guy be my son?" and "I can never give birth to such a disgusting thing." , too lazy to even think about it.

Since the third prince still dared to act like a monster, Emperor Mingxi directly called someone to draft an edict.

The third prince poisoned the eldest prince, tried to poison the fourth prince, and repeatedly used poison to control the eunuchs in front of the imperial court. He had evil intentions and was unfilial and unfilial. He was punished and demoted to a commoner. He was ordered to leave the capital today and be banned from entering the capital forever. His family was dismissed. The heir was taken away by Jin Yiwei.

At the same time in the palace, Yu Shi, who had been demoted to a lady, died.

On the surface, he did not kill his children because he wanted to show his kindness to the emperor and his father, so as to avoid some literati privately complaining about tiger poison and not eating their children. However, Emperor Mingxi directly called Qin Jiangbai over and asked him to announce the decree, and by the way, he sent people to follow the three emperors. The prince waited a little far away from the capital and dealt with him secretly.

So, the third prince, who had been hungry for two meals, successfully waited for the Jin Yiwei.

After hearing Qin Jiangbai's announcement, the third prince immediately went crazy and started shouting when he stood up.

But Qin Jiangbai was on guard, how could he disturb the emperor, so the third prince was pushed to the ground by several royal guards, tied up, gagged, dragged into a car, and pulled out of the palace without being able to yell a single word. , the whole journey took less than a quarter of an hour.

Before being put into the carriage, the third prince looked at the familiar palace wall with blood-red eyes.

He always felt that it shouldn't be like this. He felt that he should be high-spirited and arrogant, trampling all his brothers under his feet... Even if he died, it should be spectacular.

It should never be so embarrassed, and it should never be so unknown.

Someone pushed him from behind, and the third prince fell into the car with his head down in embarrassment.

Qin Jiangbai was in charge of everything about Chen Shan, and he was very aware of many things. Therefore, even though it was obvious that the third prince had fallen, he was still cautious and would never give him a chance to make a comeback.

The Third Prince's Mansion was originally guarded by the Jinyi Guards. Qin Jiangbai told the Jinyi Guards to send away the concubine. He also told several imperial doctors to take turns to check her pulse. They would only let her go if she was sure that she was not pregnant.

Then he personally escorted the third prince out of the capital, planning to leave the capital for hundreds of miles before looking for an opportunity to strike.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the group of people left the capital, palace officials quickly caught up with them and passed on Emperor Mingxi's oral instructions, asking him to wait here with the third prince. The emperor had other arrangements.

Qin Jiangbai: "...??"

He couldn't help but glance at the third prince.

The third prince, who had looked crazy just now, suddenly calmed down, with hope in his eyes.Qin Jiangbai frowned deeply, is it impossible?

It is impossible to reach this stage and be demoted to a commoner. He still has a chance to stand up, right?
Could it be that he is still something...what is that word that Chen Shan said?The Chosen One?
Although Qin Jiangbai muttered in his heart, he still made arrangements in an orderly manner, cleared the inn, and settled in temporarily.

In fact, Emperor Mingxi just almost forgot about Huo Chenzhao.

That's right, Huo Chenzhao's enemy is the third prince.

Huo Chenzhao is talented in both literature and martial arts, has excellent medical skills, and is closely tied to the Zhuzhu family. He will be of great value in the future.

Therefore, when Emperor Mingxi decided to use him, he had already decided to give him a chance to redress his grievances.

Even if the third prince is not abolished, the result will not change. What's more, now, it can only be said that the third prince fell too fast and brought this matter forward.

Therefore, he secretly sent a message to Huo Chenzhao, saying that tomorrow Prince Duan would be rewarded for his merits. The anti-epidemic prescription provided by Huo Chenzhao was effective and solved the problems that previous dynasties had not been able to solve. He carried out the reward, and when the time came, he was asked to submit a petition to the court to request a thorough investigation of his family's case and to sue the common man Sheng Haomin.

Because Prince Duan usually does not bring Huo Chenzhao with him when he enters the palace, but Shen Lingjue is keen on eating melons and shamelessly follows him into the palace, leaving Huo Chenzhao alone in Prince Duan's palace.

On the way to deliver the eunuch's order, the eunuch met the carriage of Prince Duan's Mansion and asked about it. Sheng Minglin was a little strange, so he asked him: "What is the purpose of father-in-law looking for him?"

Of course, the eunuch would not refuse such a favor, so he whispered: "I wonder if the prince has heard that just now, the emperor issued an order to demote His Highness, ahem... Sheng Haomin to a commoner."

This matter was so new that it hadn't spread yet, so Prince Duan really didn't know about it and looked at him in surprise.

Then the eunuch said again: "Tomorrow I will go to court and reward the prince for his merits. If Mr. Huo shows his merits, the prince will call our family to inform us."

Why do you need to send someone specially to inform you about this kind of thing?
Sheng Minglin suddenly thought of something and couldn't help being startled. He smiled urgently and said, "Thank you, father-in-law." He stuffed the silver reward and watched him hand it away.

It turns out that Huo Chenzhao’s enemy is really the third prince!

Shen Zhao, vindicate Huo Shen Zhao. Emperor Mingxi put all the achievements of Huo Shen Zhao in his previous life into this life. It seems that he is really going to vindicate him.

Huo Chenzhao might not be at peace after receiving this letter.

Sheng Minglin was a little worried, but Zhuzhu's side was more important, and he couldn't go back home, so he could only come back and sit down with a frown on his face.

Prince Duan advised him in a fatherly manner: "At this time, he may prefer to be alone."

The fourth prince also said: "I have learned from this painful experience. No matter how painful it is, it is never as painful as when it happened."

Shen Lingjue was surprised and asked: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Sheng Minglin explained in a low voice: "Shen Zhao's enemy may be Sheng Haomin."

Shen Lingjue raised his eyebrows, and after thinking about it for a while, he realized that because the two things were related, the eunuch talked about Sheng Haomin first, and then Huo Chenzhao.

So why do they all think of it when they hear it?
Sure enough, what Zhuzhu said was right. He is not very smart. He has no other advantages except dragging, ugh...

Several people entered the palace and pretended not to know about Sheng Haomin. Prince Duan said directly: "Brother Emperor, there is a Mr. System who is currently with Zhuzhu."

Emperor Mingxi frowned: "What? Didn't you leave?"

Prince Duan said: "The crybaby from before is gone. Now this one is an advanced system, completely different from the previous one."

After saying these words that could win the favor of the system, Prince Duan said: "Minglin, please tell Uncle Huang in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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