Chapter 212 Uncle Huang is unreasonable
Sheng Minglin was not surprised at all and stepped forward to tell the story.

Emperor Mingxi lowered his eyes and listened quietly, saying, "Did you see it? Did you all see it?"

He left the throne and came down: "Why don't you invite it out? I also want to see it."

Prince Duan glanced at his brother and said, "Mr. System, could you please come out for a moment?"

But Tongtong is a very principled person, and he did not come out immediately. He only said in Zhuzhu's mind: "There are two more strangers here! The system is a secret. Everyone knows it, and the host will be very dangerous." !”

Tuanzi got up early in the morning and slept for a short while before being interrupted by the system. Now he was starting to feel sleepy and was leaning on his father's shoulder, yawning one after another while repeating the system's words.

Prince Duan said warmly: "I understand your concerns very well, and your concerns are indeed right. They are for the good of my daughter. I am very grateful to you. However, first of all, Zhuzhu is too young. She is only three years old. She He really can't make the decision. Secondly, Zhuzhu is a royal princess and a member of the royal brother's family. Being able to reach heaven to listen is a kind of preferential treatment and love for Zhuzhu. Not everyone has this honor; "

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but interjected: "I heard that in modern times, many systematic people will choose to 'turn over to the country'. I thought you were used to this method. Aren't you a system to protect the country? Let the emperor know , wouldn’t it be easy to earn points to complete tasks in the future? This should be a way that benefits both parties, right?”


Searching quickly...

Prince Duan continued: "Third, you should know that the previous system did many, many wrong things, and we are really worried about it. Therefore, we will be more cautious about the arrival of the system. Brother Huang loves Zhuzhu no less than I do, no. Seeing it with your own eyes, he is really worried.”

All were somewhat convinced.

The main reason is that I have indeed retrieved a lot of colleagues' systems from the countries that were submitted, and I have earned a lot of points.

Tongtong hesitated and said, "Do you have to see it with your own eyes? Can you tell him no?"

Zhuzhu helplessly repeated.

Prince Duan said: "Mr. System, Zhuzhu is sleepy. Why don't you come out and let us talk among ourselves and let Zhuzhu sleep for a while?"

They all refused: "Unless the host agrees, the system cannot get out."

Prince Duan's eyes flashed slightly.It seems that the host is indeed a dominant presence in the system.

This is a good thing.

After all, they couldn't hear the system talking to Zhuzhu's head, and Zhuzhu was too small. In this way, at least they didn't have to worry about it secretly deceiving Zhuzhu, hurting Zhuzhu, or doing anything behind Zhuzhu's back.

So he said to Zhuzhu: "Zhuzhu'er, please let the system come out for a while. Daddy wants to talk to him for a while, okay?"

Tuanzi nodded in agreement, and the system came out. He said, "Even if I come out, he can't see it! He is not the host's guardian, so he can't see the system."

Prince Duan asked: "Can only guardians see it?"

Everyone: "Yes!"

Prince Duan said sincerely: "Then can he also become the guardian of Zhuzhu? You have to understand that your existence is really something we have never seen or heard of. We cannot imagine it unless we see it with our own eyes. ."

They all shook their heads: "No, the system has checked before, and the maximum number of guardians is two."

Prince Duan continued to plead.

In fact, Prince Duan didn't really want Emperor Mingxi to be the guardian. He just used this to talk things over and wanted to see what the system could do.

The reason why they said it in front of the emperor was to let the emperor personally experience the "temperament" of the system. It was more convenient and safer than saying it directly. Otherwise, what if the system could hear them?

After all, there was the heart-throb system that almost overturned the country, and they were all formidable enemies against systems that came from the same source.

And the new system chose an ignorant little kid like Zhuzhu. How could they feel relieved?They wished they could have looked at every hair of it carefully.

After listening to it for a while, Emperor Mingxi knew what he was doing, so he cooperated with his younger brother and deliberately said loudly: "Since there can only be two guardians, just replace Minglin!"

Tuanzi was about to fall asleep, but was frightened by his loud voice. He suddenly became nervous and his eyes widened.

After realizing what he meant, Tuanzi was furious on the spot: "No way! I won't change Guo Guo! Zhu Zhu wants Guo Guo to be the paste man!"

Emperor Mingxi did not expect to scare the system, but instead frightened her, so he quickly softened his voice and coaxed: "Baby, we know your brother is very smart, but he can't make the decision in many things, so it's best for the emperor to Uncle and your father will be your guardians..."

However, Tuanzi was not unreasonable at all, and his little head shook like a rattle: "No, no, no! Zhuzhu doesn't want it! Zhuzhu wants the pot!"

Emperor Mingxi had no choice but to scare her: "Don't be naughty! I said it must be changed!" Tuanzi was startled and burst into tears.

Then she plucked up the courage, got down from her father's arms, spread her legs and ran out, shouting: "Everyone blames us! We don't want to mess with Uncle Huang!"

The system really caught up quickly. The steps to the royal study were quite high. Tuanzi walked down the steps shaking his calves and said, "Humph! No one can even think of changing the Guoguo of Zhuzhu!"

Sheng Minglin knew that the emperor was deliberately testing him, so he looked anxious and did not dare to pursue him.

Emperor Mingxi said: "Come here, catch Zhuzhu for us!"

Several eunuchs made a gesture to arrest the person. When Tuanzi saw this gesture, he immediately threw himself on the ground, folded his hands, slapped his face, stuck out his butt and started to cry.

As a result, she forgot the lesson she learned last time, and just after crying, her little hands were burned.

Tuanzi hurriedly got up, looked at his red little hands, hesitated for a moment, then ran back, walked up the steps with his short legs, re-entered the imperial study, looked back and forth, and found a place without sunlight. , pushed Uncle Huang away who was standing there, and then he lay down on the ground, folded his little hands and started to cry falsely: "Ugh, Uncle Huang is unreasonable! Zhuzhu doesn't want to exchange elbows for pot! Zhuzhu wants pot!" Want pot pot!”

"It's too much! He's gone too far!" Nothing returned to Zhuzhu's mind. It still turned into a curtain of light, spinning around Zhuzhu: "Don't cry, host. The host disagrees. This system is absolutely useless." The host’s guardian will not be replaced! This system is a principled system! Host, please rest assured!”

very good!

It seems that the system can only talk, and it should not be able to attack others.

Prince Duan looked serious: "But Mr. System, this is not too much. He is our king! He is the most important existence in our world! Do you know what mistakes the previous system made? So for us , is unforgivable!”

He paused for a while to let the system understand his attitude, and then asked him: "Did your previous host never have to do something and obey someone due to identity restrictions?"

The light curtain suddenly stopped.

Prince Duan continued gently: "In this situation, what would you do?"

After a while, the system said: "This is handled by the host itself, our system is only assisting!"

Prince Duan said patiently: "But Zhuzhu is only three years old, she can't handle it on her own!"

After a long time, even Prince Duan did not expect that Tongtong actually started crying: "Uuuuu, the system was created less than ten years ago, and this is the first time the system has taken on a host. I don't know how to deal with it. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu What to do now...

Why?How come you are so fat?

So in your advanced system, where is the advanced level?
More human?

Other systems won’t cry, but will you still cry when you’re anxious?

Even Prince Duan was stunned, surprised and amused. It seemed that this system was really what it appeared to be and actually told the truth.

The dirty-hearted politician secretly breathed a sigh of relief and showed a gentle smile: "It turns out you are just a ten-year-old child! Don't cry, don't worry, didn't you come here to repair it? This is for our plane. Compensation, so if the conditions are relaxed appropriately, it should be okay. Don’t worry, Brother Huang will definitely be the last one, and I promise there won’t be another one.”

They all twitched: "Is this really the last one?"

Prince Duan frowned slightly, but remained gentle on the surface, "Really, I promise, the original existence of the system is that the fewer people know about it, the better."

If this system were given to him, he would only tell the emperor brother at most, and maybe not anyone else, but who told you to pick a three-year-old dumpling?
No matter how big the secret is, it is no longer a secret when it comes to three-year-old Tuanzi. After all, for the little breasted Tuanzi, aren’t your father, mother, and brother the same as you?You said no one is allowed to tell, but she has to listen!
Moreover, Zhuzhu was with them every day, so it was really impossible to keep the secret secret. On the contrary, they knew about it and could help cover it up so that it would not be leaked in front of outsiders.

Fortunately, the fates of Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao are closely connected with Zhuzhu. They are her protectors and leaders. They have participated in Chen Shan's investigation throughout the entire process and have some understanding of the system. It is not a bad thing for them to know. In short, All for Zhuzhu.

Tongtong said: "Okay then."

The next moment: "I can't add more! It seems that I can only add two at most!"

Prince Duan was about to speak when Tong Tong came up with a good idea: "How about this, I'll delete the host brother first and let you two read it. Then after you finish reading, I will delete the emperor and add the host brother back. Anyway, it's just The number of people is limited, but there is no limit on the number of modifications!”

Prince Duan: "..."

The system is truly innocent, not just an act. He is so innocent that he can’t bear to play him.

When it comes to exploiting loopholes, you suddenly become self-taught, and the "mastermind" is as far away as the sky is. If you exploit it once, does it make any difference if you exploit it a few more times?

Prince Duan praised him with a smile: "Mr. System, you are so smart!"

(End of this chapter)

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